Here you will find examples demonstrating the usage of the virtual threads with Vert.x.
This requires to use Java 21.
This example shows the how to use the Vert.x HTTP client with Vert.x virtual threads
This example shows the how to use the Vert.x Web client with Vert.x virtual threads
This example shows the how to use the Vert.x SQL client with Vert.x virtual threads
A movie rating REST application demonstrating the use of Vert.x virtual threads.
The application exposes a REST API for rating your favorite movies:
You can know more about a movie
> curl http://localhost:8080/movie/starwars
{"id":"starwars","title":"Star Wars"}
You can get the current rating of a movie:
> curl http://localhost:8080/getRating/indianajones
Finally, you can rate a movie
> curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/rateMovie/starwars?rating=4