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Zhi edited this page Sep 9, 2013 · 3 revisions


此文档翻译自 API Reference (英语),版本为 2013-9-9 。不能保证文档的同步更新,因此,需要了解最新的开发特性,请移步英文版 API 参考

d3 库所提供的所有 API 都在 d3 命名空间下。d3 库使用语义版本命名法(semantic versioning)。 你可以用 d3.version 查看当前的版本信息。

  • - 从当前文档中选择一系列元素。
  • d3.selectAll - 从当前文档中选择多项元素。
  • selection.attr - 设置或获取指定属性。
  • selection.classed - 添加或删除选定元素的 CSS 类(CSS class)。
  • - 设置或删除 CSS 属性。
  • - 设置或获原生的属性值(raw property)。
  • selection.text - 设置或获取选定元素的标签体文本内容。
  • selection.html - 设置或获取选定元素的 HTML 内容(类似 innerHTML )
  • selection.append - 创建并添加新元素到选定元素后。
  • selection.insert - 创建并添加新元素到选定元素前。
  • selection.remove - 从当前文档对象中删除选定的元素。
  • - 设置或获取一组元素的绑定数据(get or set data for a group of elements, while computing a relational join.)
  • selection.enter - 返回缺失元素的占位对象(placeholder),指向绑定的数据中比选定元素集多出的一部分元素。
  • selection.exit - 返回多余元素的元素集,即选择元素中比绑定数据多出的一部分。
  • selection.datum - 设置或获取单独元素的数据,不进行关联。(get or set data for individual elements, without computing a join.)
  • selection.filter - 根据绑定的数据过滤选择集。
  • selection.sort - 根据绑定的数据对选择的元素进行排序。
  • selection.order - 对文档中的元素重排序以匹配选择集。
  • selection.on - 添加或删除事件监听器。
  • selection.transition - 启动一个过渡效果(返回 Transition 对象),可以理解为动画。
  • selection.interrupt - 立即停止所有正在进行的动画动作。
  • selection.each - 为每个选择的元素集调用指定的函数。
  • - 为当前选择的元素集调用指定的函数。
  • selection.empty - 测试选择集是否为空。
  • selection.node - 返回选择集中的第一个元素。
  • selection.size - 返回选择集中的元素个数。
  • - 选择所选的元素中的子元素组成新的选择集。
  • selection.selectAll - 选择所选的元素中的多个子元素组成新的选择集。
  • d3.selection - 选择集对象原型(可通过 d3.selection.prototype 为选择集增强功能)。
  • d3.event - 获取当前交互的用户事件。
  • d3.mouse - 获取鼠标的相对某元素的坐标。
  • d3.touches - 获取相对某元素的触控点坐标。
  • d3.ascending - compare two values for sorting.
  • d3.descending - compare two values for sorting.
  • d3.min - find the minimum value in an array.
  • d3.max - find the maximum value in an array.
  • d3.extent - find the minimum and maximum value in an array.
  • d3.sum - compute the sum of an array of numbers.
  • d3.mean - compute the arithmetic mean of an array of numbers.
  • d3.median - compute the median of an array of numbers (the 0.5-quantile).
  • d3.quantile - compute a quantile for a sorted array of numbers.
  • d3.bisect - search for a value in a sorted array.
  • d3.bisectRight - search for a value in a sorted array.
  • d3.bisectLeft - search for a value in a sorted array.
  • d3.bisector - bisect using an accessor.
  • d3.shuffle - randomize the order of an array.
  • d3.permute - reorder an array of elements according to an array of indexes.
  • - transpose a variable number of arrays.
  • d3.transpose - transpose an array of arrays.
  • d3.pairs - returns an array of adjacent pairs of elements.
  • d3.keys - list the keys of an associative array.
  • d3.values - list the values of an associated array.
  • d3.entries - list the key-value entries of an associative array.
  • d3.merge - merge multiple arrays into one array.
  • d3.range - generate a range of numeric values.
  • d3.nest - group array elements hierarchically.
