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Treasure Data Android SDK

Android and Android TV SDK for Treasure Data. With this SDK, you can import the events on your Android and Android TV applications into Treasure Data easily.

Migration to version 1

Version 1 has major changes that are not backward compatible with previous versions. If you are upgrading from version 0.6.0 or earlier, your code will not run correctly without doing these following steps:

  • API endpoint has changed to Ingestion Endpoint. The default value is
  • initializeApiEndpoint(String apiEndpoint) API is no longer available, please use initializeSharedInstance(Context context, String apiKey, String apiEndpoint) instead.
  • Server side upload timestamp feature is removed.
  • New enableAutoAppendLocalTimestamp and disableAutoAppendLocalTimestamp APIs to help automatically track local timestamp.
  • uuid is now reserved column name. If you try to add value to event's uuid key, you won't see the column show up in the database.
  • Auto tracking of client id by adding td_ip field is no longer supported. Instead, use new enableAutoTrackingIP and disableAutoTrackingIP APIs.


You can install td-android-sdk into your Android project in the following ways.


If you use gradle, add the following dependency to dependencies directive in the build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.treasuredata:td-android-sdk:1.1.0'


If you use maven, add the following directives to your pom.xml


This SDK has an example Android application project. The pom.xml would be a good reference.

Jar file

Or put td-android-sdk-x.x.x-shaded.jar (get the latest here) into (YOUR_ANDROID_PROJECT)/libs.


Initialize the Library at onCreate() in your Application subclass

For efficient API calls, we highly recommend initializing a TreasureData shared instance at the onCreate() method of your Application subclass.

public class ExampleApp extends Application {

  public void onCreate() {

    // Initialize Treasure Data Android SDK
    TreasureData.initializeSharedInstance(this, "YOUR_WRITE_ONLY_API_KEY", "API_ENDPOINT");

We recommend to use a write-only API key for the SDK. To obtain one, please:

  1. Login to the Treasure Data Console at;
  2. Visit your Profile page at;
  3. Insert your password under the 'API Keys' panel;
  4. In the bottom part of the panel, under 'Write-Only API keys', either copy the API key or click on 'Generate New' and copy the new API key.

Then, you can use a shared instance from anywhere with the TreasureData.sharedInstance() method.

Use the shared instance

public class ExampleActivity extends Activity {

  public void onDataLoadSomethingFinished(long elapsedTime) {
    Map<String, Object> event = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    event.put("data_type", "something");
    event.put("elapsed_time", elapsedTime);
    TreasureData.sharedInstance().addEvent("events", event);

Add an event to local buffer

To add an event to local buffer, you can call TreasureData#addEvent or TreasureData#addEventWithCallback API.

  View v = findViewById(;
  v.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {

      final Map event = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      event.put("id", v.getId());
      event.put("left", v.getLeft());
      event.put("right", v.getRight());
      event.put("top", v.getTop());
      event.put("bottom", v.getBottom());

      td.addEventWithCallback("testdb", "demotbl", event, new TDCallback() {
        public void onSuccess() {
          Log.i("ExampleApp", "success!");

        public void onError(String errorCode, Exception e) {
          Log.w("ExampleApp", "errorCode: " + errorCode + ", detail: " + e.toString());
      // Or, simply...
      //    td.addEvent("testdb", "demotbl", event);


Specify the database and table to which you want to import the events. The total length of database and table must be shorter than 256 chars. Each table will cache no more than 10000 events.

On top of that, the length of key in event must not exceed 256 chars and the length of value in event must not exceed 10000 chars.

Upload buffered events to Treasure Data

To upload events buffered events to Treasure Data, you can call TreasureData#uploadEvents or TreasureData#uploadEventsWithCallback API.

  findViewById( OnTouchListener() {
    public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {

      // You can call this API to uplaod buffered events whenever you want.
      td.uploadEventsWithCallback(new TDCallback() {
        public void onSuccess() {
          Log.i("ExampleApp", "success!");

        public void onError(String errorCode, Exception e) {
          Log.w("ExampleApp", "errorCode: " + errorCode + ", detail: " + e.toString());
      // Or, simply...
      //   td.uploadEvents();
      return false;

It depends on the characteristic of your application when to upload and how often to upload buffered events. But we recommend the followings at least as good timings to upload.

