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API & Developer Manual

Henri edited this page Mar 6, 2015 · 3 revisions

WIP, this section will be improved soon

A sample python script demonstrates the use of the PEPS API which will be fully documented here.


OAuth connection

To start an OAuth connection with a pair of consumer key and secret, it suffices to declare them in the configuration file

# OAuth
consumer_key = '123'
consumer_secret = '456'

The command webmail = WebmailApi() will initiate the connection using these parameters.

Direct login

To switch to direct login, the consumer_key must be assigned to the empty string in The credentials are prompted during the construction of the WebmailApi object.



def message_list(self, maxResults=None, pageToken=None, labelId='INBOX')

Fetch a list of user messages.

  • labelId specifies the source box.
  • maxResults limits the number of results (defaults to 50).
  • pageToken: by default, only the most recent messages are fetched. The pageToken allows to skip a number of messages (it is typically a message identifier). If successful, the response will be a json value of the form:
  'messages': [{'id': string}],
  'nextPageToken': string,
  'resultSizeEstimate': integer

def message_modify(self, id, change)

Modify the flags of a single message.

  • id specifies the message.
  • change changes to apply to the message. The changes must be of the following form, wherein the label ids correspond to folder identifiers.
  'addLabelIds': [string],
  'removeLabelIds': [string]

If successful, the response will be a json value of type

  'id': string,
  'labelIds': [string]

def message_attachment(self, id, attachmentId)

Return a specific message attachment.

  • id specifies the message.
  • attachmentId attachment's identifier. If successful, the response will be a json value of the form:
  'data': bytes,
  'size': integer,
  'attachmentId': string

The attachment metadata is returned in the message multipart (message_get endpoint), including the fields

  'filename': string,
  'mimeType': string


For more transparency, the type tags has been defined which include both folders and labels. Tag methods have been grouped together in the API path `/users/me/tags.. following the same pattern as folder methods, with notable differences:

def tag_get(self, id, attachmentId)

Return a specific tag.

  • id specifies the message.

If successful, the response will be a json value of type:

{ 'label': {'id': integer, 'name': string, 'category': category} }

if the tag corresponds to a label, and

    'id': string,
    'name': string,
      'count': integer,
      'starred': integer,
      'unread': integer,
      'new': integer

otherwise. Label categories should be {'personal': {}} or {'shared': {}}.

def tag_get(self)

List personal labels and folders. The response will be a json value with two fields:

  'folders': [folder],
  'labels': [label]

The types folder and label match those used in tag_get.

def tag_create(self, data)
def tag_update(self, id, data)

Create or update a tag. The data parameters used are identical for both methods.

  • id identifier of the tag to be modified
  • data update parameters

In case the update is successful, the id of the tag is returned as {id: string} in the response body. The data parameters must be of the form:

    'name': string,
    'description': string,
    'category': category

for labels, and

{ 'folder': {'name': string} } 

for folders.


def file_get(self, path)

Fetch the contents of a resource (file or directory).

  • path the path identifying the resource If successful, the response will include the file contents (or the empty string if a directory), as well as the resource metadata in the X-Webmail-Metadata header:
  'id': string,
  'hash': bytes, // Not implemented yet.
  'name': string,
  'path': string,
  'is_dir': boolean,
  'modified': integer, // Date of the last modification.
  'icon': string,
  // File only.
  'rev': string,
  'thumb_exists': boolean,
  'mime_type': string,
  'size': integer, // Human readable.
  'bytes': integer,
  'class': string, // New in webmail; file security class.
  // Directory only.
  'contents': [..] // List the elements inside a directory (metadata)

Reasons for failure can be:

  • File not found, which causes a 404 error
  • Unauthorised 401 (user does not have access to this resource)

def file_metadata(self, path, list=False, file_limit=10000)

Fetch a resource metadata.

  • path path to the resource
  • list list folder contents
  • file_limit not used

The metadata is returned in the response body.

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