Project documentation template
##Project: Title of your awesome project Elevator pitch: In three sentences – what's your idea?
Screenshot: Please make a screenshot of your project and insert it here (use markdown)
Type of the project: wearable app, web app, mobile app, data visualization, your own?
MVP: What's the minimum viable product? Which features does it have?
Target group: Who should use your product?
Use Case: How will users typically use this product?
Challenges & solutions: What was the most difficult part of the project? What problems did you encounter? How did you solve them?
Scalability: How can the project be further developed?
##Code: Technology: Which frameworks and solutions did you use?
Link: Please insert the deployment link. This is crucial. Try not to host things just locally.
Team: Team members, their skills & Twitter handles:
- Deann Black (front-end), @DeannBlack
- Veronica Day (concept, documentation, presentation), @WillieCox
- Willie Cox (back-end), @WillieCox
- Logan Ward (design), @LoganWard
*Names are random from