  • When the current screen is closing or moving to background
  • When closing the application

The sent events is going to be buffered for a few minutes before they get imported into Treasure Data storage.

Retry uploading and deduplication

This SDK imports events in exactly once style with the combination of these features.

  • This SDK keeps buffered events with adding unique keys and retries to upload them until confirming the events are uploaded and stored on server side (at least once)
  • The server side remembers the unique keys of all events within the past 1 hours by default and prevents duplicated imports (at most once)

As for the deduplication window is 1 hour by default, so it's important not to keep buffered events more than 1 hour to avoid duplicated events.

Default values

Set a default value if you want an event added to a table, a database, or any table or database to automatically set value for a key. If you have multiple default values set to the same key, newly added event will have the default value applied and override in following order:

  1. Default value targeting all table and database will be applied first.
  2. Default value targeting all table in a database will then be applied.
  3. Default value targeting the table to which the event is added will then be applied.
  4. Default value targeting the table and database to which the event is added will then be applied.
  5. Finally, if the event has a value for the key, that value will override all default values.

To set default value:

TreasureData.sharedInstance().setDefaultValue(null, null, "key", "Value"); // Targeting all databases and tables
TreasureData.sharedInstance().setDefaultValue("database_name", null, "key", "Value"); // Targeting all tables of database "database_name"
TreasureData.sharedInstance().setDefaultValue(null, "table_name", "key", "Value"); // Targeting all tables with "table_name"
TreasureData.sharedInstance().setDefaultValue("database_name", "table_name", "key", "Value"); // Targeting table "table_name" of database "database_name"

To get default value:

String defaultValue = (String) TreasureData.sharedInstance().getDefaultValue("database_name", "table_name", "key"); // Get default value for key targeting database "database_name" and table "table_name".

To remove default value:

TreasureData.sharedInstance().removeDefaultValue("database_name", "table_name", "key"); // Only remove default value targeting database "database_name" and table "table_name".

Start/End session

When you call TreasureData#startSession method, the SDK generates a session ID that's kept until TreasureData#endSession is called. The session id is outputs as a column name "td_session_id". Also, TreasureData#startSession and TreasureData#endSession method add an event that includes {"td_session_event":"start" or "end"}.

	protected void onStart(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

	protected void onStop() {
		// Outputs =>>
		//   [{"td_session_id":"cad88260-67b4-0242-1329-2650772a66b1",
		//		"td_session_event":"start", "time":1418880000},
		//    {"td_session_id":"cad88260-67b4-0242-1329-2650772a66b1",
		//		"td_session_event":"end", "time":1418880123}
		//    ]

If you want to handle the following case, use a pair of class methods TreasureData.startSession and TreasureData.endSession for global session tracking

  • User opens the application and starts session tracking. Let's call this session session#0
  • User moves to home screen and destroys the Activity
  • User reopens the application and restarts session tracking within default 10 seconds. But you want to deal with this new session as the same session as session#0
	protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
		TreasureData.setSessionTimeoutMilli(30 * 1000);  // Default is 10 seconds

	protected void onStart() {

	protected void onStop() {

In this case, you can get the current session ID using TreasureData.getSessionId

	protected void onStart() {
		Log.i(TAG, "onStart(): Session ID=" + TreasureData.getSessionId(this));

Track app lifecycle events automatically

App lifecycle event tracking is optional and not enable by default. You can track app lifecycle events automatically using : TreasureData#enableAppLifecycleEvent()

App lifecycle events include : Application Install, Application Open, Application Update. You can disable the individual core events as the following:

  • Disable Application Install: disableAppInstalledEvent()
  • Disable Application Open: disableAppOpenEvent()
  • Disable Application Update: disableAppUpdatedEvent()

Track in app purchase events automatically

In app purchase event tracking is optional and not enable by default. To track in app purchase events automatically, you only need to add a line of code : TreasureData#enableInAppPurchaseEvent()

It outputs the following columns:

