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PacketFence Upgrade Guide

General Upgrade Tips

Before making any changes to your database, ensure that you have a backup. A complete database backup can be taken using this command:

mysqldump --opt -u root -p pf | gzip > /root/packetfence_db.sql.gz

If your database is more than a few hundred megabytes, you may also want to consider using a tool such as Percona XtraBackup which makes for much faster restores than mysqldump.

It is also possible to simply backup the actual MySQL files themselves — as long as the database is not currently running. To do so, stop mysql and then copy all files under /var/lib/mysql to a secure directory.

Taking a complete backup of your current installation is strongly recommended. You can take a backup of the pf directory with the following command:

tar -C /usr/local -czf /root/packetfence.tar.gz pf --exclude='pf/logs' --exclude='pf/var'

It is recommend to go through (read) the upgrade instructions specific to the upgrade path taken since some steps may be required to be done BEFORE the packages upgrades.

Upgrade procedure

It is recommended that you stop the currently running PacketFence services before proceeding any further. To do so, run the following commands:

service packetfence stop
service packetfence-config stop

For RedHat-based systems

Run the following command to update PacketFence:

yum update packetfence --enablerepo=packetfence

Since PacketFence heavily relies on Fingerbank, it is recommended to make sure running the latest version:

yum update fingerbank --enablerepo=packetfence

PacketFence should now be upgraded. However, there may be extra steps required depending on the version you are upgrading from. Please review the following notes about upgrading from an older release.

Please note that the sections below are cumulative. That is to say, if you are upgrading from version 5.3 to version 6.0 you must apply in order all changes in between the two versions, including database schema changes.

You should take care to review any changes to configuration files and merge them if required. To find out which configuration files have changed run this command:

RHEL and CentOS: find /usr/local/pf -name \*.rpmnew

The list of files returned are the new versions shipped with PacketFence. Compare them to your existing version and see if there are changes that should be merged into your existing configuration. Then, once you are done make sure to delete these files so that there is no confusion the next time you upgrade PacketFence.

Once the additionnal steps are completed, restart packetfence-config and packetfence

service packetfence-config restart
service packetfence restart

Upgrading from a version prior to X.Y.Z

Upgrading from a version prior to 6.0.0

Upgrading PacketFence from a version older than v6.0.0 will be a complex undertaking. While it’s entirely possible if done meticulously, we suggest you start from scratch and move your customizations and nodes information over to your new installation.

Devices parking

The new registration devices parking requires that you add the following violation in /usr/local/pf/conf/violations.conf

desc=Parking violation

Chained authentication

The chained source has been deprecated in favor of a fully customizable flow in the captive portal.

Make sure you delete the source BEFORE upgrading your installation.

Once you upgrade, configure a portal module for each of your sources and a chained one that contains both. Refer to the administration guide for a detailed example.

Redesigned captive portal

The parameter mandatory_fields of the Portal Profiles has been deprecated. Remove it from all the profiles in profiles.conf

To configure mandatatory fields in the portal, refer to the Portal Modules section of the Administration guide

You need to add the root_module parameter to your default portal profile. In profiles.conf add root_module=default_policy to the default portal profile

Changes to OAuth2 sources callback URL

All the OAuth2 sources you have configured (Facebook, Github, Google, LinkedIn ,Twitter, Windows Live) need to be adjusted as the redirect URL is now the same for all the types.

In the admin interface change Portal URL from https://YOUR_HOSTNAME/oauth/SOURCE_TYPE to https://YOUR_HOSTNAME/oauth/callback (where SOURCE_TYPE would be the lower case name of the source type). Note that this parameter is named redirect_url in the configuration file.

Changes to Cisco Web auth

Use the Cisco::Catalyst_2960 switch module instead of the Cisco::Catalyst_2960_http as switch type.

Use the Cisco::WLC switch module instead of the Cisco::WLC_http as switch type.

The portalURL configuration parameter is now configured per-role so make sure you have http://ip_portal/$session_id assigned to the registration role in the Role by Web Auth URL section of the switch configuration.

See the Network Device configuration guide for additional details.