  • nest.key - add a level to the nest hierarchy.
  • nest.sortKeys - sort the current nest level by key.
  • nest.sortValues - sort the leaf nest level by value.
  • nest.rollup - specify a rollup function for leaf values.
  • - evaluate the nest operator, returning an associative array.
  • nest.entries - evaluate the nest operator, returning an array of key-values tuples.
  • - a shim for ES6 maps, since objects are not hashes!
  • map.has - returns true if the map contains the specified key.
  • map.get - returns the value for the specified key.
  • map.set - sets the value for the specified key.
  • map.remove - removes the entry for specified key.
  • map.keys - returns the map’s array of keys.
  • map.values - returns the map’s array of values.
  • map.entries - returns the map’s array of entries (key-values objects).
  • map.forEach - calls the specified function for each entry in the map.
  • d3.set - a shim for ES6 sets, since objects are not hashes!
  • set.has - returns true if the set contains the specified value.
  • set.add - adds the specified value.
  • set.remove - removes the specified value.
  • set.values - returns the set’s array of values.
  • set.forEach - calls the specified function for each value in the set.
  • d3.xhr - request a resource using XMLHttpRequest.
  • xhr.header - set a request header.
  • xhr.mimeType - set the Accept request header and override the response MIME type.
  • xhr.response - set a response mapping function.
  • xhr.get - issue a GET request.
  • - issue a POST request.
  • xhr.send - issue a request with the specified method and data.
  • xhr.abort - abort an outstanding request.
  • xhr.on - add an event listener for "progress", "load" or "error" events.
  • d3.text - request a text file.
  • d3.json - request a JSON blob.
  • d3.html - request an HTML document fragment.
  • d3.xml - request an XML document fragment.
  • d3.csv - request a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
  • d3.tsv - request a tab-separated values (TSV) file.
  • d3.format - format a number as a string.
  • d3.formatPrefix - returns the [SI prefix] for the specified value and precision.
  • d3.requote - quote a string for use in a regular expression.
  • d3.round - rounds a value to some digits after the decimal point.
  • d3.csv - request a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
  • d3.csv.parse - parse a CSV string into objects using the header row.
  • d3.csv.parseRows - parse a CSV string into tuples, ignoring the header row.
  • d3.csv.format - format an array of objects into a CSV string.
  • d3.csv.formatRows - format an array of tuples into a CSV string.
  • d3.tsv - request a tab-separated values (TSV) file.
  • d3.tsv.parse - parse a TSV string into objects using the header row.
  • d3.tsv.parseRows - parse a TSV string into tuples, ignoring the header row.
  • d3.tsv.format - format an array of objects into a TSV string.
  • d3.tsv.formatRows - format an array of tuples into a TSV string.
  • d3.dsv - create a parser/formatter for the specified delimiter and mime type.
  • d3.rgb - specify a color in RGB space.
  • rgb.brighter - increase RGB channels by some exponential factor (gamma).
  • rgb.darker - decrease RGB channels by some exponential factor (gamma).
  • rgb.hsl - convert from RGB to HSL.
  • rgb.toString - convert an RGB color to a string.
  • d3.hsl - specify a color in HSL space.
  • hsl.brighter - increase lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
  • hsl.darker - decrease lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
  • hsl.rgb - convert from HSL to RGB.
  • hsl.toString - convert an HSL color to a string.
  • d3.lab - specify a color in L*a*b* space.
  • lab.brighter - increase lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
  • lab.darker - decrease lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
  • lab.rgb - convert from L*a*b* to RGB.
  • lab.toString - convert a L*a*b* color to a string.
  • d3.hcl - specify a color in HCL space.
  • hcl.brighter - increase lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
  • hcl.darker - decrease lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
  • hcl.rgb - convert from HCL to RGB.
  • hcl.toString - convert an HCL color to a string.
  • d3.functor - create a function that returns a constant.
  • d3.rebind - rebind an inherited getter/setter method to a subclass.
