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Releases: twilio/twilio-video.js


09 May 22:24
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1.9.0 (May 9, 2018)

New Features

  • Room now emits "reconnecting" and "reconnected" events when the media
    connection is disconnected and reconnected. You can use these events to update
    your application and warn your users when a reconnection is occurring.
    twilio-video.js does not yet support reconnecting the signaling connection;
    however, when we do, we will use this same event. We recommend you set the
    following event listeners in your application:

    room.on('reconnecting', error => {
      // Warn and/or update your application's UI.
      console.warn('Reconnecting!', error);
    room.on('reconnected', () => {
      // Log and/or update your application's UI.

    In addition to this change, we've also added a new Room state value:
    "reconnecting". Room state can now be one of "connected", "reconnecting", or
    "disconnected". (JSDK-1855)

  • By default, twilio-video.js waits up to 3000 milliseconds to fetch ICE servers
    before connecting to a Room; and, if fetching ICE servers takes longer than
    3000 milliseconds or otherwise fails, twilio-video.js will fallback to using
    hard-coded STUN servers. Now you can configure this timeout with a new
    property in ConnectOptions, iceServersTimeout. You can also disable the
    fallback behavior by setting another new property in ConnectOptions,
    abortOnIceServersTimeout, to true. Doing so will cause the Promise
    returned by connect to reject with TwilioError 53500, "Unable to acquire
    configuration", if fetching ICE servers times out or otherwise fails.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where, if the WebSocket connection to Twilio was disconnected (for
    example, due to losing internet connectivity), Room would emit a
    "disconnected" event without an error. Now, Room will emit a
  • Fixed a bug where twilio-video.js failed to identify a WebSocket timeout in a
    timely manner. Now, WebSocket timeouts can be identified in around 30 seconds.
    If a WebSocket timeout occurs, for example, due to a WebSocket disconnect,
    Room will emit a "disconnected" event with SignalingConnectionTimeoutError.
  • If an ICE failure occurs, for example due to disconnecting a VPN, but the
    signaling connection remains online, twilio-video.js will attempt an ICE
    restart to repair the media connection. (JSDK-1810)


05 Mar 21:03
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1.8.0 (February 9, 2018)

New Features

  • Added support for TURN over TLS on port 443.


09 Jan 21:13
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1.7.0 (January 9, 2018)

New Features

  • Added VP8 simulcast support for Chrome. VP8 simulcast can be enabled in Chrome
    using the preferredVideoCodecs property in ConnectOptions. For example,

    connect(token, {
      preferredVideoCodecs: [
        { codec: 'VP8', simulcast: true }

    We recommend you only enable this setting in Group Rooms.

  • By default, when you connect to a Group Room, you subscribe to all
    RemoteParticipants' Tracks. However, sometimes your device may lack the codec
    required to decode a particular Track. For example, an H.264-only Safari
    Participant would be unable to decode a VP8 VideoTrack. In these cases, we now
    raise a new event, "trackSubscriptionFailed", on the RemoteParticipant who
    published the Track you could not subscribe to. For example, the following

    room.on('participantConnected', handleParticipant);
    function handleParticipant(participant) {
      participant.on('trackSubscriptionFailed', (error, trackPublication) =>
        console.warn('Failed to subscribe to RemoteTrack %s with name "%s": %s',
          trackPublication.trackSid, trackPublication.trackName, error.message)));

    will log something like

    Failed to subscribe to RemoteTrack MTxxx with name "123": No codec supported

    to the console. twilio-video.js will also log these warnings by default.
    Please refer to the API docs for more information.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a memory leak in an internal dependency, SIP.js.