SMS carrier database table

Google Project Fi have been added as a supported carrier. Since an ID is hardcoded on creation of a new entry in the sms_carrier database table, a manual intervention may be required in the case the database schema update fails.

pf.conf configuration parameters

expire and maintenance section have been reworked and expire section is no longer a thing. Make sure to adjust configuration parameter accordingly if needed;

  • expire.node is now maintenance.node_cleanup_window

  • expire.iplog is now maintenance.iplog_cleanup_window

  • expire.locationlog is now maintenance.locationlog_cleanup_window

  • expire.radius_audit_log is now maintenance.radius_audit_log_cleanup_window

  • expire.traplog is now maintenance.traplog_cleanup_window

node category / role

The REJECT role is now a default standard role. If you already have such role, make sure no conflict exists.

Also, add the following line to the default section of switches.conf :

REJECTVlan = -1

Changes to the generated smb.conf

If you have a domain configured directly in PacketFence (in Configuration→Domains), you need to re-generate the associated configuration files as changes have been made to the samba configuration.

Using the CLI /usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd generatedomainconfig or in the admin interface in Configuration→Domains, click Refresh domain configuration

Upgrade from FreeRADIUS 2 to FreeRADIUS 3

PacketFence 6 relies on FreeRADIUS 3 rather that FreeRADIUS 2 as provided in PacketFence 5. The configuration files, directory layout and "unlang" directives have changed significantly. The packaging will automatically rename the existing raddb directory to raddb-pre6. All your existing configuration and certificates (if stored under raddb/certs) should be preserved but may need to be merged with the new raddb directory layout if you customized them.

The configuration files under conf/radiusd/.example have also changed. Make sure to compare them to your conf/radiusd/ files if you have any customizations, and merge any *.rpmnew files that may have been created by the packaging.

The default location for the FreeRADIUS server certificates has changed from conf/ssl/ to raddb/certs/. The configuration of the certificates location is in conf/radiusd/eap.conf. You may point it to any valid certificate and key by setting the value of certificate_file and private_key_file respectively. It is not recommended to use the same server certificate for the HTTP services and the RADIUS server as the requirements for each are different. Reusing the same certificate will work, but you would be well advised to consider separate certificates.

Finally, the database schema for the RADIUS accounting tables and stored procedures have changed. Make sure to apply the database changes as described in the following section.

Database schema update

Significant changes have been made to the database schema. You will need to update it accordingly. An SQL upgrade script has been provided to upgrade the database from the 5.7 schema to 6.0.

Since the schema of the radacct table has been reworked, the script will rename the existing table to radacct2 and insert it’s content into the new radacct table. If your existing radacct table is large (as is sometimes the case), the operation may take a long time and consume a significant amount of disk space. Make sure to have plenty of both before running the upgrade script.

You can estimate the size of the existing radacct table by running the following command:

mysql> SELECT table_name AS "Table", round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) "Size in MB" FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = "pf" AND table_name = "radacct";

You should have at least twice as much space as that table uses in the filesystem on which the MySQL data directory is mounted (usually /var/lib/mysql).

If you do not have enough space or time, you may consider truncating the radacct table (or simply deleting some of the rows) before running the upgrade script.

When ready, run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-5.7.0-6.0.0.sql

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 6.0.0).

You will also want to drop the radacct2 table from the database as it will no longer be needed.

Upgrading from a version prior to 5.7.0

Suricata violation trigger renaming

With the introduction of the ability to trigger a violation based on a MD5 hash detected by Suricata, a new trigger type has been introduced, requiring the modification of the actual suricata trigger. Make sure to go through your violations configuration and change any suricata trigger name for suricata_event.

Database schema update

Changes have been made to the database schema. You will need to update it accordingly.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-5.6.0-5.7.0.sql

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 5.7.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 5.6.0

Database schema update

Changes have been made to the database schema. You will need to update it accordingly.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-5.5.0-5.6.0.sql

Extension points changes

The file lib/pf/vlan/ has now been renamed to lib/pf/role/ Most of the customizations that used to be made in vlan/ can now be handled by configuring a vlan filter. You should take a good look at your existing vlan/ and consider porting the changes to conf/vlan_filters.conf.

