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Org.OpenAPITools - the C# library for the Vultr API


The Vultr API v2 is a set of HTTP endpoints that adhere to RESTful design principles and CRUD actions with predictable URIs. It uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs. The API has consistent and well-formed JSON requests and responses with cursor-based pagination to simplify list handling. Error messages are descriptive and easy to understand. All functions of the Vultr customer portal are accessible via the API, enabling you to script complex unattended scenarios with any tool fluent in HTTP.


Communicate with the API by making an HTTP request at the correct endpoint. The chosen method determines the action taken.

| Method | Usage | | - -- -- - | - -- -- -- -- -- -- | | DELETE | Use the DELETE method to destroy a resource in your account. If it is not found, the operation will return a 4xx error and an appropriate message. | | GET | To retrieve information about a resource, use the GET method. The data is returned as a JSON object. GET methods are read-only and do not affect any resources. | | PATCH | Some resources support partial modification with PATCH, which modifies specific attributes without updating the entire object representation. | | POST | Issue a POST method to create a new object. Include all needed attributes in the request body encoded as JSON. | | PUT | Use the PUT method to update information about a resource. PUT will set new values on the item without regard to their current values. |

Rate Limit: Vultr safeguards the API against bursts of incoming traffic based on the request's IP address to ensure stability for all users. If your application sends more than 30 requests per second, the API may return HTTP status code 429.

Response Codes

We use standard HTTP response codes to show the success or failure of requests. Response codes in the 2xx range indicate success, while codes in the 4xx range indicate an error, such as an authorization failure or a malformed request. All 4xx errors will return a JSON response object with an error attribute explaining the error. Codes in the 5xx range indicate a server-side problem preventing Vultr from fulfilling your request.

| Response | Description | | - -- -- - | - -- -- -- -- -- -- | | 200 OK | The response contains your requested information. | | 201 Created | Your request was accepted. The resource was created. | | 202 Accepted | Your request was accepted. The resource was created or updated. | | 204 No Content | Your request succeeded, there is no additional information returned. | | 400 Bad Request | Your request was malformed. | | 401 Unauthorized | You did not supply valid authentication credentials. | | 403 Forbidden | You are not allowed to perform that action. | | 404 Not Found | No results were found for your request. | | 429 Too Many Requests | Your request exceeded the API rate limit. | | 500 Internal Server Error | We were unable to perform the request due to server-side problems. |

Meta and Pagination

Many API calls will return a meta object with paging information.


| Term | Description | | - -- -- - | - -- -- -- -- -- -- | | List | The items returned from the database for your request (not necessarily shown in a single response depending on the cursor size). | | Page | A subset of the full list of items. Choose the size of a page with the per_page parameter. | | Total | The total attribute indicates the number of items in the full list.| | Cursor | Use the cursor query parameter to select a next or previous page. | | Next & Prev | Use the next and prev attributes of the links meta object as cursor values. |

How to use Paging

If your result list total exceeds the default cursor size (the default depends on the route, but is usually 100 records) or the value defined by the per_page query param (when present) the response will be returned to you paginated.

Paging Example

These examples have abbreviated attributes and sample values. Your actual cursor values will be encoded alphanumeric strings.

To return a page with the first two plans in the List:

curl \"\" \\
  -X GET \\
  -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}\"

The API returns an object similar to this:

    \"plans\": [
            \"id\": \"vc2-1c-2gb\",
            \"vcpu_count\": 1,
            \"ram\": 2048,
            \"locations\": []
            \"id\": \"vc2-24c-97gb\",
            \"vcpu_count\": 24,
            \"ram\": 98304,
            \"locations\": []
    \"meta\": {
        \"total\": 19,
        \"links\": {
            \"next\": \"WxYzExampleNext\",
            \"prev\": \"WxYzExamplePrev\"

The object contains two plans. The total attribute indicates that 19 plans are available in the List. To navigate forward in the list, use the next value (WxYzExampleNext in this example) as your cursor query parameter.

curl \"\" \\
  -X GET
  -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}\"

Likewise, you can use the example prev value WxYzExamplePrev to navigate backward.


