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File metadata and controls

127 lines (96 loc) · 5.3 KB


For business usage only you may choose to use webhooks to get updates in real time instead of having to poll the API. This requires manual approval from Uphold.

A webhooks integration requires the following details:

  • Subscription URL: the URL for Uphold to send webhook requests to;
  • Secret: the secret for Uphold to use to sign all requests and prove they have not been tampered with (not the same as the client secret that is used for Uphold's API).

Each webhook uses the following format:

Parameter Description
createdAt Timestamp of the notification, can be used to verify message ordering.
id Unique identifier of the notification, can be used to ignore duplicate notifications.
payload JSON with the actual model data being sent by the webhook.
retries Number of retries of the notification, in case of failure of previous requests (e.g. the request getting an HTTP response not in the 2xx range).
type Type of the notification (e.g. card:updated).
userId Unique identifier of the Uphold user that owns the resource.

In addition, the request also includes a signature header, that can be used to verify that the request body has not been tampered with. That header is generated by signing the request body with the previously provided secret, using the SHA512 algorithm.

Example of signature header:


Card updated

If you want to be notified whenever a given card's balance changes, you can use the "Card Updated" scope. This is useful when you want to perform actions regarding the user's total balance or the balance of a specific card, so that you can act accordingly.

The following is a card:updated webhook payload example:

  "createdAt": "2018-05-03T12:25:21.809Z",
  "id": "c4db98e4-c9e1-46dc-a927-17a26fb9772c",
  "payload": {
    "context": {
      "transaction": {
        "id": "fd2907af-5bcd-488e-9310-42993d0e375e"
    "id": "c4a77706-7b3a-4b8b-968b-4190038d37e8"
  "retries": 0,
  "type": "card:updated",
  "userId": "e5b23ad5-6c1e-44d0-a49d-a080135fc083"

This webhook returns the following payload:

Parameter Description
context A JSON object with additional context.
id The id of the updated card.

The additional context includes the following details:

Parameter Description
transaction A JSON object with the id of the transaction that triggered the update.

It returns the card details and context whenever a card has changed its available or balance, i.e. whenever it sends or receives a transaction. The context includes the id of that transaction.

OAuth authorization revoked

This webhook is triggered when a user that had previously authorized your app decides to remove said authorization. When this happens, you'll receive a request informing you of which user has removed the authorization. To subscribe to these updates, you'll need to configure a webhook with the "OAuth Authorization Revoked" scope.

The following is a oauth-authorization:revoked webhook payload example:

  "createdAt": "2018-05-03T12:25:21.809Z",
  "id": "c4db98e4-c9e1-46dc-a927-17a26fb9772c",
  "payload": {
    "id": "758d3c93-5f00-46dd-a1b3-facdc215e09b"
  "retries": 0,
  "type": "oauth-authorization:revoked",
  "userId": "e5b23ad5-6c1e-44d0-a49d-a080135fc083"

This webhook returns the following payload:

Parameter Description
id The id of the authorization.

It returns the id of the authorization that was revoked.

Transaction status

When you create a transaction, the first set of validations is run and you'll get an error if the transaction request is not valid. Otherwise, the request is completed successfully and the response body will contain a status property with value processing. In the meantime, we perform another set of validations that can lead to a transaction's status becoming failed or completed. This asynchronous behavior can be handled by subscribing to a webhook with the "Transaction Status Updated" scope, which will allow you to receive updates whenever a transaction created by your application changes its status.

The following is a transaction:status:updated webhook payload example:

  "createdAt": "2018-05-03T12:25:21.809Z",
  "id": "c4db98e4-c9e1-46dc-a927-17a26fb9772c",
  "payload": {
    "id": "c4a77706-7b3a-4b8b-968b-4190038d37e8",
    "status":  "completed"
  "retries": 0,
  "type": "transaction:status:updated",
  "userId": "e5b23ad5-6c1e-44d0-a49d-a080135fc083"

This webhook returns the following payload:

Parameter Description
id The id of the transaction.
status A string with the transaction status that triggered the hook.
Possible values are: cancelled, completed, failed and waiting.

It returns the id of the created transaction, along with its current status.