12 Dec 16:44
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1.6.1 (December 12, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where, if you published a LocalDataTrack, unpublished it, and then
    published it again, you would be unable to send data over it again.
  • We've worked around a long-standing issue with Firefox's RTCIceTransport
    behavior that required you to always add a LocalAudioTrack. You should now be
    able to connect to Rooms with, for example, only a LocalVideoTrack, only a
    LocalDataTrack, or no LocalTracks at all.
  • Binary RemoteDataTrack messages received in Firefox arrived as Blobs instead
    of ArrayBuffers (as in Chrome and Safari). We now set the underlying
    RTCDataChannel's binaryType to "arraybuffer" in order to ensure consistent
    behavior across browsers. (JSDK-1627)
  • We always stringify names passed via LocalTrackOptions now. (JSDK-1565)
  • Added a workaround for WebRTC
    Issue 8329. This
    issue caused Track failures in Chrome whenever participating in Rooms from a
    device that supported duplicate codecs (for example, H.264 at two different
    profile levels). (JSDK-1645)
  • Fixed some code that could lead to a renegotiation loop in Firefox.
  • Fixed a memory leak in an internal class, PeerConnectionV2.


24 Oct 20:33
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1.6.0 (October 24, 2017)

New Features

  • Added DataTrack support in Group Rooms. Previously, DataTracks only worked in
    Peer-to-peer Rooms. Now they work in both. Consequently, the "experimental"
    warning has been removed.

  • Added LocalDataTrackOptions. These options allow you to configure the
    maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, and ordered properties of a
    LocalDataTrack's underlying RTCDataChannel(s).

  • Added "trackPublicationFailed" and "trackPublished" events to the
    LocalParticipant. Previously, if you failed to publish a LocalTrack when
    connecting to a Room, there was no API to discover what went wrong. Now, if
    you fail to publish a LocalTrack at connect-time—for example, due to a codec
    mismatch or an invalid Track name—we will raise a "trackPublicationFailed" on
    the LocalParticipant with an informative error. Similarly, if publication
    succeeds, we will raise a "trackPublished" event with the resulting

  • Added a new top-level boolean property, isSupported, that indicates whether
    or not the browser/environment/platform currently running twilio-video.js
    contains the necessary APIs (for example, WebRTC) to participate in video
    chats. Depending on how you use twilio-video.js, you can use one of the
    methods below to access it:

    // Option 1: Using `require`
    const { isSupported } = require('twilio-video');
    // Option 2: Using browser global
    const { isSupported } = Twilio.Video;


14 Oct 00:35
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1.5.1 (October 13, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where we created too many MediaStreams in Firefox, leading to
    extremely degraded audio quality. (JSDK-1588)


10 Oct 00:13
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1.5.0 (October 9, 2017)

New Features

  • You can now specify Track names. Refer to the Track name guide below for more

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where RemoteTrack's "unsubscribed" event and RemoteParticipant's
    "trackUnsubscribed" event fired before the RemoteTrack was removed from the
    RemoteParticipant's tracks collections instead of after.

Track Name Guide

Setting Track names

There are a few different ways you can specify Track names. For example, you can
specify name as an audio or video constraint when calling any of
createLocalTracks, createLocalAudioTrack, createLocalVideoTrack, or

  audio: { name: 'microphone' },
  video: { name: 'camera' }

createLocalAudioTrack({ name: 'microphone' });
createLocalVideoTrack({ name: 'camera' });

connect(token, {
  audio: { name: 'microphone' },
  video: { name: 'camera' }

These will create a LocalAudioTrack and a LocalVideoTrack with the names
"microphone" and "camera", respectively. If you have a reference to a
MediaStreamTrack, you can also pass the name to the LocalAudioTrack or
LocalVideoTrack constructor:

const localAudioTrack = new LocalAudioTrack(mediaStreamTrack1, { name: 'microphone' });
const localVideoTrack = new LocalVideoTrack(mediaStreamTrack2, { name: 'camera' });

Similarly, for LocalDataTracks:

const localDataTrack = new LocalDataTrack({ name: 'data' });

You can even pass these values if you use the MediaStreamTrack override for
publishTrack. For example:

room.localParticipant.publishTrack(mediaStreamTrack, { name: 'my-track' });

Please keep in mind:

  • If you do not specify a Track name, the Track's name will default to the
    LocalTrack ID.
  • A single Participant cannot have two Tracks published with the same name at a

Getting Track names

You can check a LocalTrack or RemoteTrack's name by querying it's name
property. For example,

participant.on('trackSubscribed', track => {
  console.log('Subscribed to Track "' + + '"');

This can be useful, for example, for distinguishing between a RemoteVideoTrack
named "camera" and a RemoteVideoTrack named "screenshare".