You can pass information to the API with three different types of parameters.

Path parameters

Some API calls require variable parameters as part of the endpoint path. For example, to retrieve information about a user, supply the user-id in the endpoint.

curl \"{user-id}\" \\
  -X GET \\
  -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}\"

Query parameters

Some API calls allow filtering with query parameters. For example, the /v2/plans endpoint supports a type query parameter. Setting type=vhf instructs the API only to return High Frequency Compute plans in the list. You'll find more specifics about valid filters in the endpoint documentation below.

curl \"\" \\
  -X GET \\
  -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}\"

You can also combine filtering with paging. Use the per_page parameter to retreive a subset of vhf plans.

curl \"\" \\
  -X GET \\
  -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}\"

Request Body

PUT, POST, and PATCH methods may include an object in the request body with a content type of application/json. The documentation for each endpoint below has more information about the expected object.

API Example Conventions

The examples in this documentation use curl, a command-line HTTP client, to demonstrate useage. Linux and macOS computers usually have curl installed by default, and it's available for download on all popular platforms including Windows.

Each example is split across multiple lines with the \\ character, which is compatible with a bash terminal. A typical example looks like this:

curl \"\" \\
  -X POST \\
  -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}\" \\
  -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\
  - -data '{
    \"domain\" : \"\",
    \"ip\" : \"\"
  • The -X parameter sets the request method. For consistency, we show the method on all examples, even though it's not explicitly required for GET methods.
  • The -H lines set required HTTP headers. These examples are formatted to expand the VULTR\_API\_KEY environment variable for your convenience.
  • Examples that require a JSON object in the request body pass the required data via the - -data parameter.

All values in this guide are examples. Do not rely on the OS or Plan IDs listed in this guide; use the appropriate endpoint to retreive values before creating resources.

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.0
  • SDK version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen For more information, please visit

Frameworks supported


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742. NOTE: RestSharp for .Net Core creates a new socket for each api call, which can lead to a socket exhaustion problem. See RestSharp#1406.


Run the following command to generate the DLL

  • [Mac/Linux] /bin/sh
  • [Windows] build.bat

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;


A .nuspec is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.

This .nuspec uses placeholders from the .csproj, so build the .csproj directly:

nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out Org.OpenAPITools.csproj

Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.


To use the API client with a HTTP proxy, setup a System.Net.WebProxy

Configuration c = new Configuration();
System.Net.WebProxy webProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://myProxyUrl:80/");
webProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
c.Proxy = webProxy;

Getting Started

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public static void Main()

            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure Bearer token for authorization: API Key
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new AccountApi(config);

