The if
conditional is the most basic code switch in more or less any
programming language. In Scheme it has the general form
(if test consequent alternative)
If the expression test
evaluates to “a true value” then the subexpression
is evaluated, otherwise alternative
, and the whole if
expression evaluates to the value of the chosen subexpression. OK, let's
clarify this with an example, but first of all we have to understand what “a
true value” means.
Scheme knows the literals #t
for “true” and #f
for “false”, which are
returned by many comparing expressions and particularly all predicates:
guile> (> 2 1)
guile> (string=? "Yes" "No")
guile> (number? 1)
guile> (list? "I'm a list?")
However, in Guile Scheme every object except #f
is considered to have “a
true value”. So the following expressions all have “a true value”:
'(1 . 2)
That means that whenever the expression test
evaluates to anything except
then consequent
is evaluated, otherwise alternative
So here is the first concrete example
(if (> 2 1)
(if (> 1 2)
In the first case the test is the expression (> 2 1)
which evaluates to #t
(2 is greater than 1), therefore the consequent
subexpression is evaluated.
In this case it is the self-evaluating string "Greater"
, but it could as well
be a complex expression or a symbol referring to a variable. This string then
becomes the value of the whole if
expression, and therefore this is printed as
the result.
In the second case the test expression evaluates to #f
, therefore the whole
expression evaluates to "Smaller"
The most important thing to understand here is that the subexpressions
evaluate to a value and don't necessarily do anything, and that the same is
true for the whole if
expression. This is what I meant with the different
paradigm: in Scheme an if
expression should be phrased colloquially as
“depending on the result of the test this evaluates to one or the other” instead
of “depending on the test do this or that”. This is best demonstrated in a local
binding (which is also a common use case for conditionals):
{% lilypond %} #(display (let* ((rand (random 100)) (state (if (even? rand) "even" "odd"))) (format "The random number ~a is ~a" rand state))) {% endlilypond %}
We have a let*
expression at the core of this example. It establishes two
bindings, first a random integer and then its “state”. The value bound to the
name is the result of an if
expression, namely one of the strings
or “odd”
, depending on the result of the application of the even?
procedure. The body of the let*
expression is the invocation of the
procedure which evaluates to a string. Therefore the value of the
whole let*
expression is the value of the format
expression, which is then
passed to the display
procedure, which prints for example The random number 61 is odd
to the console.
The example discussed above is the default case for if
expressions, but there
are a number of special cases you should know about - because they can be both
confusing and useful. The first topic to discuss is the value of the
Depending on the test one subexpression will be evaluated, and its value becomes
the value of the if
expression. However, expressions do not necessarily
evaluate to a value but can also be <unspecified>
(if #t
(display "true")
(display "false"))
The subexpression (display "true")
will print something to the console but
doesn't evaluate to anything, and consequently the whole expression also has
an unspecified value.
The alternative expression can be omitted in an if
expression, making it (if test consequent)
. This will work, but when the test fails (i.e. the
alternative expression is requested to be evaluated) the value of the if
expression will be unspecified. This may be acceptable or not, depending on the
context. For example, if the subexpression is used to do something instead of
returning a value there's no problem at all.