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Change Log

[1.9.1] - 2019-01-07

  • [Fixed] Android headless issue when used with webpack.

[1.9.0-beta.4] - 2018-07-23

  • [Fixed] Android several android TSCallback abstract instances were using incorrect signature onError instead of onFailure.

[1.9.0-beta.3] - 2018-06-29

  • [Changed] Remove repositories block from include.gradle. This file gets imported into nativescript context which already provides the required repositories block.

[1.9.0-beta.2] - 2018-06-27

  • [Fixed] Android Headless mode was not properly configured.

[1.9.0-beta.1] - 2018-06-27

  • [Added] iOS support for HTTP method PATCH (Android already supports it).
  • [Fixed] iOS geofence exit event not being executed due to a condition where a stationary event occurs while geofence exit events are awaiting their location to be returned.
  • [Added] iOS config disableLocationAuthorizationAlert for disabling automatic location-authorization alert when location-services are disabled or user changes toggles location access (eg: Always -> WhenInUse).
  • [Fixed] Android was not executing #getCurrentPosition failure callback.
  • [Added] Add new iOS locationAuthorizationRequest: "Any" for allowing the plugin to operate in either Always or WhenInUse without being spammed by location-authorization dialog.
  • [Added] Added new initialization method #ready, desigend to replace #configure (which is now deprectated). The new #ready method operates in the same manner as #configure with a crucial difference -- the plugin will only apply the supplied configuration {} at the first launch of your app — thereafter, it will automatically load the last-known config from persistent storage.
  • [Added] Add new method #reset for resetting the plugin configuration to documented defaults.
  • [Added] Refactor Javascript API to use Promises. Only #watchPosition and adding event-listeners with #on will not use promises.
  • [Fixed] iOS issue not turning of "keepAlive" system when #stop method is executed while stop-detection system is engaged.
  • [Changed] Refactor native configuration system for both iOS and Android with more traditional Obj-c / Java API.
  • [Changed] Create improved Obj-c / Java APIs for location-requests (#getCurrentPosition, #watchPosition) and geofencing.
  • [Added] Added new event connectivitychange for detecting network connectivity state-changes.
  • [Added] Added new event enabledchange, fired with the plugin enabled state changes. Executing #start / #stop will cause this event to fire. This is primarily designed for use with stopAfterElapsedMinutes.
  • [Added] Android permissions are now handled completely within tslocationmanager library rather than within Cordova Activity.
  • [Fixed] iOS emailLog issues: sanity check existence of email client, ensure we have reference to topMost UIViewController.
  • [Added] New Android "Headless" mechanism allowing you provide a simple custom Java class to receive all events from the plugin when your app is terminated (with stopOnTerminate: false). The headless mechanism is enabled with new @config {Boolean} enableHeadless. See the Wiki "Headless Mode" for details.
  • [Fixed] iOS getCurrentPosition was applying entire options {} as extras.
  • [Fixed] iOS watchPosition / getCurrentPosition @option persist was being ignored when plugin was disabled (ie: #stopped).
  • [Fixed] Implement Android JobScheduler API for scheduler (where API_LEVEL) allows it. Will fallback to existing AlarmManager implementation where API_LEVEL doesn't allow JobScheduler. This fixes issues scheduler issues with strict new Android 8 background-operation rules.
  • [Added] Added new Android @config {Boolean} allowIdenticalLocations [false] for overriding the default behaviour of ignoring locations which are identical to the last location.
  • [Added] Add iOS CLFloor attribute to location.coordinate for use in indoor-tracking when required RF hardware is present in the environment (specifies which floor the device is on).
  • [Fixed] Rare issue with iOS where rapidly toggling executing start with changePace(true) in the callback followed by stop, over and over again, would lock up the main thread.
  • [Changed] Android GEOFENCE_INITIAL_TRIGGER_DWELL defaulted to true.
  • [Fixed] iOS bug when providing non-string #header values. Ensure casted to String.
  • [Changed] Android minimum required play-services version is 11.2.0 (required for new play-services APis. Anything less and plugin will crash.
  • [Changed] Update Android to use new FusedLocationProviderClient instead of now-deprectated FusedLocationProviderAPI. It's the same underlying play-services location API -- just with a much simpler, less error-prone interface to implement.
  • [Fixed] On Android, when changePace(true) is executed while device is currently still (and remains still), stopTimeout timer would never initiate until device movement is detected.
  • [Fixed] iOS manual #sync was not executing any callback if database was empty.