02 Oct 22:53
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1.4.0 (October 2, 2017)

This release includes a handful of new features as well as some deprecations.
Please refer to the migration guide below for handling the deprecations.

New Features

  • Added publishTrack, unpublishTrack, and related methods to
    LocalParticipant. addTrack, removeTrack and related methods are now
    deprecated. Refer to the migration guide below.
  • Added "trackSubscribed" and "trackUnsubscribed" events. As of now, they are
    emitted before and after the "trackAdded" and "trackRemoved" events,
    respectively; however, in a future release, they will only be emitted when
    a Track which has actually been subscribed to or unsubscribed from.
  • Added LocalTrackPublication classes. These classes allow you to discover your
    Track SID, and, in a future release, will allow you to selectively subscribe
    to or unsubscribe from RemoteTracks. It is also recommended that you starting
    using Track SIDs instead of Track IDs to correlate Tracks.
  • Added experimental DataTrack support. You can see a demo of it
    here. Refer to the DataTrack
    guide below for more information.

Migration Guide

Migrating from addTrack to publishTrack

addTrack is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Please
migrate to publishTrack as soon as possible. For the most part, you can treat
the new method as a drop-in replacement for the old one. For example, where you
previously had

// Before

you can replace it with

// After

One short-coming of addTrack is that it could not tell if it was successful or
not. With publishTrack, we actually return a Promise for a
LocalTrackPublication. If publishing succeeds, you'll be able to print your
Track SID:

try {
  const publication = await room.localParticipant.publishTrack(track);
  console.log('Successfully published Track %s', publication.trackSid);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Failed to publish Track!', error.message);

Similarly, addTracks has been replaced by publishTracks.

Migrating from removeTrack to unpublishTrack

Like addTrack and publishTrack, removeTrack is deprecated and has been
replaced with unpublishTrack. For the most part, you can treat the new method
as a drop-in replacement for the old one. The one caveat is that
unpublishTrack will not automatically stop the Track for you. For example,
where you previously had

// Before

you can replace it with

// After

Of course, you can omit the call to stop if you do not want to stop the Track.

unpublishTrack will return the LocalTrackPublication if the Track was
unpublished. For example, you can print the unpublished Track's SID:

const publication = room.localParticipant.unpublishTrack(localTrack);
if (publication) {
  console.log('Successfully unpublished Track %s', publication.trackSid);

Alternatively, if you already have a reference to a LocalTrackPublication, you
can call unpublish directly on it.


Similarly, removeTracks has been replaced by unpublishTracks.

Migrating from Track IDs to Track SIDs

In some applications, it makes sense to share metadata about a Track.
Previously, the natural way to do this with twilio-video.js was to use the Track
ID; however, in the next major release of twilio-video.js, Track IDs will be
replaced by Track SIDs. SIDs—or "string identifiers"—are identifiers that Twilio
assigns to resources. These identifiers are useful for debugging, sharing
metadata out-of-band, and looking up resources in the REST API. For a long time,
Rooms and Participants have had SIDs, but not Tracks. That changes in this

Whereas before you may have associated metadata with a LocalTrack's ID, you
should now associate that metadata with the LocalTrack's SID, as exposed by the

// Before
console.log('Added LocalTrack %s',;

// After
const publication = await room.localParticipant.publishTrack(localTrack);
console.log('Published LocalTrack %s', publication.trackSid);

Similarly, for a RemoteTrack:

// Before
console.log('Received RemoteTrack %s',;

// After
console.log('Received RemoteTrack %s', remoteTrack.sid);


This releases adds experimental support for "DataTracks". DataTracks are a new
kind of Track, similar to AudioTracks and VideoTracks. DataTracks are different,
though, in that they allow you to send and receive arbitrary data within a
Room—not just audio and video. Using DataTracks, you could send mouse events,
transfer files, or implement a simple chat mechanism in your Room. All of this
is supported under-the-hood by WebRTC's RTCDataChannels.

