Project Presentation: Web Design and User Experience Engineering Project - Home Chef Recipe Website Designed recipe webpages' user interface, and developed the website using frontend web development skills and tools. Creatively designed cooking recipe website based on user requirements. Iteratively improved layout with customer feedback and usability testing. Soft skills learned: timely coordination and effective communication. Produced a stylish and easy-to-use website with proven customer satisfaction. ***Purpose: This repository includes web captures of all webpages. Viewer can see what the actual website looks like. There is a folder called "Web Capture" in this repo, you can start viewing by clicking on the files inside the folder. I also include webpage's wireframe designs in another folder called "Wireframes". Please feel free to take a look as well:) Please note that this repo only demos the website, it does not include code base. For the code base, please navigate to another repo called "seainfo6150-final-project-team-6". Here is the link for code base: - All rights reserved -