[1.7.0] - 2017-10-04

  • [Added] Build for iOS 11, XCode 9.
  • [Added] Implement new powersavechange event in addition to isPowerSaveMode method for determining if OS "Power saving" mode is enabled.
  • [Added] New config elasticityMultiplier for controlling the scale of distanceFilter elasticity calculation.
  • [Fixed] Android bug not firing schedule Javascript listeners
  • [Fixed] Android crash onGooglePlayServicesConnectError when Google Play Services needs to be updated on device.
  • [Changed] Refactor Android onDestroy mechanism attempting to solve nagging and un-reproducible null pointer exceptions.
  • [Fixed] Fixed bug not where stopAfterElapsedMinutes is not evaluated when executing #getCurrentPosition.
  • [Fixed] Modifications for Android O. For now, foregroundService: true will be enforced when running on Android O (api 26).
  • [Fixed] Android stopOnTerminate was not setting the enabled value to false when terminated. This caused the plugin to automatically #start the first time the app was booted (it would work correctly every boot thereafter).
  • [Changed] iOS motionchange position will be fetch by CLLocationManager#startUpdatingLocation rather than #requestLocation, since #requestLocation cannot keep the app alive in the background. This could cause the app to be suspended when motionchange position was requested due to a background-fetch event.
  • [Changed] Change Android HTTP layer to use more modern library OkHttp3 instead of Volley. Some users reported weird issues with some devices on some servers. OkHttp seems to have solved it for them. OkHttp is a much simpler library to use than Volley
  • [Changed] play-services-location dependency pinned to :11.+ instead of :+
  • [Added] Javascript API to plugin's logging system.
  • [Fixed] Minor issue with iOS flush where multiple threads might create multiple background-tasks, leaving some unfinished.
  • [Changed] Refactor iOS/Android core library event-subscription API.
  • [Changed] Removed taskId supplied to all event-callbacks. You no longer have to call bgGeo.finish(taskId) in your event-callbacks (though the method will still operate as a noop for backwards compatibility). You will now be responsible for creating your own iOS background-tasks using the method #startBackgroundTask when performing long-running tasks in your event-callbacks.
  • [Added] iOS and Android now support ability to remove single event-listeners with method #un
  • [Changed] Improve iOS/Android acquisition of motionchange location to ensure a recent location is fetched.
  • [Changed] Implement #getSensors method for both iOS & Android. Returns an object indicating the presense of accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. If any of these sensors are missing, the motion-detection system for that device will poor.
  • [Changed] The activitychange success callback method signature has been changed from {String} activityName -> {Object} containing both activityName as well as confidence. This event only used to fire after the activityName changed (eg: on_foot -> in_vehicle), regardless of confidence. This event will now fire for any change in activity, including confidence changes.
  • [Changed] iOS emailLog will gzip the attached log file.
  • [Added] Implement new Android config notificationPriority for controlling the behaviour of the foregroundService notification and notification-bar icon.
  • [Fixed] Android was creating a foreground notification even when foregroundService: false
  • [Changed] Tweak iOS Location Authorization to not show locationAuthorizationAlert if user initially denies location permission.
  • [Fixed] Android: Remove isMoving condition from geofence proximity evaluator.
  • [Fixed] iOS 11 fix: Added new location-authorization string NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription. iOS 11 now requires location-authorization popup to allow user to select either Always or WhenInUse.
  • [Fixed] Android & iOS will ensure old location samples are ignored with getCurrentPosition
  • [Fixed] Android providerchange event would continue to persist a providerchange location even when plugin was disabled for the case where location-services is disabled by user.
  • [Fixed] Don't mutate iOS url to lowercase. Just lowercase the comparison when checking for 301 redirects.
  • [Changed] Android will attempt up to 5 motionchange samples instead of 3.
  • [Changed] Android foregroundService notification priority set to PRIORITY_MIN so that notification doesn't always appear on top.
  • [Fixed] Android plugin was not nullifying the odometer reference location when #stop method is executed, resulting in erroneous odometer calculations if plugin was stopped, moved some distance then started again.
