- Requests and responses go through load balancer to EC2
- Benefits
- Spread load
- Single point of access (DNS) to your application
- Fault tolerance: Seamlessly handle failure of downstream instances with health checks
- Enforce stickiness (sessions) with cookies: same user -> same instance
- You can control expiration date of the cookie.
- 📝Load is not spread evenly then: e.g. causes one LB is having 80% CPU, other one 20%.
- High availability across zones
- Separate public traffic from private traffic
- ELB is managed load balancer
- Highly available & AWS guarantees that it'll be working
- Cheaper to setup your own load balancer but more effort.
- It is integrated with many AWS offerings / services
- Deprecated: (v1 - old generation) - 2009
- Requires one load balancer per application -> very expensive & inefficient
- Has an associated IPv4, IPv6, and dualstack (both IPv4 and IPv6) DNS name
- Cross-zone load balancing
- Application Load Balancer (ALB) (v2 - new generation) - 2016
- Layer 7 of OSI: HTTP traffic
- Components
- Target Groups
- Multiple HTTP applications across multiple machines (target groups)
- Target type can be an IP-address or an instance.
- When you create each listener rule, you specify a target group and conditions.
- When a rule condition is met, traffic is forwarded to the corresponding target group.
- Chooses target group based on the load & health checks.
- Stickiness is generated only by ALB and can be enabled at target group level.
- Multiple HTTP applications across multiple machines (target groups)
- Listeners (= rules)
- E.g. if protocol = X, hostname = Y, port = 5, path = /test, query = q=Hello then redirect to target group A.
- Supported condition types are:
- Target Groups
- Load balance based on
- path (e.g. example.com/users, example.com/payments)
- called also path patterns or path based routing.
- hostname in URL (users.example.com & payments.example.com)
- path (e.g. example.com/users, example.com/payments)
- Very good for micro services & container-based applications (e.g. docker & Amazon ECS)
- Has a port mapping feature to redirect to dynamic port
- 📝Allows load balancing to multiple applications on the same machine (e.g. ECS containers)
- Supports HTTP/HTTPS & WebSockets
- 💡 Application servers don't see the IP of the client directly
- By default e.g. EC2 instance sees the private IP of the load balancer, not the client.
- True IP of the client is inserted in the header
, port inX-Forwarded-Port
and proto inX-Forwarded-Proto
- True IP of the client is inserted in the header
- By default e.g. EC2 instance sees the private IP of the load balancer, not the client.
- ❗📝 Uses DNS name you cannot attach a static IP
- However you can deploy NLB in front of the ASG to get a static IP.
- Supports authentication
- From OIDC compliant identity providers such as Google, Facebook and Amazon.
- It is implemented through an authentication action on a listener rule that integrates with Amazon Cognito to create user pools.
- v2 - new generation - 2017
- Layer 4 of OSI: TCP traffic
- Allows you to
- Forward TCP traffic to your instances
- Very high performance: handle millions of request per seconds with less latency
- Less latency around 100 ms (vs 400 ms for ALB)
- Uses target groups just like ALB
- Types:
- Public facing: must attach Elastic IP -> 📝can help whitelist by clients
- Private facing: Random private IP at time of creation.
- Sees client IP directly
- Can terminate SSL/TLS
- Automatically provides a static IP per AZ to load balancer
- Enables assigning an Elastic IP to the load balancer per AZ.
Attribute | ALB | NLB |
OSI Layer | 7 | 4 |
Use case | App player, great for dockers | High network performance |
Private facing | Private DNS only | Static IP per AZ |
Public facing | Public DNS only | Must attach Elastic IP |
Protocol | HTTP, HTTPS, WebSockets | All TCP |
Latency | ≈ 400 ms | ≈ 100 ms |
Target groups | ✓ | ✓ |
Client IP visibility for app servers | Sent in headers | Directly |
SSL / TLS certificates & termination | ✓ | ✓ |
To multiple ports on target | ✓ | ✓ |
To lambda functions | ✓ | ✖ |
IP/port information | X-forwarded-for header |
Proxy protocol |
- Static host name (do not resolve and use underlying IP)
- Target can be IP address
- They allow registering e.g. Instances in a peered VPC
- Pre-warming: Can scale but not instantaneously - contact AWS for a "warm-up"
- Traffic increases more than 50% in less than 5 minutes -> Faster for ELB to scale up to meet it.
