diff --git a/distribution/src/config/jvm.prod.options b/distribution/src/config/jvm.prod.options new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a9949d48cf3be --- /dev/null +++ b/distribution/src/config/jvm.prod.options @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +## JVM configuration + +################################################################ +## IMPORTANT: JVM heap size +################################################################ +## +## You should always set the min and max JVM heap +## size to the same value. For example, to set +## the heap to 4 GB, set: +## +## -Xms4g +## -Xmx4g +## +## See https://opensearch.org/docs/opensearch/install/important-settings/ +## for more information +## +################################################################ + +# Xms represents the initial size of total heap space +# Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space + +-Xms1g +-Xmx1g + +################################################################ +## Expert settings +################################################################ +## +## All settings below this section are considered +## expert settings. Don't tamper with them unless +## you understand what you are doing +## +################################################################ + +## GC configuration +8-10:-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC +8-10:-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 +8-10:-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly + +## G1GC Configuration +# NOTE: G1 GC is only supported on JDK version 10 or later +# to use G1GC, uncomment the next two lines and update the version on the +# following three lines to your version of the JDK +# 10:-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC +# 10:-XX:-UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly +11-:-XX:+UseG1GC +11-:-XX:G1ReservePercent=25 +11-:-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30 + +## JVM temporary directory +-Djava.io.tmpdir=${OPENSEARCH_TMPDIR} + +## heap dumps + +# generate a heap dump when an allocation from the Java heap fails +# heap dumps are created in the working directory of the JVM +-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError + +# specify an alternative path for heap dumps; ensure the directory exists and +# has sufficient space +-XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/lib/wazuh-indexer + +# specify an alternative path for JVM fatal error logs +-XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/wazuh-indexer/hs_err_pid%p.log + +## JDK 8 GC logging +8:-XX:+PrintGCDetails +8:-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps +8:-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution +8:-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime +8:-Xloggc:/var/log/wazuh-indexer/gc.log +8:-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation +8:-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=32 +8:-XX:GCLogFileSize=64m + +# JDK 9+ GC logging +9-:-Xlog:gc*,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=/var/log/wazuh-indexer/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m + +# Explicitly allow security manager (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8270380) +18-:-Djava.security.manager=allow + +## OpenSearch Performance Analyzer +-Dclk.tck=100 +-Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true +-Djava.security.policy=file:///etc/wazuh-indexer/opensearch-performance-analyzer/opensearch_security.policy +--add-opens=jdk.attach/sun.tools.attach=ALL-UNNAMED \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/distribution/src/config/opensearch.prod.yml b/distribution/src/config/opensearch.prod.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e81528cea5efe --- /dev/null +++ b/distribution/src/config/opensearch.prod.yml @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +network.host: "" +node.name: "node-1" +cluster.initial_master_nodes: +- "node-1" +#- "node-2" +#- "node-3" +cluster.name: "wazuh-cluster" +#discovery.seed_hosts: +# - "node-1-ip" +# - "node-2-ip" +# - "node-3-ip" +node.max_local_storage_nodes: "3" +path.data: /var/lib/wazuh-indexer +path.logs: /var/log/wazuh-indexer + +plugins.security.ssl.http.pemcert_filepath: /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/indexer.pem +plugins.security.ssl.http.pemkey_filepath: /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/indexer-key.pem +plugins.security.ssl.http.pemtrustedcas_filepath: /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/root-ca.pem +plugins.security.ssl.transport.pemcert_filepath: /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/indexer.pem +plugins.security.ssl.transport.pemkey_filepath: /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/indexer-key.pem +plugins.security.ssl.transport.pemtrustedcas_filepath: /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/root-ca.pem +plugins.security.ssl.http.enabled: true +plugins.security.ssl.transport.enforce_hostname_verification: false +plugins.security.ssl.transport.resolve_hostname: false + +plugins.security.authcz.admin_dn: +- "CN=admin,OU=Wazuh,O=Wazuh,L=California,C=US" +plugins.security.check_snapshot_restore_write_privileges: true +plugins.security.enable_snapshot_restore_privilege: true +plugins.security.nodes_dn: +- "CN=node-1,OU=Wazuh,O=Wazuh,L=California,C=US" +#- "CN=node-2,OU=Wazuh,O=Wazuh,L=California,C=US" +#- "CN=node-3,OU=Wazuh,O=Wazuh,L=California,C=US" +plugins.security.restapi.roles_enabled: +- "all_access" +- "security_rest_api_access" + +plugins.security.system_indices.enabled: true +plugins.security.system_indices.indices: [".plugins-ml-model", ".plugins-ml-task", ".opendistro-alerting-config", ".opendistro-alerting-alert*", ".opendistro-anomaly-results*", ".opendistro-anomaly-detector*", ".opendistro-anomaly-checkpoints", ".opendistro-anomaly-detection-state", ".opendistro-reports-*", ".opensearch-notifications-*", ".opensearch-notebooks", ".opensearch-observability", ".opendistro-asynchronous-search-response*", ".replication-metadata-store"] + +### Option to allow Filebeat-oss 7.10.2 to work ### +compatibility.override_main_response_version: true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/distribution/src/config/security/internal_users.yml b/distribution/src/config/security/internal_users.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..52069500a9b5b --- /dev/null +++ b/distribution/src/config/security/internal_users.yml @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +# This is the internal user database +# The hash value is a bcrypt hash and can be generated with plugin/tools/hash.sh + +_meta: + type: "internalusers" + config_version: 2 + +# Define your internal users here + +## Demo users + +admin: + hash: "$2a$12$VcCDgh2NDk07JGN0rjGbM.Ad41qVR/YFJcgHp0UGns5JDymv..TOG" + reserved: true + backend_roles: + - "admin" + description: "Demo admin user" + +kibanaserver: + hash: "$2a$12$4AcgAt3xwOWadA5s5blL6ev39OXDNhmOesEoo33eZtrq2N0YrU3H." + reserved: true + description: "Demo kibanaserver user" + +kibanaro: + hash: "$2a$12$JJSXNfTowz7Uu5ttXfeYpeYE0arACvcwlPBStB1F.MI7f0U9Z4DGC" + reserved: false + backend_roles: + - "kibanauser" + - "readall" + attributes: + attribute1: "value1" + attribute2: "value2" + attribute3: "value3" + description: "Demo kibanaro user" + +logstash: + hash: "$2a$12$u1ShR4l4uBS3Uv59Pa2y5.1uQuZBrZtmNfqB3iM/.jL0XoV9sghS2" + reserved: false + backend_roles: + - "logstash" + description: "Demo logstash user" + +readall: + hash: "$2a$12$ae4ycwzwvLtZxwZ82RmiEunBbIPiAmGZduBAjKN0TXdwQFtCwARz2" + reserved: false + backend_roles: + - "readall" + description: "Demo readall user" + +snapshotrestore: + hash: "$2y$12$DpwmetHKwgYnorbgdvORCenv4NAK8cPUg8AI6pxLCuWf/ALc0.v7W" + reserved: false + backend_roles: + - "snapshotrestore" + description: "Demo snapshotrestore user" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/distribution/src/config/security/roles.yml b/distribution/src/config/security/roles.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ec669b2fe2c97 --- /dev/null +++ b/distribution/src/config/security/roles.yml @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +_meta: + type: "roles" + config_version: 2 + +# Restrict users so they can only view visualization and dashboard on kibana +kibana_read_only: + reserved: true + +# The security REST API access role is used to assign specific users access to change the security settings through the REST API. +security_rest_api_access: + reserved: true + +# Allows users to view monitors, destinations and alerts +alerting_read_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/alerting/alerts/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/alerting/destination/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/alerting/monitor/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/alerting/monitor/search' + +# Allows users to view and acknowledge alerts +alerting_ack_alerts: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/alerting/alerts/*' + +# Allows users to use all alerting functionality +alerting_full_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster_monitor' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/alerting/*' + index_permissions: + - index_patterns: + - '*' + allowed_actions: + - 'indices_monitor' + - 'indices:admin/aliases/get' + - 'indices:admin/mappings/get' + +# Allow users to read Anomaly Detection detectors and results +anomaly_read_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/ad/detector/info' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/ad/detector/search' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/ad/detectors/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/ad/result/search' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/ad/tasks/search' + +# Allows