  • d3.dispatch - create a custom event dispatcher.
  • dispatch.on - register or unregister an event listener.
  • dispatch.type - dispatch an event to registered listeners.
  • d3.svg.line - create a new line generator.
  • line - generate a piecewise linear curve, as in a line chart.
  • line.x - get or set the x-coordinate accessor.
  • line.y - get or set the y-coordinate accessor.
  • line.interpolate - get or set the interpolation mode.
  • line.tension - get or set the cardinal spline tension.
  • line.defined - control whether the line is defined at a given point.
  • d3.svg.line.radial - create a new radial line generator.
  • line - generate a piecewise linear curve, as in a polar line chart.
  • line.radius - get or set the radius accessor.
  • line.angle - get or set the angle accessor.
  • line.defined - control whether the line is defined at a given point.
  • d3.svg.area - create a new area generator.
  • area - generate a piecewise linear area, as in an area chart.
  • area.x - get or set the x-coordinate accessors.
  • area.x0 - get or set the x0-coordinate (baseline) accessor.
  • area.x1 - get or set the x1-coordinate (topline) accessor.
  • area.y - get or set the y-coordinate accessors.
  • area.y0 - get or set the y0-coordinate (baseline) accessor.
  • area.y1 - get or set the y1-coordinate (topline) accessor.
  • area.interpolate - get or set the interpolation mode.
  • area.tension - get or set the cardinal spline tension.
  • area.defined - control whether the area is defined at a given point.
  • d3.svg.area.radial - create a new area generator.
  • area - generate a piecewise linear area, as in a polar area chart.
  • area.radius - get or set the radius accessors.
  • area.innerRadius - get or set the inner radius (baseline) accessor.
  • area.outerRadius - get or set the outer radius (topline) accessor.
  • area.angle - get or set the angle accessors.
  • area.startAngle - get or set the angle (baseline) accessor.
  • area.endAngle - get or set the angle (topline) accessor.
  • area.defined - control whether the area is defined at a given point.
  • d3.svg.arc - create a new arc generator.
  • arc - generate a solid arc, as in a pie or donut chart.
  • arc.innerRadius - get or set the inner radius accessor.
  • arc.outerRadius - get or set the outer radius accessor.
  • arc.startAngle - get or set the start angle accessor.
  • arc.endAngle - get or set the end angle accessor.
  • arc.centroid - compute the arc centroid.
  • d3.svg.symbol - create a new symbol generator.
  • symbol - generate categorical symbols, as in a scatterplot.
  • symbol.type - get or set the symbol type accessor.
  • symbol.size - get or set the symbol size (in square pixels) accessor.
  • d3.svg.symbolTypes - the array of supported symbol types.
  • d3.svg.chord - create a new chord generator.
  • chord - generate a quadratic Bézier connecting two arcs, as in a chord diagram.
  • chord.radius - get or set the arc radius accessor.
  • chord.startAngle - get or set the arc start angle accessor.
  • chord.endAngle - get or set the arc end angle accessor.
  • chord.source - get or set the source arc accessor.
  • - get or set the target arc accessor.
  • d3.svg.diagonal - create a new diagonal generator.
  • diagonal - generate a two-dimensional Bézier connector, as in a node-link diagram.
  • diagonal.source - get or set the source point accessor.
  • - get or set the target point accessor.
  • diagonal.projection - get or set an optional point transform.
  • d3.svg.diagonal.radial - create a new diagonal generator.
  • diagonal - generate a two-dimensional Bézier connector, as in a node-link diagram.
  • d3.svg.brush - click and drag to select one- or two-dimensional regions.
  • brush - apply a brush to the given selection or transition.
  • brush.x - the brush’s x-scale, for horizontal brushing.
  • brush.y - the brush’s y-scale, for vertical brushing.
  • brush.extent - the brush’s extent in zero, one or two dimensions.
  • brush.clear - reset the brush extent.
  • brush.empty - whether or not the brush extent is empty.
  • brush.on - listeners for when the brush is moved.
