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Releases: thatsIch/sublime-rainmeter

Fixed build system

17 Feb 06:47
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Build against: ST 3126 and RM 2746
Requires at least: ST 3092

While refactoring the code, I potentially found a regression or a bug in the code, which did not execute the !Refresh statement while building Rainmeter. Apparently, you can not use && if the !ActivateConfig throws a warning and thus the second statement is not propagated. I fixed this by splitting both commands from each other and attached their own execution logic to it.

Message System

12 Feb 22:13
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Build against: ST 3126 and RM 2746
Requires at least: ST 3092

Package Control offers a built-in message system. It can offer messages on each release and for the installation. This is important for telling the users, which use package control, what new features were introduced or what bugs were fixed without them needing to visit the forum, GitHub or any other places.

Open Skin as Project

31 Jan 20:58
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Build against: ST 3126 and RM 2746
Requires at least: ST 3092

This release is for feature #34: Open Skin as Project.

It is to elevate the need to manually open a new folder and load a skins folder in. With one command you get a list of all installed Rainmeter Skins and can select one which is instantly opened in a new Sublime Text process.

ss 2017-01-31 at 09 54 06 -shaded-or8

Menu: Tools > Rainmeter > Open Skin as Project...
Command: Rainmeter: Open Skin as Project
Internal Command: rainmeter_open_skin_as_project

Bugfix for #31: @Include syntax not recognized in [Variables]

22 Jan 18:52
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Build against: ST 3126 and RM 2746
Requires at least: ST 3092

This is a release to fix #31 where the @Include syntax was not recognized in the [Variables] section due to the special handling that section gets.


First user experience

14 Jan 12:43
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First user experience Pre-release

Build against: 3126
Requires at least: 3092

This is the release for #22: Enhacing first user experience.

Rainmeter supports the installation as portable version and thus a Rainmeter installation can partially not be tracked by normal means. To offer these users the solution a settings option was available, but writing that is cumbersome and error prone.

To offer a more fluent installation process you are now offered rainmeter installation and rainmeter skins folder selection via Windows native browsing something like this:

Image just an example for Windows FolderBrowserDialog

Image just an example for Windows FileBrowserDialog

These use a powershell script underneath to do some magic.

General purpose links

11 Jan 19:13
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Build against: 3126
Requires at least: 3092

You can now access some general purpose links through:

Tools > Rainmeter


  • Documentation
  • Issue Page

Indention Fix

10 Jan 14:25
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Build against: 3126
Requires at least: 3092

I have rewritten the indention plugin (Tools > Rainmeter > Indent for code folding or ctrl+alt+i).
I am not sure why but it was broken.

You can either select multiple areas which are supposed to be indented or just the whole file


Goto Symbol Support

29 Dec 06:18
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Build against: 3126
Requires at least: 3092

Sublime Text has the ability to Goto Symbol... (default key: ctrl + r). Symbols are special constructs with a special meaning representing something. This could be variables in other languages or class names. The closest equivalent Rainmeter has are sections.

Through the inofficial documentation you can read up the special syntax required to add the sections as symbols. I added a new Symbol List Sections.tmPreferences file which handles that by using the language syntax scope of the sections.


Besides the useful display of the outline you can use that to quickly move around your document.

I intended to display more information like the type (like meter, measure) and kind (like cpu, string) but this is not possible with the current chosen syntax definition. This needs to be reworked to enable a deeper integration.

Section completion filtering

27 Dec 09:11
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Build against: 3126
Requires at least: 3092

I added an option to remove unique sections from the auto completion introduced in 2.8.4.

Unique sections are:

  • [Rainmeter]
  • [Metadata]
  • [Variables]

That means, if you have already defined a [Rainmeter] section, you will only get the following completion entries:

  • [Metadata]
  • [Variables]
  • [Measure]
  • [Meter]
  • [MeterStyle]

If you are using a way of composing your skin with duplicates, you can disable the filtering process in the settings with

"allow_completion_section_duplicates": true

per default it is set to false

Syntax Highlighting Fix

22 Dec 09:16
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Build against: 3126
Requires at least: 3092

Due to the conversion from the old apple syntax definition to the sublime text's own definition the syntax highlighting for the [Variables] section did not work anymore.