users to use all Anomaly Detection functionality +anomaly_full_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster_monitor' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/ad/*' + index_permissions: + - index_patterns: + - '*' + allowed_actions: + - 'indices_monitor' + - 'indices:admin/aliases/get' + - 'indices:admin/mappings/get' + +# Allows users to read Notebooks +notebooks_read_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/notebooks/list' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/notebooks/get' + +# Allows users to all Notebooks functionality +notebooks_full_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/notebooks/create' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/notebooks/update' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/notebooks/delete' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/notebooks/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/notebooks/list' + +# Allows users to read and download Reports +reports_instances_read_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/instance/list' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/instance/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/menu/download' + +# Allows users to read and download Reports and Report-definitions +reports_read_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/list' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/instance/list' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/instance/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/menu/download' + +# Allows users to all Reports functionality +reports_full_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/create' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/update' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/on_demand' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/delete' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/list' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/instance/list' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/instance/get' + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/menu/download' + +# Allows users to use all asynchronous-search functionality +asynchronous_search_full_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/asynchronous_search/*' + index_permissions: + - index_patterns: + - '*' + allowed_actions: + - 'indices:data/read/search*' + +# Allows users to read stored asynchronous-search results +asynchronous_search_read_access: + reserved: true + cluster_permissions: + - 'cluster:admin/opendistro/asynchronous_search/get' + +# Wazuh monitoring and statistics index permissions +manage_wazuh_index: + reserved: true + hidden: false + cluster_permissions: [] + index_permissions: + - index_patterns: + - "wazuh-*" + dls: "" + fls: [] + masked_fields: [] + allowed_actions: + - "read" + - "delete" + - "manage" + - "index" + tenant_permissions: [] + static: false \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/distribution/src/config/security/roles_mapping.yml b/distribution/src/config/security/roles_mapping.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..66d530d8e0dbb --- /dev/null +++ b/distribution/src/config/security/roles_mapping.yml @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +--- +# In this file users, backendroles and hosts can be mapped to Open Distro Security roles. +# Permissions for Opendistro roles are configured in roles.yml + +_meta: + type: "rolesmapping" + config_version: 2 + +# Define your roles mapping here + +## Default roles mapping + +all_access: + reserved: true + hidden: false + backend_roles: + - "admin" + hosts: [] + users: [] + and_backend_roles: [] + description: "Maps admin to all_access" + +own_index: + reserved: false + hidden: false + backend_roles: [] + hosts: [] + users: + - "*" + and_backend_roles: [] + description: "Allow full access to an index named like the username" + +logstash: + reserved: false + hidden: false + backend_roles: + - "logstash" + hosts: [] + users: [] + and_backend_roles: [] + +readall: + reserved: true + hidden: false + backend_roles: + - "readall" + hosts: [] + users: [] + and_backend_roles: [] + +manage_snapshots: + reserved: true + hidden: false + backend_roles: + - "snapshotrestore" + hosts: [] + users: [] + and_backend_roles: [] + +kibana_server: + reserved: true + hidden: false + backend_roles: [] + hosts: [] + users: + - "kibanaserver" + and_backend_roles: [] + +kibana_user: + reserved: false + hidden: false + backend_roles: + - "kibanauser" + hosts: [] + users: [] + and_backend_roles: [] + description: "Maps kibanauser to kibana_user" + + # Wazuh monitoring and statistics index permissions +manage_wazuh_index: + reserved: true + hidden: false + backend_roles: [] + hosts: [] + users: + - "kibanaserver" + and_backend_roles: [] \ No newline at end of file