                // Get Account Info
                GetAccount200Response result = apiInstance.GetAccount();
            catch (ApiException e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountApi.GetAccount: " + e.Message );
                Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountApi GetAccount GET /account Get Account Info
ApplicationApi ListApplications GET /applications List Applications
BackupApi GetBackup GET /backups/{backup-id} Get a Backup
BackupApi ListBackups GET /backups List Backups
BaremetalApi AttachBaremetalsVpc2 POST /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/vpc2/attach Attach VPC 2.0 Network to Bare Metal Instance
BaremetalApi CreateBaremetal POST /bare-metals Create Bare Metal Instance
BaremetalApi DeleteBaremetal DELETE /bare-metals/{baremetal-id} Delete Bare Metal
BaremetalApi DetachBaremetalVpc2 POST /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/vpc2/detach Detach VPC 2.0 Network from Bare Metal Instance
BaremetalApi GetBandwidthBaremetal GET /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/bandwidth Bare Metal Bandwidth
BaremetalApi GetBareMetalUserdata GET /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/user-data Get Bare Metal User Data
BaremetalApi GetBareMetalVnc GET /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/vnc Get VNC URL for a Bare Metal
BaremetalApi GetBareMetalsUpgrades GET /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/upgrades Get Available Bare Metal Upgrades
BaremetalApi GetBaremetal GET /bare-metals/{baremetal-id} Get Bare Metal
BaremetalApi GetIpv4Baremetal GET /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/ipv4 Bare Metal IPv4 Addresses
BaremetalApi GetIpv6Baremetal GET /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/ipv6 Bare Metal IPv6 Addresses
BaremetalApi HaltBaremetal POST /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/halt Halt Bare Metal
BaremetalApi HaltBaremetals POST /bare-metals/halt Halt Bare Metals
BaremetalApi ListBaremetalVpc2 GET /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/vpc2 List Bare Metal Instance VPC 2.0 Networks
BaremetalApi ListBaremetals GET /bare-metals List Bare Metal Instances
BaremetalApi RebootBareMetals POST /bare-metals/reboot Reboot Bare Metals
BaremetalApi RebootBaremetal POST /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/reboot Reboot Bare Metal
BaremetalApi ReinstallBaremetal POST /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/reinstall Reinstall Bare Metal
BaremetalApi StartBareMetals POST /bare-metals/start Start Bare Metals
BaremetalApi StartBaremetal POST /bare-metals/{baremetal-id}/start Start Bare Metal
BaremetalApi UpdateBaremetal PATCH /bare-metals/{baremetal-id} Update Bare Metal
BillingApi GetInvoice GET /billing/invoices/{invoice-id} Get Invoice
BillingApi GetInvoiceItems GET /billing/invoices/{invoice-id}/items Get Invoice Items
BillingApi ListBillingHistory GET /billing/history List Billing History
BillingApi ListInvoices GET /billing/invoices List Invoices
BlockApi AttachBlock POST /blocks/{block-id}/attach Attach Block Storage
BlockApi CreateBlock POST /blocks Create Block Storage
BlockApi DeleteBlock DELETE /blocks/{block-id} Delete Block Storage
BlockApi DetachBlock POST /blocks/{block-id}/detach Detach Block Storage
BlockApi GetBlock GET /blocks/{block-id} Get Block Storage
BlockApi ListBlocks GET /blocks List Block storages
BlockApi UpdateBlock PATCH /blocks/{block-id} Update Block Storage
ContainerRegistryApi CreateRegistry POST /registry Create Container Registry
ContainerRegistryApi CreateRegistryDockerCredentials OPTIONS /registry/{registry-id}/docker-credentials?expiry_seconds=0&read_write=false Create Docker Credentials
