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Mendel, a verifier for safe Rust clients of interior mutability

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Mendel is a prototype verifier for safe Rust that uses a novel capability-based technique to enable reasoning about some cases of interior mutability of trusted real-world libraries, among which Rc, Arc, Cell, RefCell, Atomic*, Mutex and RwLock, requiring minimal client-side annotations. The key concept is a novel notion of implicit library capability, which can be used to describe library properties that were decided by the library developers, such as the immutability implied by Ref or the non-aliasing implied by RefMut. In contrast, the explicit properties of the Rust language, such as the immutability of shared references to primitive types, are defined by the Rust language and cannot be changed or defined by the library developers. The implicit capabilities of a library cannot be discovered automatically just by inspecting the type declarations because these typically just contain opaque raw pointers or UnsafeCell instances. To solve this, our verifier provides library annotations that make it possible to explicitly declare the implicit capabilities of library types, making them available for automated tools.

The implementation of Mendel largely reuses Prusti's codebase, and all Mendel-specific code is contained in prusti-viper/src/encoder/safe_clients (~12K lines of code). Both verifiers internally encode Rust programs into the Viper language. However, the verification techniques are different: Prusti employs separation logic to prove functional correctness and some memory safety properties, while Mendel fully trusts the compiler and uses its type information to encode capabilities into first-order logic. Unlike the current version of Prusti, Mendel natively supports reasoning about memory addresses (e.g., raw pointer comparisons, casts from references to pointers, addr_of!, etc.) and in general supports more types (e.g., structures containing references). However, (1) Mendel's technique is less complete than Prusti's when reasoning about safe code (e.g., mutably borrowing in a code branch), (2) unlike Prusti, Mendel does not verify postconditions with pledges, and (3) Mendel's language support is generally limited because of implementation time constraints, notably lacking support for loops and quantifications.

The goal of Mendel is to demonstrate the viability of a capability-based approach for verifying usages of Rust libraries implemented with unsafe code, making it possible to evaluate its pros and cons. Our aim is to help or inspire future versions of other deductive verifiers for Rust.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on Prusti's Zulip chat.


The project's name refers to Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics, who paved the way for studies of capabilities and mutations of DNA. Our project, instead, studies the capabilities and interior mutability of Rust libraries.

Test suite and evaluation

The test suite and evaluation can be found in the prusti-tests/tests/verify_safe_clients/fail folder. Inside it, there are 3 subfolders:

  • clients contains the verified clients used in the evaluation. Among many small hand-written programs, this folder includes two programs that show how to do Verus-style reasoning using Mendel (verus_*.rs).
  • tutorials contains two programs taken from the interior mutability chapter of the Easy Rust tutorial.
  • libraries contains the annotations of the libraries used by the clients and tutorials.
  • dev_tests contains various programs used to test the end-to-end behavior of the verifier.

Capability annotations


This is a brief summary! Read chapter 4 of Federico Poli's PhD thesis (currently still under review) for more examples and an in-depth description.

This tool provides the following annotation to declare the implicit capabilities of library types with interior mutability:

#[capable(<source> if <condition> => <capability>(<target>))]
impl <type> {}

The meaning of this annotation is the following: As long as <condition> holds (true if omitted), <source> holds a capability <capability> for the memory location <target>.


// The full specification of the library is in "libraries/refcell_*.rs"

#[capable(&self => readRef(self.refcell().as_ptr()))]
impl<'b, T> Ref<'b, T> {}

#[capable(&mut self => writeRef(self.refcell().as_ptr()))]
impl<'b, T> RefMut<'b, T> {}

Meaning: Any &Ref instance holds a readRef capability for the content of the RefCell it refers to, and any &mut RefMut instance holds instead a writeRef capability.

In other words, any &Ref can be used to obtain a shared reference to the content of the RefCell, and any &mut RefMut can be used to obtain a mutable reference. This has some useful implications: holding a &Ref implies immutability of the content of the RefCell, and RefMut instances cannot refer to the content of other Ref or RefMut instances.

Capability kinds

A brief summary of the capability kinds and their meaning:

Capability Description Example
writeRef The source can obtain a mutable reference to the target. &mut
readRef The source can obtain a shared reference to the target. &
localRef The target is readRef and local. ...
unique The target can be accessed only via the source place. ...
local The target is thread-local. Content of &RefCell
write The target can be written via the source. Content of &AtomicI32
immutable The target is immutable. The borrow-count of a &RefMut
read The target can be read via the source. ...
noWriteRef It is impossible to obtain a mutable reference to the target. Content of &Cell, content of a read-locked &RwLock
noReadRef It is impossible to obtain a shared reference to the target. Content of &Cell

Capability properties

A diagram representing the implication and non-aliasing relationships between the capabilities:

flowchart TD
    subgraph "Non-aliasing between capabilities"
        direction LR
        AwriteRef[writeRef] -.- noWriteRef
        AreadRef[readRef] -.- noReadRef
        Aunique[unique] -.- Aread[read]
        Aimmutable[immutable] -.- Awrite[write]
    subgraph "Implications between capabilities"
        writeRef --> localRef
        writeRef --> unique
        localRef --> readRef
        localRef --> local
        readRef --> immutable
        unique --> local
        unique --> write
        local --> read
        write --> read
        immutable --> read

Using Mendel

Command line

There are two ways to obtain the binaries of the Mendel verifier:

  • Download the precompiled binaries for Ubuntu, Windows, or macOS x64 from a GitHub release.
  • Compile from the source code, by installing rustup, running ./ setup and then ./ build --release.

Both options provide the prusti-rustc and cargo-prusti programs that can be used analogously to, respectively, rustc and cargo build. The names of the binaries contain "prusti" because of compatibility reasons (and lack of time), but the verifier is actually Mendel.


The binaries of Mendel are compatible with the "Prusti Assistant" extension for VS Code. See the requirements and the troubleshooting section in its readme. To use Mendel in the IDE, you should configure the Prusti Assistant extension to use Mendel's binaries, specifying the "Local" version of the verifier and the path of the folder containing the binaries.