  • td_android_event : TD_ANDROID_IN_APP_PURCHASE
  • td_iap_product_id : productId (Purchase)
  • td_iap_order_id : orderId (Purchase)
  • td_iap_product_price : price (SKU detail)
  • td_iap_quantity : 1
  • td_iap_product_price_amount_micros : price_amount_micros (SKU detail)
  • td_iap_product_currency : price_currency_code (SKU detail)
  • td_iap_purchase_time : purchaseTime (Purchase)
  • td_iap_purchase_token : purchaseToken (Purchase)
  • td_iap_purchase_state : purchaseState (Purchase)
  • td_iap_purchase_developer_payload : developerPayload (Purchase)
  • td_iap_product_type : type (SKU detail), inapp for one-time product and subs for subscription
  • td_iap_product_title : title (SKU detail)
  • td_iap_product_description : description (SKU detail)
  • td_iap_package_name : packageName (Purchase)
  • td_iap_subs_auto_renewing : autoRenewing (Purchase)
  • td_iap_subs_status : Auto detection for subscription (New|Cancelled|Restored|Expired)
  • td_iap_subs_period : subscriptionPeriod (SKU detail for subscription)
  • td_iap_free_trial_period : freeTrialPeriod (SKU detail for subscription)
  • td_iap_intro_price_period : introductoryPricePeriod (SKU detail for subscription)
  • td_iap_intro_price_cycless : introductoryPriceCycles (SKU detail for subscription)
  • td_iap_intro_price_amount_micros : introductoryPriceAmountMicro (SKU detail for subscription)

This SDK can track in app purchase events for Android application using both Google Play Billing Library and In-app Billing with AIDL . You must add the following ProGuard rule to keep AIDL classes using by the SDK to your project if your application is developed using In-app Billing with AIDL api.

-keep class** { *; }

Opt out

Depending on the countries where you sell your app (e.g. the EU), you may need to offer the ability for users to opt-out of tracking data inside your app.

  • To turn off auto tracking application lifecycle events (when application lifecycle event tracking is enabled) : TreasureData#disableAppLifecycleEvent().
  • To turn off auto tracking in app purchase events(when in app purchase event is enabled) : TreasureData#disableInAppPurchaseEvent().
  • To turn off custom events (the events you are tracking by TreasureData#addEvent, TreasureData#addEventWithCallback ) : TreasureData#disableCustomEvent. To turn on it again : TreasureData#enableCustomEvent

You can query the state of tracking events by using : TreasureData#isAppLifecycleEventEnabled(), TreasureData#isInAppPurchaseEventEnabled() and TreasureData#isCustomEventEnabled(). The states have effects across device reboots, app updates, so you can simply call this once during your application.

About error codes

TreasureData#addEventWithCallback and TreasureData#uploadEventsWithCallback call back TDCallback#onError method with errorCode argument. This argument is useful to know the cause type of the error. There are the following error codes.

  • init_error : The initialization failed.
  • invalid_param : The parameter passed to the API was invalid
  • invalid_event : The event was invalid
  • data_conversion : Failed to convert the data to/from JSON
  • storage_error : Failed to read/write data in the storage
  • network_error : Failed to communicate with the server due to network problem
  • server_response : The server returned an error response

Additional configuration


The API endpoint (default: can be changed. For example:

    td = new TreasureData(this, "your_api_key", "");

Encryption key

If you've set an encryption key via TreasureData.initializeEncryptionKey, our SDK saves the event data as encrypted when called TreasureData#addEvent or TreasureData.addEventWithCallback.

    TreasureData.initializeEncryptionKey("hello world");

Default database

	TreasureData.sharedInstance().addEvent("demotbl", …);

Adding local timestamp to each event record automatically (enabled by default)

By default, local timestamp will be added to event's time key automatically. If you disableAutoAppendLocalTimestamp without adding time key to the event yourself, the server will add server side timestamp to time column. You can also auto track local time with custom column. If so, the time column will have server side timestamp.

    // Use local time as `time` column

    // Add local time as a customized column name

    // Disable auto append local time

Adding UUID of the device to each event automatically

UUID of the device will be added to each event automatically if you call TreasureData#enableAutoAppendUniqId(). This value won't change until the application is uninstalled.