ContainerRegistryApi CreateRegistryKubernetesDockerCredentials OPTIONS /registry/{registry-id}/docker-credentials/kubernetes?expiry_seconds=0&read_write=false&base64_encode=false Create Docker Credentials for Kubernetes
ContainerRegistryApi DeleteRegistry DELETE /registry/{registry-id} Delete Container Registry
ContainerRegistryApi DeleteRepository DELETE /registry/{registry-id}/repository/{repository-image} Delete Repository
ContainerRegistryApi ListRegistries GET /registries List Container Registries
ContainerRegistryApi ListRegistryPlans GET /registry/plan/list List Registry Plans
ContainerRegistryApi ListRegistryRegions GET /registry/region/list List Registry Regions
ContainerRegistryApi ListRegistryRepositories GET /registry/{registry-id}/repositories List Repositories
ContainerRegistryApi ReadRegistry GET /registry/{registry-id} Read Container Registry
ContainerRegistryApi ReadRegistryRepository GET /registry/{registry-id}/repository/{repository-image} Read Repository
ContainerRegistryApi UpdateRegistry PUT /registry/{registry-id} Update Container Registry
ContainerRegistryApi UpdateRepository PUT /registry/{registry-id}/repository/{repository-image} Update Repository
DnsApi CreateDnsDomain POST /domains Create DNS Domain
DnsApi CreateDnsDomainRecord POST /domains/{dns-domain}/records Create Record
DnsApi DeleteDnsDomain DELETE /domains/{dns-domain} Delete Domain
DnsApi DeleteDnsDomainRecord DELETE /domains/{dns-domain}/records/{record-id} Delete Record
DnsApi GetDnsDomain GET /domains/{dns-domain} Get DNS Domain
DnsApi GetDnsDomainDnssec GET /domains/{dns-domain}/dnssec Get DNSSec Info
DnsApi GetDnsDomainRecord GET /domains/{dns-domain}/records/{record-id} Get Record
DnsApi GetDnsDomainSoa GET /domains/{dns-domain}/soa Get SOA information
DnsApi ListDnsDomainRecords GET /domains/{dns-domain}/records List Records
DnsApi ListDnsDomains GET /domains List DNS Domains
DnsApi UpdateDnsDomain PUT /domains/{dns-domain} Update a DNS Domain
DnsApi UpdateDnsDomainRecord PATCH /domains/{dns-domain}/records/{record-id} Update Record
DnsApi UpdateDnsDomainSoa PATCH /domains/{dns-domain}/soa Update SOA information
FirewallApi CreateFirewallGroup POST /firewalls Create Firewall Group
FirewallApi DeleteFirewallGroup DELETE /firewalls/{firewall-group-id} Delete Firewall Group
FirewallApi DeleteFirewallGroupRule DELETE /firewalls/{firewall-group-id}/rules/{firewall-rule-id} Delete Firewall Rule
FirewallApi GetFirewallGroup GET /firewalls/{firewall-group-id} Get Firewall Group
FirewallApi GetFirewallGroupRule GET /firewalls/{firewall-group-id}/rules/{firewall-rule-id} Get Firewall Rule
FirewallApi ListFirewallGroupRules GET /firewalls/{firewall-group-id}/rules List Firewall Rules
FirewallApi ListFirewallGroups GET /firewalls List Firewall Groups
FirewallApi PostFirewallsFirewallGroupIdRules POST /firewalls/{firewall-group-id}/rules Create Firewall Rules
FirewallApi UpdateFirewallGroup PUT /firewalls/{firewall-group-id} Update Firewall Group
InstancesApi AttachInstanceIso POST /instances/{instance-id}/iso/attach Attach ISO to Instance
InstancesApi AttachInstanceNetwork POST /instances/{instance-id}/private-networks/attach Attach Private Network to Instance
InstancesApi AttachInstanceVpc POST /instances/{instance-id}/vpcs/attach Attach VPC to Instance
InstancesApi AttachInstanceVpc2 POST /instances/{instance-id}/vpc2/attach Attach VPC 2.0 Network to Instance
InstancesApi CreateInstance POST /instances Create Instance
InstancesApi CreateInstanceBackupSchedule POST /instances/{instance-id}/backup-schedule Set Instance Backup Schedule
InstancesApi CreateInstanceIpv4 POST /instances/{instance-id}/ipv4 Create IPv4
InstancesApi CreateInstanceReverseIpv4 POST /instances/{instance-id}/ipv4/reverse Create Instance Reverse IPv4
