A simple CLI tool to create a new project based on a template.
Install migi-cli
$ npm i @w2xi/migi-cli -g
Create an app interactively:
$ migi create <project-name>
or specify a template with --template <available-template>
$ migi create <project-name> --template <available-template>
List available templates:
$ migi list
Migi available templates:
nm - A template for creating a npm module
vue-erciyuan-admin - A template designed for those who love anime, based on Vue3 + Vite + UnoCSS
- nm: nm - A template for creating a npm module
- vue-erciyuan-admin: A template designed for those who love anime, based on Vue3 + Vite + UnoCSS
$ migi -h
Usage: migi <command> [options]
Migi CLI
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
list list available templates
create <project-name> create a new project
help [command] display help for command