- import the domain.py module:
import domain
- construct an object of class DomainDist by giving a name for the domain (e.g., "negation") and a file where the search terms are listed (e.g., "neg_domain.txt" in the resp. folder):
d = domain.DomainDist("negation","../files/neg_domain.txt")
- files with search terms have the following structure (elements are separated by TABs):
File marker_type marker polarity
deu w nicht 0
eng m n't 0
- have a look at the generalized distribution:
- save the distribution to a tab separated file (".tsv")
- reload a saved distribution in tsv format from a given file
d1 = domain.DomainDist("negation","negation_dist.tsv")
- compare it to a given text in ParText format:
import reader
text = reader.ParText("fra")
An object of class DomainDist is instantiated by giving the domain a meaningful name (argument domain_name) and a filename where the search terms are provided (argument filename). Files with search terms have the following structure (note that the first line is the header):
File marker_type marker polarity
deu w nicht 0
eng w not 0
The first column indicates the text in which the marker has to be searched. The second column gives the marker type. Marker types can be w (word forms), m (morphs) or r (regular expressions). The third column contains the actual marker (e.g., nicht in a German text). The last column is optional and can contain whether the marker should be present (0 or default) or absent (1) in the text. In the latter case, a given verse is only counted if one positive marker is present but none of the negative markers (marked with 1).
As an alternative, a DomainDist object can be created by loading an already established domain distribution (as generated with the save() method described below). In this case, the filename has to end with .tsv or .csv. Files of this sort contain three columns for each line (with no header line). The first column gives the verse ID, the second column gives the (average) frequency of occurrence of the given marker(s) in the verse, the third column gives the (average) weight for this verse.
40001019 1 0.5
40001020 1 1.0
40001025 1 1.0
The input file potentially contains search terms for different input texts. In this case, all markers are first sorted according to texts and then according to whether they are positive or negative, with positive markers being search for first. Then each text is treated separately.
For a given text, first all verses containing positive markers are searched for. For each verse, the number of times the marker(s) occur(s) in the text is stored. Finally, those verses containing negative markers are removed from the list. The weights of the remaining verses are then normalized for each text individually by computing the number of different markers in this verse divided by the total number of (positive) markers that is given for this text. The frequency of occurrence gives the number of tokens of all markers in this verse.
At the end, the verses are normalized with respect to all texts. For each verse that has been detected in at least one text, the weight and the frequency of occurrence of markers is normalized by taking the average of all values for the individual texts. For the frequency of occurrence the ceiling of the average value is taken. Note that a text is only taken into consideration in this step if it contains the actual verse. If the verse does not exist, the text is ignored in this step. If the verse exists, but no marker given for that text has been found in the respective verse a frequency of occurrence of 0 and a weight of 0 contributes to the overall average values across all texts.