InstancesApi CreateInstanceReverseIpv6 POST /instances/{instance-id}/ipv6/reverse Create Instance Reverse IPv6
InstancesApi DeleteInstance DELETE /instances/{instance-id} Delete Instance
InstancesApi DeleteInstanceIpv4 DELETE /instances/{instance-id}/ipv4/{ipv4} Delete IPv4 Address
InstancesApi DeleteInstanceReverseIpv6 DELETE /instances/{instance-id}/ipv6/reverse/{ipv6} Delete Instance Reverse IPv6
InstancesApi DetachInstanceIso POST /instances/{instance-id}/iso/detach Detach ISO from instance
InstancesApi DetachInstanceNetwork POST /instances/{instance-id}/private-networks/detach Detach Private Network from Instance.
InstancesApi DetachInstanceVpc POST /instances/{instance-id}/vpcs/detach Detach VPC from Instance
InstancesApi DetachInstanceVpc2 POST /instances/{instance-id}/vpc2/detach Detach VPC 2.0 Network from Instance
InstancesApi GetInstance GET /instances/{instance-id} Get Instance
InstancesApi GetInstanceBackupSchedule GET /instances/{instance-id}/backup-schedule Get Instance Backup Schedule
InstancesApi GetInstanceBandwidth GET /instances/{instance-id}/bandwidth Instance Bandwidth
InstancesApi GetInstanceIpv4 GET /instances/{instance-id}/ipv4 List Instance IPv4 Information
InstancesApi GetInstanceIpv6 GET /instances/{instance-id}/ipv6 Get Instance IPv6 Information
InstancesApi GetInstanceIsoStatus GET /instances/{instance-id}/iso Get Instance ISO Status
InstancesApi GetInstanceNeighbors GET /instances/{instance-id}/neighbors Get Instance neighbors
InstancesApi GetInstanceUpgrades GET /instances/{instance-id}/upgrades Get Available Instance Upgrades
InstancesApi GetInstanceUserdata GET /instances/{instance-id}/user-data Get Instance User Data
InstancesApi HaltInstance POST /instances/{instance-id}/halt Halt Instance
InstancesApi HaltInstances POST /instances/halt Halt Instances
InstancesApi ListInstanceIpv6Reverse GET /instances/{instance-id}/ipv6/reverse List Instance IPv6 Reverse
InstancesApi ListInstancePrivateNetworks GET /instances/{instance-id}/private-networks List instance Private Networks
InstancesApi ListInstanceVpc2 GET /instances/{instance-id}/vpc2 List Instance VPC 2.0 Networks
InstancesApi ListInstanceVpcs GET /instances/{instance-id}/vpcs List instance VPCs
InstancesApi ListInstances GET /instances List Instances
InstancesApi PostInstancesInstanceIdIpv4ReverseDefault POST /instances/{instance-id}/ipv4/reverse/default Set Default Reverse DNS Entry
InstancesApi RebootInstance POST /instances/{instance-id}/reboot Reboot Instance
InstancesApi RebootInstances POST /instances/reboot Reboot instances
InstancesApi ReinstallInstance POST /instances/{instance-id}/reinstall Reinstall Instance
InstancesApi RestoreInstance POST /instances/{instance-id}/restore Restore Instance
InstancesApi StartInstance POST /instances/{instance-id}/start Start instance
InstancesApi StartInstances POST /instances/start Start instances
InstancesApi UpdateInstance PATCH /instances/{instance-id} Update Instance
IsoApi CreateIso POST /iso Create ISO
IsoApi DeleteIso DELETE /iso/{iso-id} Delete ISO
IsoApi IsoGet GET /iso/{iso-id} Get ISO
IsoApi ListIsos GET /iso List ISOs
IsoApi ListPublicIsos GET /iso-public List Public ISOs
KubernetesApi CreateKubernetesCluster POST /kubernetes/clusters Create Kubernetes Cluster
KubernetesApi CreateNodepools POST /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/node-pools Create NodePool
KubernetesApi DeleteKubernetesCluster DELETE /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id} Delete Kubernetes Cluster
KubernetesApi DeleteKubernetesClusterVkeIdDeleteWithLinkedResources DELETE /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/delete-with-linked-resources Delete VKE Cluster and All Related Resources