- Have error status codes:
: Client induced errors- 📝
: Application induced errors (503
-> at capacity or no registered target)
- Can be in multiple availability zones
- You can setup internal (private) or external (public, internet facing) ELBs.
- ❗ For public facing ELBs: you need one public subnet in each AZ where the ELB is defined
- Both types of ELB route traffic to the private IP addresses of EC2 instances
- 📝They must span to at least two public subnets.
- 📝Do not have pre-defined IPv4 addresses
- NLB can have elastic IP but better to resolve to them using a DNS name
- Route traffic across AZ, but not region.
- Health Checks
- Enable load balancer to know if instances it forwards traffic are available to reply to requests.
- ELB won't send traffic to unhealthy (crashed) instances
- The health check is done on a port and a route (
is common) - By default, response is not 200 (OK), then the instance is unhealthy
- You can customize health checks e.g. healthy threshold, unhealthy threshold, timeout, interval, success codes.
- Enable load balancer to know if instances it forwards traffic are available to reply to requests.
- Cross load balancing
- If disabled:
- Traffic is distributed evenly to multiple AZ's
- E.g. for 2 AZ: 50% 50, 5 instances in first AZ share 50% of traffic (under-utilization), 1 instance in second gets 50% (over-utilization)
- If enabled: Traffic is distributed evenly to instances as if they're on same AZ.
- Always on in ALB, can be enabled in NLB/ALB.
- If disabled:
- Connection Draining
- Enables the load balancer to complete in-flight requests made to instances that are de-registering or unhealthy.
- Keeps existing connection open when instances are de-registering/unhealthy to get last response.
- Stops sending new requests though.
- Enables the load balancer to complete in-flight requests made to instances that are de-registering or unhealthy.
- Load Balancer Security Group
- LBS must have security group attached to it.
- 💡📝 If LB can't connect to your application, check your security group.
- 💡📝 If you don't want your instance IP to be publicly available ->
- Allow inbound traffic in instance security group only for load balancer security group
- Usually:
- In LB, allow inbound HTTP (TCP 80) & HTTPS (TCP 443) from anywhere
- In instance, allow HTTP (TCP 80) from LB
- LBS must have security group attached to it.
- Monitoring
- CloudWatch
- Sent from ELB to CloudWatch every 1 to 5 minutes (1 when requests are active)
- Access Logs is an optional feature that logs to S3.
- Logs useful information for debugging and auditing.
- E.g. protocol, timestamp, client and target (port & ip), request size, user agent, processing time.
- CloudWatch
- SSL Termination: HTTPS is not needed internally as LB (network & application) can terminate SSL/TLS.
- You can manage certificates using ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) on Load Balancer
- 📝Alternatively you can create & upload your own certificates.
- Supports Perfect Forward Secrecy (new SSL key per session).
- For HTTPS listener:
- You must specify a default certificate
- You can add an optional list of certs to support multiple domains
- Clients can use SNI (Server Name Indication) to specify the hostname they reach.
- SNI is an extension of the TLS protocol.
- 📝 Allows clients to map many domain names & certificates in one IP.
- Only available in Application Load Balancer and CloudFront.
- You can have unique certificates for each domain (i.e. many certificates) while those domains share the same IP
- Indicates requested hostname from the browser at the beginning of the 'handshake' process.
- How it works in SSL/TLS?
- Browser require a digital certificate from the server, before it even knows what page the browser wishes to access.
- Web server checks IP address to see target website of user.
- Web server send the right certificate to the browser or client.
- ❗ Problem: IP addresses are limited, can be problematic to require every website to have IP
- 💡 SNI solves this: the browser communicates directly the hostname instead of just IP so that web server can respond with right certificate
- Browser then compares the name on the certificate from the server with the name of the page it is trying to make a connection with.
- If the names match, the connection will be made in an ordinary way.
- The names do not match > A warning message that could indicate a man-in-the-middle attack.
- Browser require a digital certificate from the server, before it even knows what page the browser wishes to access.