This is a little educational robot simulation using Python, Box2D and PyGame
This simulation was designed to work with Python 3.5.x, Box2D 2.3.x, PyGame 1.9.x and NumPy 1.15.x.
You will also need to install my fork of the pydmps project, from here.
The PyGame window is interactive, below are some details
To apply a force to an object, hover the mouse pointer over the object, then click and hold, dragging to the direction you want to apply the force.
To draw a path just move the mouse pointer to somewhere where there is no object under it, then click and hold, dragging the mouse, drawing the path. While drawing a path you can press shift to tell the gripper to close, or release shift to tell the gripper to open.
To turn on the joint actuators, press enter. To switch them off, just press enter again.
To start following the path, press space. To stop following a path, press enter again
When drawing a path you can press the ctrl key to add waypoints (this will break up the path in DMP segments)
You can also drag the waypoints to adjust the drawn path (this will change DMP start and end points)
The path is actually fitted to Dynamic Movement Primitives (one for each segment, if you pressed ctrl key while drawing). The DMP is used for re-generating the path afterwards, allowing you to move waypoints and generalize the same path to different situations.
For more details on how to implement stuff programmatically look at the examples and look at the code of the simulator. It should be more or less straightforward to understand it.