KubernetesApi DeleteNodepool DELETE /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/node-pools/{nodepool-id} Delete Nodepool
KubernetesApi DeleteNodepoolInstance DELETE /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/node-pools/{nodepool-id}/nodes/{node-id} Delete NodePool Instance
KubernetesApi GetKubernetesAvailableUpgrades GET /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/available-upgrades Get Kubernetes Available Upgrades
KubernetesApi GetKubernetesClusters GET /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id} Get Kubernetes Cluster
KubernetesApi GetKubernetesClustersConfig GET /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/config Get Kubernetes Cluster Kubeconfig
KubernetesApi GetKubernetesResources GET /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/resources Get Kubernetes Resources
KubernetesApi GetKubernetesVersions GET /kubernetes/versions Get Kubernetes Versions
KubernetesApi GetNodepool GET /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/node-pools/{nodepool-id} Get NodePool
KubernetesApi GetNodepools GET /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/node-pools List NodePools
KubernetesApi ListKubernetesClusters GET /kubernetes/clusters List all Kubernetes Clusters
KubernetesApi RecycleNodepoolInstance POST /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/node-pools/{nodepool-id}/nodes/{node-id}/recycle Recycle a NodePool Instance
KubernetesApi StartKubernetesClusterUpgrade POST /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/upgrades Start Kubernetes Cluster Upgrade
KubernetesApi UpdateKubernetesCluster PUT /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id} Update Kubernetes Cluster
KubernetesApi UpdateNodepool PATCH /kubernetes/clusters/{vke-id}/node-pools/{nodepool-id} Update Nodepool
LoadBalancerApi CreateLoadBalancer POST /load-balancers Create Load Balancer
LoadBalancerApi CreateLoadBalancerForwardingRules POST /load-balancers/{load-balancer-id}/forwarding-rules Create Forwarding Rule
LoadBalancerApi DeleteLoadBalancer DELETE /load-balancers/{load-balancer-id} Delete Load Balancer
LoadBalancerApi DeleteLoadBalancerForwardingRule DELETE /load-balancers/{load-balancer-id}/forwarding-rules/{forwarding-rule-id} Delete Forwarding Rule
LoadBalancerApi DeleteLoadBalancerSsl DELETE /load-balancers/{load-balancer-id}/ssl Delete Load Balancer SSL
LoadBalancerApi GetLoadBalancer GET /load-balancers/{load-balancer-id} Get Load Balancer
LoadBalancerApi GetLoadBalancerForwardingRule GET /load-balancers/{load-balancer-id}/forwarding-rules/{forwarding-rule-id} Get Forwarding Rule
LoadBalancerApi GetLoadbalancerFirewallRule GET /load-balancers/{loadbalancer-id}/firewall-rules/{firewall-rule-id} Get Firewall Rule
LoadBalancerApi ListLoadBalancerForwardingRules GET /load-balancers/{load-balancer-id}/forwarding-rules List Forwarding Rules
LoadBalancerApi ListLoadBalancers GET /load-balancers List Load Balancers
LoadBalancerApi ListLoadbalancerFirewallRules GET /load-balancers/{loadbalancer-id}/firewall-rules List Firewall Rules
LoadBalancerApi UpdateLoadBalancer PATCH /load-balancers/{load-balancer-id} Update Load Balancer
ManagedDatabasesApi CreateConnectionPool POST /databases/{database-id}/connection-pools Create Connection Pool
ManagedDatabasesApi CreateDatabase POST /databases Create Managed Database
ManagedDatabasesApi CreateDatabaseDb POST /databases/{database-id}/dbs Create Logical Database
ManagedDatabasesApi CreateDatabaseUser POST /databases/{database-id}/users Create Database User
ManagedDatabasesApi DatabaseAddReadReplica POST /databases/{database-id}/read-replica Add Read-Only Replica
ManagedDatabasesApi DatabaseDetachMigration DELETE /databases/{database-id}/migration Detach Migration
ManagedDatabasesApi DatabaseFork POST /databases/{database-id}/fork Fork Managed Database