  • [Added] Android plugin will detect presense of Sensors ACCELEROMETER, GYROSCOPE, MAGNETOMETER and SIGNIFICANT_MOTION. If any of these sensors are missing, the Android ActivityRecognitionAPI is considered non-optimal and plugin will add extra intelligence to assist determining when device is moving.
  • [Fixed] Bug in broadcast event GEOFENCE not being fired when MainActivity is terminated (only applies to those using a BroadcastReceiver).
  • [Fixed] Android scheduler issue when device is rebooted and plugin is currently within a scheduled ON period (fails to start)
  • [Fixed] (Android) Fix error calling stopWatchPosition before #configure callback has executed. Also add support for executing #getCurrentPosition before #configure callback has fired.
  • [Added] (Android) Listen to LocationResult while stopTimeout is engaged and perform manual motion-detection by checking if location distance from stoppedAtLocation is > stationaryRadius
  • [Fixed] Bug in literal schedule parsing for both iOS and Android
  • [Fixed] Bug in Android scheduler after app terminated. Configured schedules were not having their onTime and offTime zeroed, resulting in incorrect time comparison.
  • [Fixed] Bug in Android scheduler after app terminated. Configured schedules were not having their SECOND and MILLISECOND zeroed resulting in incorrect time comparison.
  • [Added] New config stopOnStationary for both iOS and Android. Allows you to automatically #stop tracking when the stopTimeout timer elapses.
  • [Added] Support for configuring the "Large Icon" (notificationLargeIcon) on Android foregroundService notification. notificationIcon has now been aliased -> notificationSmallIcon.
  • [Fixed] iOS timing issue when fetching motionchange position after initial #start -- since the significant-location-changes API (SLC) is engaged in the #stop method and eagerly returns a location ASAP, that first SLC location could sometimes be several minutes old and come from cell-tower triangulation (ie: ~1000m accuracy). The plugin could mistakenly capture this location as the motionchange location instead of waiting for the highest possible accuracy location that was requested. SLC API will be engaged only after the motionchange location has been received.
  • [Fixed] On Android, when adding a massive number of geofences (ie: thousands), it can take several minutes to perform all INSERT queries. There was a threading issue which could cause the main-thread to be blocked while waiting for the database lock from the geofence queries to be released, resulting in an ANR (app isn't responding) warning.
  • [Changed] Changing the Android foreground-service notification is now supported (you no longer need to #stop / #start the plugin for changes to take effect).
  • [Fixed] Improved Android handling of simultaneous #getCurrentPosition, #start, #configure requests when location-services are not yet authorized by the user (the plugin will buffer all these requests and execute them in order once location-services are authorized).
  • [Added] New config option httpTimeout (milliseconds) for configuring the timeout where the plugin will give up on sending an HTTP request.
  • [Fixed] When iOS engages the stopTimeout timer, the OS will pause background-execution if there's no work being performed, in spite of startBackgroundTask, preventing the stopTimeout timer from running. iOS will now keep location updates running at minimum accuracy during stopTimeout to prevent this.
  • [Fixed] Ensure iOS background "location" capability is enabled before asking CLLocationManager to setBackgroundLocationEnabled.
  • [Added] Implement ability to provide literal dates to schedule (eg: 2017-06-01 09:00-17:00)
  • [Added] When Android motion-activity handler detects stopTimeout has expired, it will initiate a motionchange without waiting for the stopTimeout timer to expire (there were cases where the stopTimeout timer could be delayed from firing due likely to vendor-based battery-saving software)
  • [Fixed] Android emailLog method was using old adb logcat method of fetching logs rather than fetching from #getLog
  • [Fixed] iOS has a new hook to execute an HTTP flush when network reachability is detected. However, it was not checking if autoSync: true or state of autoSyncThreshold.
  • [Added] When iOS detects a network connection with autoSync: true, an HTTP flush will be initiated.
  • [Fixed] Improve switching between tracking-mode location and geofence. It's not necessary to call #stop before executing #start / #startGeofences.
  • [Fixed] iOS maximumAge with getCurrentPosition wasn't clearing the callbacks when current-location-age was <= maximumAge
  • [Fixed] iOS when #stop is executed, nullify the odometer reference location.
  • [Fixed] iOS issue with preventSuspend: true: When a motionchange event with is_moving: false occurred, the event was incorrectly set to heartbeat instead of motionchange.
  • [Fixed] Android null pointer exception when using `startOnBoot: true,