We're calling support for DataTracks "experimental" in this release becase, at
the time of writing, they are currently only supported in Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
Rooms. You will not (yet) be able to connect to Group Rooms with DataTracks. We
plan to add this in a subsequent release. If you want to see a demo of
DataTracks in action, see here.

Constructing a new DataTrack is simple—just call the LocalDataTrack

const { LocalDataTrack } = require('twilio');

const localTrack = new LocalDataTrack();

Once you've constructed a DataTrack, you can either connect to a Room with it
or publish it to a Room:

// Option 1
connect(token, { tracks: [localTrack] });

// Option 2

Once you've published the DataTrack to the Room, call send to transmit


In order to receive a DataTrack, you'll want to iterate over a
RemoteParticipant's Tracks and listen to the "trackAdded" event. Once you
have a DataTrack, attach a listener to the "message" event:

function handleTrack(remoteTrack) {
  if (remoteTrack.kind === 'data') {
    remoteTrack.on('message', data => {
      console.log('Got message "%s" from DataTrack %s', data, remoteTrack.sid);

remoteParticipant.on('trackAdded', handleTrack);

You can also listen for the "trackMessage" on the RemoteParticipant:

remoteParticipant.on('trackMessage', (data, remoteTrack) => {
  console.log('Got message "%s" from DataTrack "%s"', data, remoteTrack.sid);


14 Sep 23:59
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1.3.0 (September 11, 2017)

New Features

  • twilio-video.js now features an API for setting and updating bandwidth
    constraints. When you connect to a Room, you can specify an optional
    maxAudioBitrate and an optional maxVideoBitrate, both in bits per second
    (bps). These values are set as hints for variable bitrate codecs, but will not
    take effect for fixed bitrate codecs.

    For example, to connect with a maximum audio bitrate of 64 kilobits per
    second and a maximum video bitrate of 500 kilobits per second:

    const room = await connect(token, {
      maxAudioBitrate: 64000,
      maxVideoBitrate: 500000

    You can also update your maxAudioBitrate and maxVideoBitrate while
    participating in a Room. For example, to reset your maximum bitrates for audio
    and video, you could set each to null:

      maxAudioBitrate: null,
      maxVideoBitrate: null

    If you want to change only one value—for example, just the maximum video
    bitrate—you can omit the other value. For example, to update only the maximum
    video bitrate, leaving the maximum audio bitrate unchanged:

    room.localParticipant.setParameters({ maxVideoBitrate: 1000000 });
  • twilio-video.js now features an API for setting preferred codecs when
    publishing Tracks. When you connect to a Room, you can specify an optional
    preferredAudioCodecs array and an optional preferredVideoCodecs array.
    These are codec "preferences" because they will only be applied if your
    browser and the type of Room you are connected to support them. If a
    preference cannot be satisfied, we will fallback to the next best codec.

    For example, to connect with a preferred video codec of H.264:

    const room = await connect(token, {
      preferredVideoCodecs: ['H264']

    You can also specify more than one preferred codec. For example, to connect
    with a preferred audio codec of iSAC, falling back to Opus if iSAC is

    const room = await connect(token, {
      preferredAudioCodecs: ['isac', 'opus']

Please refer to the API docs for more information on both of these features.

Bug Fixes

  • Track's attach method now sets the playsInline attribute on <audio>
    and <video> elements. This is necessary to allow playback in Safari 11
    on iOS.


14 Sep 23:59
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1.2.2 (August 22, 2017)

This is primarily a bug fix release; however, we've also factored out two
dependencies (@twilio/sip.js and @twilio/webrtc) for easier management of the

Bug Fixes

  • In Chrome, Room#getStats() did not provide valid values for those Participants
    with more than one Track of the same kind (audio or video). (JSDK-1329)
  • Fixed a rare scenario where the SDK could "get stuck" negotiating with the
    server. We are evaluating whether or not to patch this behavior server-side
    as well, so that older clients can receive the fix, too. (JSDK-1454)