VLAN filters changes

The scopes for the VLAN filters have changed. The following have been renamed according to these rules:

NormalVlan → RegisteredRole RegistrationVlan → RegistrationRole ViolationVlan → ViolationRole InlineVlan → InlineRole

If you have defined any filters in /usr/local/pf/conf/vlan_filters.conf, make sure to rename all references to the left hand side with the new names on the right hand side.

Default type for the switches

The default type for the switches now needs to be set explicitly. Add the following line in the default section of /usr/local/pf/conf/switches.conf


Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 5.6.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 5.5.0

Database schema update

Changes have been made to the database schema. You will need to update it accordingly.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-5.4.0-5.5.0.sql

VLAN Filter configuration changes

The VLAN filter has been reworked to use a more generalized syntax to allow more complex filters to be created.

This mean nested conditions no longer need to specify the attribute in the condition.

So the following attribute


Should be rewritten as


The older syntax is still supported but will be deprecated in a future release.

The operators match and match_not has changed thier behavior. They will match (or not match) the exact string given in the condition. The following condition


Will match node_info.computername only if it contians ^Bob. It will not match if node_info.computername start with Bob

If you need to use a regex then use the regex/regex_not operator. So the following condition should be changed from


To the following


pf.conf configuration file changes

The following parameters have been removed from pf.conf. Make sure to remove them from your file if configured.

  • alerting.wins_server

  • alerting.admin_netbiosname

violations.conf configuration file changes

Violations have been reworked and configuration changes are necessary in order to maintain functionnality.

In violations.conf the following actions have been renamed, please update them accordingly.

  • trap → reevaluate_access

  • email → email_admin

The following action have been removed from the violations :

  • popup

Also in violations.conf, the parameter whitelisted_categories has been renamed into whitelisted_roles

Billing configuration change

The parameter billing_engine of the Portal Profiles has been deprecated. Remove it from all your profiles configuration in /usr/local/pf/conf/profiles.conf.

The billing engine of PacketFence has been reworked completely.

It will require to reconfigure existing billing providers from scratch as there is no retro-compatibility with the previous configuration.

Please see the Administration Guide for details on how to configure the billing engine.

Mod_qos configuration changes

Mod_qos configuration has been moved from "services" to "captive_portal" section. Make sure to apply the appropriate changes if needed.

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 5.5.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 5.4.0

Database schema update

Changes have been made to the database schema. You will need to update it accordingly.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-5.3.0-5.4.0.sql

Authentication sources rules rework

Authentication sources rules have been reworked in a way to differentiate an authentication rule and an administration rule. Codewise, that means that codeflow will look into specific types of rules depending of the use case.

Please take a minute or two to go through the existing rules for each of the authentication sources and make sure there is no administration class actions into an authentication class rule and vice versa, otherwise the "invalid" action will be ignored.

Authentication sources rules structure is as follow:

  • authentication rule class available actions:

    • Set role (set_role)

    • Set access duration (set_access_duration)

    • Set unregistration date (set_unreg_date)

  • administration rule class available actions:

    • Set access level of Web admin (set_access_level)

    • Mark as sponsor (mark_as_sponsor)

For example, if an existing rule is as follow:

  • Name: AllAdmins

  • Class: No class defined since the class attribute is new

  • Conditions: …​

  • Actions:

    • Set access level of Web admin → ALL

    • Set role → default

    • Set access duration → 24H

That existing rule will default to the authentication class if none is being set. If that’s the case, the first action "Set access level of Web admin" will then be ignored.

To replicate that existing rule with the new classes, you would have to create two separate rules, as follow:

Rule for administration purposes

  • Name: AllAdmins_admin

  • Class: administration

  • Conditions: …​

  • Actions:

    • Set access level of Web admin → ALL

Rule for authentication purposes

  • Name: AllAdmins_auth

  • Class: authentication

  • Conditions: …​

  • Actions:

    • Set role → default

    • Set access duration → 24H

Configuration will be validated on every start / restart so that "bogus" authentication sources / rules can be identified.

OAuth2 authentication sources changes

The Facebook API now requires to specify the fields to be defined in the query. In all your facebook sources, change the parameter protected_resource_url to,name,email,first_name,last_name

Change the parameter scope to user,user:email in all your Github sources as PacketFence is now fetching the email address of the user when registering with Github.