[1.6.0] - 2017-04-25

  • [Changed] iOS minimum version is now 8.4. Plugin will log an error when used on versions of iOS that don't implement the method CLLocationManager#requestLocation
  • [Fixed] iOS bug executing #setConfig multiple times too quickly can crash the plugin when multiple threads attempt to modify an NSMutableDictionary
  • [Fixed] Android was rounding battery_level to 1 decimal place.
  • [Fixed] iOS geofences-only mode was not using significant-location-change events to evaluate geofences within proximity.
  • [Changed] iOS now uses CLLocationManager requestLocation to request the motionchange position, rather than counting samples. This is a more robust way to get a single location
  • [Fixed] iOS crash when providing null values in Object config options (ie: #extras, #params, #headers, etc)
  • [Added] New config option locationsOrderDirection [ASC|DESC] for controlling the order that locations are selected from the database (and synced to your server). Defaults to ASC.
  • [Added] Support for iOS geofence DWELL transitions.
  • [Changed] Updated proguard config to ignore com.transistorsoft.** -- tslocationmanager.aar is already pro-guarded.
  • [Fixed] iOS bug when composing geofence data for peristence. Sometimes it appended a location.geofence.location due to a shared NSDictionary
  • [Fixed] Android issue with applying default settings the first time an app boots. If you execute #getState before #configure is called, #getState would return an empty {}.
  • [Changed] The licensing model of Android now enforces license only for release builds. If an invalid license is configured while runningin debug mode, a Toast warning will appear "BackgroundGeolocation is running in evaluation mode.", but the plugin will work.
  • [Fixed] iOS bug with HTTP 401 handling.
  • [Added] The Android plugin now broadcasts all its events using the Android BroadcastReceiver mechanism. You're free to implement your own native Android handler to receive and react to these events as you wish.

[1.5.0] - 2017-03-01

  • [Changed] Refactor iOS / Android Settings management
  • [Fixed] Android sqlite migration issue; when upgrading from very old version -> latest, the "geofences" table migration could be skipped.
  • [Fixed] #emailLog now works.
  • [Added] HTTP JSON template features. See HTTP Features. You can now template your entire JSON request data sent to the server by the plugin's HTTP layer.
  • [Changed] ANDROID BREAKING license is no longer provided to #configure -- You will now add it to your app/App_Resources/Android/AndroidManifest.xml (see README for details):
+    <meta-data android:name="com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.license" android:value="YOUR LICENSE KEY" />
  • [Fixed] Migrate Android providerchange mechanism out of the Service (which only runs when the plugin is #started) to a place where it will be monitored all the time, regardless if the plugin is enabled or not.
  • [Fixed] Catch IllegalStateException reported when using #getLog
  • [Changed] With new Android "Doze-mode", override "idle" on stopTimeout and schedule alarms
  • [Changed] Tweak iOS accelerometer-only motion-detection system.
  • [Fixed] Location-authorization alert being popped up after a suspend event because the plugin always attempts to ensure it has a stationary-region here. Simply check current authorization-status is not == Denied.
  • [Fixed] iOS Location Authorization alert is shown multiple time. Also discovered a bug where the providerchange enabled value was calculated based upon hard-coded Always where it should have compared to the configured locationAuthorizationRequest.
  • [Added] If plugin's #stop method is called, the Location Authorization Alert will be hidden (if currently visible).