  • brush.event - dispatch brush events after setting the extent.
  • d3.time.scale - construct a linear time scale.
  • scale - get the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
  • scale.invert - get the domain value corresponding to a given range value.
  • scale.domain - get or set the scale's input domain.
  • scale.nice - extend the scale domain to nice round numbers.
  • scale.range - get or set the scale's output range.
  • scale.rangeRound - set the scale's output range, and enable rounding.
  • scale.interpolate - get or set the scale's output interpolator.
  • scale.clamp - enable or disable clamping of the output range.
  • scale.ticks - get representative values from the input domain.
  • scale.tickFormat - get a formatter for displaying tick values.
  • scale.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
  • d3.layout.bundle - construct a new default bundle layout.
  • bundle - apply Holten's hierarchical bundling algorithm to edges.
  • d3.layout.pack - produce a hierarchical layout using recursive circle-packing.
  • pack.sort - control the order in which sibling nodes are traversed.
  • pack.children - get or set the children accessor function.
  • pack.nodes - compute the pack layout and return the array of nodes.
  • pack.links - compute the parent-child links between tree nodes.
  • pack.value - get or set the value accessor used to size circles.
  • pack.size - specify the layout size in x and y.
  • pack.radius - specify the node radius, rather than deriving it from value.
  • pack.padding - specify the layout padding in (approximate) pixels.
  • d3.layout.pie - construct a new default pie layout.
  • pie - compute the start and end angles for arcs in a pie or donut chart.
  • pie.value - get or set the value accessor function.
  • pie.sort - control the clockwise order of pie slices.
  • pie.startAngle - get or set the overall start angle of the pie.
  • pie.endAngle - get or set the overall end angle of the pie.
  • d3.layout.stack - construct a new default stack layout.
  • stack - compute the baseline for each series in a stacked bar or area chart.
  • stack.values - get or set the values accessor function per series.
  • stack.order - control the order in which series are stacked.
  • stack.offset - specify the overall baseline algorithm.
  • stack.x - get or set the x-dimension accessor function.
  • stack.y - get or set the y-dimension accessor function.
  • stack.out - get or set the output function for storing the baseline.
  • d3.layout.tree - position a tree of nodes tidily.
  • tree.sort - control the order in which sibling nodes are traversed.
  • tree.children - get or set the children accessor function.
  • tree.nodes - compute the tree layout and return the array of nodes.
  • tree.links - compute the parent-child links between tree nodes.
  • tree.separation - get or set the spacing function between neighboring nodes.
  • tree.size - specify the layout size in x and y.
  • tree.nodeSize - specify a fixed size for each node.
  • d3.geom.voronoi - create a Voronoi layout with default accessors.
  • voronoi - compute the Voronoi tessellation for the specified points.
  • voronoi.x - get or set the x-coordinate accessor for each point.
  • voronoi.y - get or set the y-coordinate accessor for each point.
  • voronoi.clipExent - get or set the clip extent for the tesselation.
  • voronoi.links - compute the Delaunay mesh as a network of links.
  • voronoi.triangles - compute the Delaunay mesh as a triangular tessellation.
  • d3.geom.hull - create a convex hull layout with default accessors.
  • hull - compute the convex hull for the given array of points.
  • hull.x - get or set the x-coordinate accessor.
  • hull.y - get or set the y-coordinate accessor.
  • d3.behavior.zoom - create a zoom behavior.
  • zoom - apply the zoom behavior to the selected elements.
  • zoom.scale - the current scale factor.
  • zoom.translate - the current translate offset.
  • zoom.scaleExtent - optional limits on the scale factor.
  • - an optional focal point for mousewheel zooming.
  • zoom.size - the dimensions of the viewport.
  • zoom.x - an optional scale whose domain is bound to the x extent of the viewport.
  • zoom.y - an optional scale whose domain is bound to the y extent of the viewport.
  • zoom.on - listeners for when the scale or translate changes.
  • zoom.event - dispatch zoom events after setting the scale or translate.
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