StatsD configuration changes

monitoring.statsd_host and monitoring.statsd_port have been removed from pf.conf. If you have specified a specific host or port, remove them from your configuration and change them in /usr/local/pf/lib/pf/

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 5.4.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 5.3.0

Database schema update

Changes have been made to the database schema. You will need to update it accordingly.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-5.2.0-5.3.0.sql

Debian and Ubuntu

A downgrade in a package version may cause an error when trying to upgrade.

If you receive this error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 packetfence : Depends: libhtml-formhandler-perl (= 0.40013-2) but 0.40050-2 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Run the following commands:

# dpkg -r --ignore-depends=packetfence   libhtml-formhandler-perl
# apt-get install  libhtml-formhandler-perl  libtemplate-autofilter-perl  libmoo-perl
# apt-get install packetfence packetfence-config packetfence-pfcmd-suid libdist-checkconflicts-perl libimport-into-perl

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 5.3.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 5.2.0

Database schema update

Multiple changes have been made to the database schema. You will need to update it accordingly.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-5.1.0-5.2.0.sql

Database monitoring host

If you are using an Active/Active cluster, you will need to adjust the monitoring database host to point to your database as it is not forced anymore.

In conf/pf.conf :


New portal interface type

If you are using email registration, web-auth enforcement (external captive-portal), device registration feature, or anything that would require to access the captive portal from outside the registration/isolation VLANs, you might want (actually, you need otherwise it will no longer works!) to add the portal type to the existing management interface.

In conf/pf.conf :

[interface eth42]

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 5.2.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 5.1.0

Database schema update

Multiple changes have been made to the database schema. You will need to update it accordingly.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-5.0.0-5.1.0.sql

pfsetvlan and snmptrapd

These two services have been disabled by default. If you are using SNMP traps enforcement on your switches (like port-security), make sure you re-enable them in Configuration→Services.

Active Directory domain join

The Microsoft Active Directory domain join configuration is now part of PacketFence. A migration script has been made so you can migrate an existing domain join into this configuration. Note that this step is not mandatory, as the old join method is still supported. But if you do not perform this step, you will not see its configuration from the PacketFence web administrative interface.

Simply execute the following script and follow its instructions /usr/local/pf/addons/AD/

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 5.1.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 5.0.0

Upgrading a version of PacketFence older than 4.1 to v5 will be a complex undertaking. While it’s entirely possible if done meticulously, we suggest you start from scratch and move your customizations and nodes information over to your new installation.

Please note that the sections below are cumulative. That is to say, if you are upgrading from version 4.3 to version 5.0 you must apply in order all changes in between the two versions, including database schema changes.

As always, taking a complete backup of your current installation is strongly recommended. A backup should contain a copy of all PacketFence files as well as a copy of the database. You can take a backup of the pf directory with the following command:

tar -C /usr/local -czf /root/packetfence.tar.gz pf

A backup of the database can be taken using the procedure described in the next section.

Database schema update

Before making any changes to your database, ensure that you have a backup. A complete database backup can be taken using this command:

mysqldump --opt -u root -p pf | gzip > /root/packetfence_db.sql.gz

If your database is more than a few hundred megabytes, you may also want to consider using a tool such as Percona XtraBackup which makes for much faster restores than mysqldump.

Multiple changes have been made to the database schema. You will need to update it accordingly. Since we will be dropping and recreating the iplog table it is essential that you have a backup if you need the data it contains.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-4.7.0-5.0.0.sql

Configuration changes

You must manually enter the MySQL password of the pf user in the conf/pfconfig.conf file. The MySQL password is saved in the conf/pf.conf file under the [database] section. Copy the following from conf/pf.conf to conf/pfconfig.conf:


Violations configuration

The violation triggers have been reworked for the new Fingerbank integration. We highly suggest you copy conf/violations.conf.example over conf/violations.conf and then reconfigure any violations you had before.