  • [Fixed] Locale issue when rounding location float attributes (eg: speed, heading, odometer)
  • [Added] removeListeners method for removing all event-listeners.
  • [Added] Ability to provide optional arbitrary meta-data extras on geofences.
  • [Changed] Location parameters heading, accuracy, odometer, speed, altitude, altitudeAccuracy are now fixed at 2 decimal places.
  • [Fixed] Bug reported with EventBus already registered error. Found a few cases where EventBus.isRegistered was not being used.
  • [Added] Android will attempt to auto-sync on heartbeat events.
  • [Changed] permission android.hardware.location.gps" **android:required="false"**
  • [Added] Implement IntentFilter to capture MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED, broadcast when user upgrades the app. If you've configured startOnBoot: true, stopOnTerminate: false and optionally foreceRelaodOnBoot: true, the plugin will automatically restart when user upgrades the app.
  • [Changed] When adding a geofence (either #addGeofence or #addGeofences), if a geofence already exists with the provided identifier, the plugin will first destroy the existing one before creating the new one.
  • [Changed] When iOS Scheduler is engaged and a scheduled OFF event occurs, the plugin will continue to monitor significant-changes, since background-fetch events alone cannot be counted on. This will guarantee the plugin evaluates the schedule each time the device moves ~ 1km. This will have little impact on power consumption, since these sig.change events will not be persisted or POSTed, nor will they even be provided to Javascript.
  • [Changed] Android Scheduler will setExact Alarm triggers (only works for API >= KITKAT or if OEM's OS doesn't override it (ie: Samsung)).
  • [Fixed] iOS Scheduler was not listening to BackgroundFetch events while plugin was disabled, preventing schedule evaluation from fetch-events (user would have to open the app for scheduler to evaluate).
  • [Fixed] Android Use more precise Alarm mechanism for stopTimeout
  • [Fixed] Improve odometer accuracy. Introduce desiredOdometerAccuracy for setting a threshold of location accuracy for calculating odometer. Any location having accuracy > desiredOdometerAccuracy will not be used for odometer calculation.
  • [Fixed] When configured with a schedule, the Schedule parser wasn't ordering the schedule entries by start-time.
  • [Fixed] Had a report of null-pointer exception when processing an HTTP error response. I could not reproduce the issue but find a case where accessing a String could produce a NPE.

[1.3.3] - 2016-12-07

  • [Fixed] Bug in setOdometer callback. Add permission check on setOdometerFixes issue #42

[1.3.2] - 2016-12-05

  • [Fixed] http event success callback receives {} but error receives String (issue #36).
  • [Changed] Add ability to set odometer to any arbitrary value. Before, odometer could only be reset to 0 via resetOdometer. The plugin now uses setOdometer(Float, successFn, failureFn. resetOdometer is now just an alias for setOdometer(0). setOdometer will now internally perform a #getCurrentPosition, so it can know the exact location where the odometer was set at. As a result, using #setOdometer is exactly like performing a #getCurrentPosition and the success / failure callbacks use the same method-signature, where the success callback is provided the location.
  • [Added] Added ability to create your own arbitrary background tasks with new #startBackgroundTask method. Some of the plugin's methods receive a taskId which you've had to call bgGeo.finish(taskId) upon. These automatically created taskId will soon be removed. It will be up to you to create your own as desired, when you need to perform any long-running task in any of the plugin's callbacks. #finish operates in the same manner as before.