ManagedDatabasesApi DatabasePromoteReadReplica POST /databases/{database-id}/promote-read-replica Promote Read-Only Replica
ManagedDatabasesApi DatabaseRestoreFromBackup POST /databases/{database-id}/restore Restore from Backup
ManagedDatabasesApi DatabaseStartMigration POST /databases/{database-id}/migration Start Migration
ManagedDatabasesApi DeleteConnectionPool DELETE /databases/{database-id}/connection-pools/{pool-name} Delete Connection Pool
ManagedDatabasesApi DeleteDatabase DELETE /databases/{database-id} Delete Managed Database
ManagedDatabasesApi DeleteDatabaseDb DELETE /databases/{database-id}/dbs/{db-name} Delete Logical Database
ManagedDatabasesApi DeleteDatabaseUser DELETE /databases/{database-id}/users/{username} Delete Database User
ManagedDatabasesApi GetBackupInformation GET /databases/{database-id}/backups Get Backup Information
ManagedDatabasesApi GetConnectionPool GET /databases/{database-id}/connection-pools/{pool-name} Get Connection Pool
ManagedDatabasesApi GetDatabase GET /databases/{database-id} Get Managed Database
ManagedDatabasesApi GetDatabaseDb GET /databases/{database-id}/dbs/{db-name} Get Logical Database
ManagedDatabasesApi GetDatabaseUsage GET /databases/{database-id}/usage Get Database Usage Information
ManagedDatabasesApi GetDatabaseUser GET /databases/{database-id}/users/{username} Get Database User
ManagedDatabasesApi ListAdvancedOptions GET /databases/{database-id}/advanced-options List Advanced Options
ManagedDatabasesApi ListAvailableVersions GET /databases/{database-id}/version-upgrade List Available Versions
ManagedDatabasesApi ListConnectionPools GET /databases/{database-id}/connection-pools List Connection Pools
ManagedDatabasesApi ListDatabaseDbs GET /databases/{database-id}/dbs List Logical Databases
ManagedDatabasesApi ListDatabasePlans GET /databases/plans List Managed Database Plans
ManagedDatabasesApi ListDatabaseUsers GET /databases/{database-id}/users List Database Users
ManagedDatabasesApi ListDatabases GET /databases List Managed Databases
ManagedDatabasesApi ListMaintenanceUpdates GET /databases/{database-id}/maintenance List Maintenance Updates
ManagedDatabasesApi ListServiceAlerts POST /databases/{database-id}/alerts List Service Alerts
ManagedDatabasesApi SetDatabaseUserAcl PUT /databases/{database-id}/users/{username}/access-control Set Database User Access Control
ManagedDatabasesApi StartMaintenanceUpdates POST /databases/{database-id}/maintenance Start Maintenance Updates
ManagedDatabasesApi StartVersionUpgrade POST /databases/{database-id}/version-upgrade Start Version Upgrade
ManagedDatabasesApi UpdateAdvancedOptions PUT /databases/{database-id}/advanced-options Update Advanced Options
ManagedDatabasesApi UpdateConnectionPool PUT /databases/{database-id}/connection-pools/{pool-name} Update Connection Pool
ManagedDatabasesApi UpdateDatabase PUT /databases/{database-id} Update Managed Database
ManagedDatabasesApi UpdateDatabaseUser PUT /databases/{database-id}/users/{username} Update Database User
ManagedDatabasesApi ViewMigrationStatus GET /databases/{database-id}/migration Get Migration Status
OsApi ListOs GET /os List OS
PlansApi ListMetalPlans GET /plans-metal List Bare Metal Plans
PlansApi ListPlans GET /plans List Plans
PrivateNetworksApi CreateNetwork POST /private-networks Create a Private Network
PrivateNetworksApi DeleteNetwork DELETE /private-networks/{network-id} Delete a private network
PrivateNetworksApi GetNetwork GET /private-networks/{network-id} Get a private network
PrivateNetworksApi ListNetworks GET /private-networks List Private Networks
PrivateNetworksApi UpdateNetwork PUT /private-networks/{network-id} Update a Private Network