Also, make sure you adjust the following triggers to their new ID (Can be found under Configuration→Fingerbank):

  • USERAGENT becomes user_agent

  • VENDORMAC becomes mac_vendor

The OS trigger has been deprecated over the new dhcp_fingerprint trigger. You will need to adjust these triggers to the new ids as well as renaming them.

iptables changes

The iptables configuration file doesn’t use the generated rules %%input_mgmt_guest_rules%% anymore. Make sure you remove this line from conf/iptables.conf.

Also a lot of additions were made to the iptables configuration file. Make sure you add the new rules in conf/iptables.conf.example to your existing iptables file or execute the following command to replace the whole file.

cp /usr/local/pf/conf/iptables.conf.example /usr/local/pf/conf/iptables.conf

Using EAP local authentication

If you are using EAP MS-CHAP local authentication, meaning your 802.1x connections authenticate against your local database, you will need to make sure you deactivate password encryption in the database. In the administration interface, go in Configuration → Advanced and set Database passwords hashing method to plaintext

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 5.0.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.7.0

Database schema update

The node table has a new column (machine_account).

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-4.6.0-4.7.0.sql

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 4.7.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.6.0

Database schema update

The locationlog and locationlog_history table have 2 new columns stripped_user_name and realm. We added new INDEX on iplog, violation and locationlog tables.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-4.5.0-4.6.0.sql

Violation template pages language handling

Code to match violation template pages have been reworked. Make sure to lowercase FR to fr in french template files name.

Realm configuration

Realm are now managed by Freeradius server so if your users authenticate with a username like [email protected] then add the realm in the Radius Realms configuration menu and in your Active Directory source select Use stripped username.

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 4.6.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.5.0

Database schema update

The class table has a new column delay_by.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-4.4.0-4.5.0.sql

Violation configuration

A new parameter delay_by has been introduced in the violation configuration. Make sure to add the following to the defaults section of conf/violations.conf to avoid any problem.


Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 4.5.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.4.0

Database schema update

Introduced the iplog_history table for easier cleanup of the existing iplog table.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-4.3.0-4.4.0.sql

Cache serialization

The serialization of the objects in the cache changed, making all the previous cached objects invalid. With PacketFence completely stopped do :

rm -fr /usr/local/pf/var/cache/*

Once completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number (PacketFence 4.4.0).

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.3.0

Database schema update

The person table has 2 new column to keep the portal and the source used to authenticate.

The tables email_activation and sms_activation have been merged in a table named activation. It has an additional column to keep the portal used to register.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-4.2.0-4.3.0.sql

Configuration changes

The parameters VlanMap and RoleMap have been added in switches.conf; be sure to add them in the [default] switch section.

The OAuth passthroughs will not be activated unless trapping.passthrough in pf.conf is enabled. Make sure you enable it if you have OAuth authentication sources (Google, Facebook, Github, LinkedIn and Windows Live).

Once the configuration is completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number.

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.2.0

Database schema update

The person table has many new columns that can be used for registration.

The node table has new columns to store the time and bandwidth balances of a node.

The node table has also a new column to keep the audit-session-id from the RADIUS request to use with the CoA.

Added a new column config_timestamp in radius_nas table.

The locationlog table has new columns to store the switch IP and MAC when using dynamic controllers.

New table for inline (layer 3) accounting.

New table for WRIX data.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-4.1.0-4.2.0.sql

Configuration changes

The parameter guests_self_registration.mandatory_fields from pf.conf (or pf.conf.defaults) was moved to the default portal profile in profiles.conf.

The parameters registration.gaming_devices_registration and registration.gaming_devices_registration_role are replaced with registration.device_registration and registration.device_registration_role.

Adjust your configuration files accordingly.

The captive portal has been rewritten using the Catalyst MVC framework. Any customization to the previous CGI scripts will need to be ported to the new architecture.

Once the configuration completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number.

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.1.0

Database schema update

The category column in the temporary_password should not be mandatory.

Also, the access_level of the temporary_password table is now a string instead of a bit string.

Make sure you run the following to update your schema:

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-4.0.0-4.1.0.sql

Configuration changes

The parameters trapping.redirecturl and trapping.always_use_redirecturl from pf.conf (or pf.conf.defaults) were moved to the default portal profile in profiles.conf.