[1.3.1] - 2016-11-30

[1.3.0] - 2016-11-23

  • [Fixed] stopWatchPostion callbacks not being called.
  • [Fixed] Bug with Android geofences not posting event: geofence and the actual geofence data was missing (The data sent to Javascript callback was ok, just the data sent to HTTP.
  • [Fixed] Logic bug in TSGeofenceManager; was not performing geospatial query when changing state from MOVING -> STATIONARY.
  • [Added] Geofences-only mode for both iOS and Android BETA. Start geofences-only mode with method #startGeofences.
  • [Changed] Add some intelligence to iOS motion-detection system: Use a Timer of activityRecognitionInterval seconds before engaging location-services after motion is detected. This helps to reduce false-positives, particularly when using preventSuspend while walking around one's house or office.
  • [Changed] Add more intelligence to iOS motion-detection system: The plugin will be eager to engage the stop-detection, as soon as it detects still, regardless of confidence. When the plugin is currently in the moving state and detects still, it will engage a timer of activityRecognitionInterval milliseconds -- when this timer expires and the motion-detector still reports still, the stop-detection system will be engaged. If any moving type activity occurs during this time, the timer will be cancelled.
  • [Fixed] Bug in Android Scheduler, failing to startOnBoot. Issue #985
  • [Added] #removeListeners method. Removes all listeners registered with plugin via #on method.
  • [Changed] With preventSuspend: true, the plugin will no longer immediately engage location-services as soon as it sees a "moving"-type motion-activity: it will now calculate if the current position is beyond stationary geofence. This helps reduce false-positives engaging location-services while simply walking around one's home or office.
  • [Fixed] iOS batchSync: When only 1 record in batch, iOS fails to pack the records in a JSON location: [], appending to a location: {} instead.
  • [Fixed] Android was only handling the first geofence event when multiple geofences fire simultaneously.
  • [Changed] The plugin will ignore autoSyncThreshold when a motionchange event occurs.
  • [Fixed] Fixed ui-blocking issue when plugin boots with locations in its database with autoSync: true. Found a case where the plugin was executing HTTP Service on the UI thread.
  • [Fixed] Return current state {Object} in callback to setConfig.
  • [Fixed] iOS Scheduler puked when provided with a null or [] schedule.
  • [Changed] iOS Scheduler behaviour changed to match Android, where #stopSchedule does not execute #stop on the plugin itself.
  • [Fixed] FMDB has issues binding array arguments (eg: DELETE FROM locations WHERE id IN(?)). Solution is to simply compose the query string with concatenation. Sanitization isn't required here anyway, since the ids come directly from my own query.

[1.2.5] - 2016-10-31

  • [Fixed] Issue compiling demo with [email protected]
  • [Fixed] Remove Android deprecation issues with AndroidManifest.xml
  • [Changed] Refactor Android scheduler to no use a Service.

[1.2.4] - 2016-10-27

  • [Fixed] Bug in Android #insertLocation (Reported in issue #23)
  • [Fixed] iOS geofencing issue where multiple geofences trigger simultaneously, only the last geofence event would be transmitted to the client and persisted to database.
  • [Added] iOS can now initial-trigger a geofence when device is already within the newly added geofence. Android has always had this behavour by default. This behaviour is controlled with new @config {Integer meters} geofenceInitialTriggerEntry [true].
  • [Fixed] Android had a bug when Activity terminated with stopOnTerminate: true

[1.2.3] - 2016-10-20

  • [Changed] Implement database-logging for Android. Both iOS and Android now send logs to the database.

[1.2.2] - 2016-10-16

  • [Changed] Remove nativescript-background-fetch from dependencies. Users will have to manually tns plugin add nativescript-background-fetch, since tns plugin add nativescript-background-geolocation-lt doesn't add background-fetch the the root node_modules folder. This fixes the problem referencing background-fetch's .podspec file.

[1.2.1] - 2016-10-14

  • [Changed] Refactor typescript API. BackgroundGeolocation API is all static methods now -- You no longer create an instance of BackgroundGeolocation OLD
var bgGeo = new BackgroundGeolocation();
bgGeo.configure(config, callback);


BackgroundGeolocation.configure(config, callback);

This will make interacting with the plugin throughout your views much easier, since views are destroyed when navigated away from.