RegionApi ListAvailablePlansRegion GET /regions/{region-id}/availability List available plans in region
RegionApi ListRegions GET /regions List Regions
ReservedIpApi AttachReservedIp POST /reserved-ips/{reserved-ip}/attach Attach Reserved IP
ReservedIpApi ConvertReservedIp POST /reserved-ips/convert Convert Instance IP to Reserved IP
ReservedIpApi CreateReservedIp POST /reserved-ips Create Reserved IP
ReservedIpApi DeleteReservedIp DELETE /reserved-ips/{reserved-ip} Delete Reserved IP
ReservedIpApi DetachReservedIp POST /reserved-ips/{reserved-ip}/detach Detach Reserved IP
ReservedIpApi GetReservedIp GET /reserved-ips/{reserved-ip} Get Reserved IP
ReservedIpApi ListReservedIps GET /reserved-ips List Reserved IPs
ReservedIpApi PatchReservedIpsReservedIp PATCH /reserved-ips/{reserved-ip} Update Reserved IP
S3Api CreateObjectStorage POST /object-storage Create Object Storage
S3Api DeleteObjectStorage DELETE /object-storage/{object-storage-id} Delete Object Storage
S3Api GetObjectStorage GET /object-storage/{object-storage-id} Get Object Storage
S3Api ListObjectStorageClusters GET /object-storage/clusters Get All Clusters
S3Api ListObjectStorages GET /object-storage List Object Storages
S3Api RegenerateObjectStorageKeys POST /object-storage/{object-storage-id}/regenerate-keys Regenerate Object Storage Keys
S3Api UpdateObjectStorage PUT /object-storage/{object-storage-id} Update Object Storage
SnapshotApi CreateSnapshot POST /snapshots Create Snapshot
SnapshotApi CreateSnapshotCreateFromUrl POST /snapshots/create-from-url Create Snapshot from URL
SnapshotApi DeleteSnapshot DELETE /snapshots/{snapshot-id} Delete Snapshot
SnapshotApi GetSnapshot GET /snapshots/{snapshot-id} Get Snapshot
SnapshotApi ListSnapshots GET /snapshots List Snapshots
SnapshotApi PutSnapshotsSnapshotId PUT /snapshots/{snapshot-id} Update Snapshot
SshApi CreateSshKey POST /ssh-keys Create SSH key
SshApi DeleteSshKey DELETE /ssh-keys/{ssh-key-id} Delete SSH Key
SshApi GetSshKey GET /ssh-keys/{ssh-key-id} Get SSH Key
SshApi ListSshKeys GET /ssh-keys List SSH Keys
SshApi UpdateSshKey PATCH /ssh-keys/{ssh-key-id} Update SSH Key
StartupApi CreateStartupScript POST /startup-scripts Create Startup Script
StartupApi DeleteStartupScript DELETE /startup-scripts/{startup-id} Delete Startup Script
StartupApi GetStartupScript GET /startup-scripts/{startup-id} Get Startup Script
StartupApi ListStartupScripts GET /startup-scripts List Startup Scripts
StartupApi UpdateStartupScript PATCH /startup-scripts/{startup-id} Update Startup Script
SubaccountApi CreateSubaccount POST /subaccounts Create Sub-Account
SubaccountApi ListSubaccounts GET /subaccounts List Sub-Accounts
UsersApi CreateUser POST /users Create User
UsersApi DeleteUser DELETE /users/{user-id} Delete User
UsersApi GetUser GET /users/{user-id} Get User
UsersApi ListUsers GET /users Get Users
UsersApi UpdateUser PATCH /users/{user-id} Update User
VPC2Api AttachVpc2Nodes POST /vpc2/{vpc-id}/nodes/attach Attach nodes to a VPC 2.0 network
VPC2Api CreateVpc2 POST /vpc2 Create a VPC 2.0 network
VPC2Api DeleteVpc2 DELETE /vpc2/{vpc-id} Delete a VPC 2.0 network
VPC2Api DetachVpc2Nodes POST /vpc2/{vpc-id}/nodes/detach Remove nodes from a VPC 2.0 network
VPC2Api GetVpc2 GET /vpc2/{vpc-id} Get a VPC 2.0 network
VPC2Api ListVpc2 GET /vpc2 List VPC 2.0 networks
VPC2Api ListVpc2Nodes GET /vpc2/{vpc-id}/nodes Get a list of nodes attached to a VPC 2.0 network
VPC2Api UpdateVpc2 PUT /vpc2/{vpc-id} Update a VPC 2.0 network
VPCsApi CreateVpc POST /vpcs Create a VPC
VPCsApi DeleteVpc DELETE /vpcs/{vpc-id} Delete a VPC
VPCsApi GetVpc GET /vpcs/{vpc-id} Get a VPC
VPCsApi ListVpcs GET /vpcs List VPCs
VPCsApi UpdateVpc PUT /vpcs/{vpc-id} Update a VPC

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: Bearer Authentication