A simple command line tool for encrypting/decrypting text using classical ciphers
Under this directory, the code and associated files are organised as follows:
├── README.md This file, describes the project
├── LICENSE License file, in our case MIT
├── CMakeLists.txt CMake build script
├── mpags-cipher.cpp Main program C++ source file
├── MPAGSCipher Subdirectory for MPAGSCipher library code
| └── CMakeLists.txt Build sub-script for the MPAGSCipher library
├── Documentation Subdirectory for documentation "code"
| └── CMakeLists.txt Build sub-script Doxygen HTML docs
| └── Doxyfile.in Doxygen configuration template
└── Testing Subdirectory for code that tests MPAGSCipher
└── CMakeLists.txt Build sub-script for testing programs