  • [Fixed] package.json now references a definitions file. This should solve issue with error reported in issue #18:
JS ERROR Error: Could not find module 'nativescript-background-geolocation-lt'

[1.2.0] - 2016-10-11

  • [Changed] Refactor iOS Logging system to use popular CocoaLumberjack library. iOS logs are now stored in the database! By default, logs are stored for 3 days, but is configurable with logMaxDays. Logs can now be filtered by logLevel:
logLevel Label

#getLog, #emailLog operate in the same manner as before.

  • [Fixed] If user declines "Motion Activity" permission, plugin failed to detect this authorization failure and fallback to the accelerometer-based motion-detection system.

  • [Changed] Refactored Geolocation system. The plugin is no longer bound by native platform limits on number of geofences which can be monitored (iOS: 20; Android: 100). You may now monitor infinite geofences. The plugin now stores geofences in its SQLite db and performs a geospatial query, activating only those geofences in proximity of the device (@config #geofenceProximityRadius, @event geofenceschange). See the new Geofencing Guide

[1.1.1] - 2016-09-25

  • [Fixed] Bugs in preventSuspend during background-fetch event


  • [Changed] Upgrade to nativescript-2.3.0
  • [Fixed] Bug in prevent-suspend where the plugin failed to re-start its prevent-suspend timer if no MotionActivity event occurred during that interval. Prevent-suspend system should now operate completely independently of MotionDetector.
  • [Fixed] #stop method wasn't calling stopMonitoringSignificantChanges, resulting in location-services icon failing to toggle OFF.
  • [Fixed] Issue where iOS crashes when configured with null url.
  • [Added] iOS watchPosition mechanism.
  • [Changed] Refactored iOS motion-detection system. Improved iOS motion-triggering when using CMMotionActivityManager (ie: when not using disableMotionActivityUpdates: true). iOS can now trigger out of stationary-mode just like android, where it sees a 'moving-type' motion-activity (eg: 'on_foot', 'in_vehicle', etc). Note: this will still occur only when your app isn't suspended (eg: app is in foreground, preventSuspend: true, or #watchPosition is engaged).
  • [Changed] Refactored iOS "prevent suspend" system to be more robust.
  • [Fixed] iOS locations sent to Javascript client had a different uuid than the one persisted to database (and synced to server). -[Added] new iOS 10 .plist required key for accelerometer updates NSMmotionUsageDescription to config.xml.
  • [Added] New required android permission <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.location.gps" />.
  • [Fixed] removeGeofences was removing stationary-region. This would prevent stationary-exit if called while device is in stationary-mode
  • [Fixed] Android pukes when it receives an empty schedule [].
  • [Fixed] Android when configured with batchSync: true, autoSync: true was failing because the plugin automatically tweaked autoSync: false but failed to reset it to the configured value. This behaviour was obsolete and has been removed.
  • [Added] Add new config @param {Integer} autoSyncThreshold [0]. Allows you to specify a minimum number of persisted records to trigger an auto-sync action.
  • [Fixed] Issue #837. Android SimpleDateFormat used for rendering location timestamp was not being used in a thread-safe manner, resulting in corrupted timestamps for some
  • [Fixed] Issue #804, null pointer exeception on mGoogleApiClient
  • [Fixed] Issue #806. PlayServices connect error event was fired before listeners arrive; Dialog to fix problem was never shown.
  • [Changed] Removed app-compat from Gradle dependencies.
  • [Changed] Fire http error callback when HTTP request is not 200ish (ie: 200, 201, 204). Fixes issue #819. Contradicts #774.
  • [Changed] Remove play-services:app-compat-v7 from Gradle dependencies
  • [Fixed] Android heartbeat location wasn't having its meta-data updated (ie: event: 'heartbeat', battery:<current-data>, uuid: <new uuid>)
  • [Changed] Reduce Android minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence default from 80 to 75 (issue #825)
  • [Changed] Android will ask for location-permission when #configure is executed, rather than waiting for #start.
  • [Changeed] Android will catch java.lang.SecurityException when attempting to request location-updates without "Location Permission"

[1.0.4] - 2016-08-01

  • Fix bug in Demo

[1.0.3] - 2016-08-01

  • Android & iOS are both working well and nearly ready for action.


