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waldyr edited this page Sep 14, 2012 · 8 revisions

Sublime Installer

Sublime Installer é um script simples para configuração automática do Sublime Text Editor. Ele te dá:

  • Sublime 2.0.1 Text Editor
  • Head-Up Display (HUD)
  • Ícone no Dashboard Unity
  • Um Atalho no Terminal
  • Ícone Personalizado do Sublime
  • Zen Coding

Distribuições Suportadas:

  • Ubuntu 11.10+



Baste digitar a está linha no terminal e deixar que o script faça o trabalho por você!

wget --no-check-certificate && bash

########## Sublime Installer ##########

Downloading Sublime 2.0.1, please wait...
Extracting Sublime 2.0.1, please wait...
Creating Sublime 2.0.1 terminal shortcut
Configuring unity launcher
Configuring preferences
Sublime 2.0.1 was totally installed and configured in your computer.

Would you like a Sublime 2.0.1 better icon [y/n]?
# Type 'y' if you want a better icon else type 'n'. Then press enter.
Downloading Sublime 2.0.1 custom icon, please wait...
Custom icon applied with success

Would you like Sublime 2.0.1 Zen Coding plugin [y/n]?
# Type 'y' if you want Zen Coding else type 'n'. Then press enter.
Downloading Zen Coding, please wait...
Zen Coding applied with success

Sublime 2.0.1 was totally installed and configured in your computer.

Se você não quiser usar o Sublime mais, tem um script para desinstalar também!

wget --no-check-certificate && bash

########## Sublime Uninstaller ###########

Removing Sublime 2.0.1 folder
Removing Sublime 2.0.1 configuration files
Removing Sublime 2.0.1 unity configuration
Removing Sublime 2.0.1 shortcut
Removing defaults.list's affected lines by Sublime 2.0.1

Sublime 2.0.1 was totally removed from your computer!

Informação Adicional

Repositório do Zen Coding

Imagem personalizada do Sublime

Sublime's custom image

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