The parameter registration.range has been deprecated. Make sure you remove it from your configuration file.

The action set_access_level of authentication sources in authentication.conf must now match one of the admin roles defined in adminroles.conf. The previous level 4294967295 must be replaced by ALL and the level 0 by NONE.

Adjust your configuration files accordingly.

Once the configuration completed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number.

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.0.6

Changes to authentication API

The method pf::authentication::authenticate now expects an array of pf::authentication::Source objects instead of an array of source IDs.

The methods getSourceByType, getInternalSources, and getExternalSources of the module pf::Portal::Profile now return pf::authentication::Source objects instead of source IDs.

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.0.5

This release adds a new dependency on the Perl module Apache::SSLLookup. Once installed, update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number.

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.0.4

The parameter guest_self_reg in the profiles.conf file is no longer necessary. The self-registration is now automatically enabled if at least one external authentication source is selected (Email, SMS, SponsorEmail, or Oauth2).

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.0.3

You need to downgrade the version of perl-Net-DNS and perl-Net-DNS-Nameserver to version 0.65-4 in order to fix the issue with pfdns crashing.

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.0.2

This release only fixes various bugs and doesn’t need the database schema to be modified. Simply update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number.

LDAP SSL and STARTTLS is now correctly implemented. Make sure the server you specify in authentication.conf supports the encryption type requested on the port configured. Failure to do so will break LDAP and Active Directory authentication.

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.0.1

This release only fixes various bugs and doesn’t need the database schema to be modified. Simply update the file /usr/local/pf/conf/currently-at to match the new release number.

Upgrading from a version prior to 4.0.0

Upgrading an old version of PacketFence to v4 will be quite an endeavor. While it’s entirely possible if done meticulously, we suggest you start from scratch and move your customizations and nodes information over to your new installation.

Database schema update

The temporary password table has been extended to include roles information. Moreover, an "admin" user is now automatically created. The default password is also "admin". Finally, a new table has been added for saved searches in the new Web administrative interface.

mysql -u root -p pf -v < /usr/local/pf/db/upgrade-3.6.1-4.0.0.sql

Other important changes

PacketFence v4 received a major overhaul, especially regarding the authentication sources. Authentication modules found in conf/authentication/ are no longer being used and have been replaced by the conf/authentication.conf file. While this file can be hand-edited, you should create your authentication sources and perform roles-mapping using the Configuation > Users > Sources page from PacketFence’s Web administrative interface.

Also, in PacketFence v4, the VLANs can be assigned in conf/switches.conf by constructing the parameter names from the VLAN names and the Vlan suffix. The VLAN names must match one of the default names (registration, isolation, macDetection, inline, and voice) or one of the defined roles. If you were using custom VLANs, you must create a new role per VLAN and assign them accordingly.

Other key changes were done, such as:

  • moved remediation templates in html/captive-portal/templates/violations and converted them to Template Toolkit

  • dropped guests_admin_registration.category

  • dropped guests_self_registration.access_duration

  • dropped guests_self_registration.category

  • dropped guests_self_registration.sponsor_authentication

  • dropped guests_self_registration.sponsors_only_from_localdomain

  • dropped ports.listeners

  • dropped registration.auth and registration.default_auth

  • dropped registration.maxnodes

  • dropped registration.expire_* and registration.skip_*

  • dropped trapping.blacklist

  • dropped support for resetVlanAllPort in bin/pfcmd_vlan

  • dropped sbin/pfredirect binary

  • splitted the httpd services in three: httpd.admin, httpd.portal and httpd.webservices

  • domain-name is no longer required in each section of networks.conf

For all parameters related to authentication (categories, access duration, sponsor authentication, etc.), you should now set proper actions in the conf/authentication.conf file.

Finally, the pf must be sudoer access to the /sbin/ip (and others) binary. As root, please do:

echo "pf ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/iptables, /usr/sbin/ipset, /sbin/ip, /sbin/vconfig, /sbin/route, /sbin/service, /usr/bin/tee, /usr/local/pf/sbin/pfdhcplistener, /bin/kill, /usr/sbin/dhcpd, /usr/sbin/radiusd" >> /etc/sudoers