It outputs the value as a column name td_uuid.

You can reset the UUID and send forget_device_uuid event with old UUID using TreasureData#resetUniqId().

Adding an UUID to each event record automatically

UUID will be added to each event record automatically if you call enableAutoAppendRecordUUID. Each event has different UUID.

	// If you want to customize the column name, pass it to the API
	// td.enableAutoAppendRecordUUID("my_record_uuid");

It outputs the value as a column name record_uuid by default.

Adding Advertising Id to each event record automatically

Advertising Id will be added to each event record automatically if you call enableAutoAppendAdvertisingIdentifier. You must install Google Play Service Ads (Gradle as a dependency for this feature to work. User must also not turn on Limit Ad Tracking feature in their device, otherwise, Treasure Data will not attach Advertising Id to the record. Due to asynchronous nature of getting Advertising Id, after enableAutoAppendAdvertisingIdentifier method called, it may take some time for Advertising Id to be available to be added to the record. However, Treasure Data does cache the Advertising Id in order to add to the next event without having to wait for the fetch Advertising Id task to complete.

// If you want to customize the column name, pass it to the API
// td.enableAutoAppendAdvertisingIdentifier("my_advertising_id_column");

It outputs the value as a column name td_maid by default.

Adding device model information to each event automatically

Device model information will be added to each event automatically if you call TreasureData#enableAutoAppendModelInformation.


It outputs the following column names and values:

  • td_board : android.os.Build#BOARD
  • td_brand : android.os.Build#BRAND
  • td_device : android.os.Build#DEVICE
  • td_display : android.os.Build#DISPLAY
  • td_model : android.os.Build#MODEL
  • td_os_ver : android.os.Build.VERSION#SDK_INT
  • td_os_type : "Android"

Adding application package version information to each event automatically

Application package version information will be added to each event automatically if you call TreasureData#enableAutoAppendAppInformation.


It outputs the following column names and values:

  • td_app_ver : (from Context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo())
  • td_app_ver_num : (from Context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo())

Adding locale configuration information to each event automatically

Locale configuration information will be added to each event automatically if you call TreasureData#enableAutoAppendLocaleInformation.


It outputs the following column names and values:

  • td_locale_country : java.util.Locale.getCountry() (from Context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale)
  • td_locale_lang : java.util.Locale.getLanguage() (from Context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale)

Auto tracking device IP

Device IP will be added to each event automatically in td_ip column if you call enableAutoTrackingIP. Note that the tracked IP address is the one when you upload the events to Treasure Data, not the one when you add the event.


To disable auto tracking IP:


Profiles API

Lookup for profiles via Profiles API

// Set your CDP endpoint to either:
//        (US)
//  (Tokyo)
//   (EU)
//   (Seoul)
//   (Tokyo)

                                                Collections.singletonMap("<your_key_column>", "<value>"),
                                                new FetchUserSegmentsCallback() {
                                                    public void onSuccess(List<Profile> profiles) {
                                                    public void onError(Exception e) {

Enable/Disable debug log


Android version support

Android SDK for Arm Treasure Data only supports any Android device running API 28 (Android 9.0) and higher

Codename Version API v0.6.0 v1.0.0 v1.0.1 v1.1.0
Android 14 14 34 not tested
Android 13 13 33
Android 12 13 31, 32
Android 11 11 30
Android 10 10 29
Pie 9.0 28
Oreo 8.1 27 not tested not tested not tested
Oreo 8.0 26 not tested not tested not tested
Nougat 7.1 25 not tested not tested not tested
Nougat 7.0 24 not tested not tested not tested
Marshmallow 6.0 23 not tested not tested not tested
Lollipop 5.1 22 not tested not tested not tested
Lollipop 5.0 21 not tested not tested not tested
KitKat 4.4 19 not tested not tested not tested
Jelly Bean 4.3 18 not tested not tested not tested
Jelly Bean 4.2 17 not tested not tested not tested not tested
Jelly Bean 4.1 16 not tested not tested not tested not tested
Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 15 not tested not tested not tested not tested