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347 lines (201 loc) · 21.8 KB


Select processing and combination steps to execute

The available execution steps are:

step purpose
0 Concat (can be skipped if data are already in one ms)
1 Prepare the SD-image and create masks
2 Clean for Feather/Faridani
3 Feather
4 Faridani short spacings combination (SSC)
5 Hybrid (startmodel clean + Feather)
8 Assessment of the combination results

To select from these you give the thesteps-parameter a list of the step numbers, e.g.


dryrun - parameter

To execute any combination step (0 to 7) you need


There might be cases in which you only want to gather all the filenames generated in a previously executed combination run, e.g. you only want to have an assessment of these products (step 8) or use them for your own routines. In this case, select all the combinations steps (for assessment set step 8, too) and parameters from the previous combination run, but set


It generates lists of filenames for each combination method with the wanted iterators and cleannames, but without executing the combination method itself (time saving).

Paths to the input and output files

It is helpful to use different folders for the input and output data. If you want to concatenate several ALMA 12m or 7m data sets, you can put them into the pathtoconcat-folder

  pathtoconcat = 'path-to-input-data'  
  # path to the folder with the files to be concatenated, and the input SD image

In our examples, this folder also contains also the SD image. The pathtoimage-folder is the actual working folder and holds the processing, combination, and assessment products.

  pathtoimage = 'path-to-products'                         
  # path to the folder, where to put the combination and image results

Setup for concatenation of several ms - data sets (step 0)

If you do not wish to concatenate data, because you already have your data concatenated or want to work on only one interferometric data set, then go to the next section.

If you want to concatenate several ALMA data sets list the 12m data sets in a12m and a7m, e.g.

  a12m = [pathtoconcat + '', pathtoconcat + '', ...]
  a7m  = [pathtoconcat + '',  pathtoconcat + '', ...]

and their corresponding data weights in the concatenation (visweight-parameter in concat) in weight12m and weight7m, e.g.

  weight12m = [1.,1.,...]
  weight7m  = [1.,1.,...]

In most cases, the weights are 1.0 if data were calibrated with CASA version 4.3.0 and later. Follow the instructions on to prepare your data and choose the weights correctly.

Note: You should make sure that you input data contains solely the science observation on the target (i.e. intent = 'TARGET') and no data for other observing intents. This is especially relevant for the combination of 12m data in TP2VIS-mode.

The concatms-parameter holds the file name of the concatenated data sets.

  concatms = pathtoimage + ''       
  # path and name of concatenated file (e.g. output/

Files and base-names used by the combination methods (steps 1 - 8)

  vis            = ''                                          # set to '' if concatms is to be used, else define your own ms-file
  sdimage_input  = pathtoconcat + ''
  imbase         = pathtoimage  + 'skymodel-b_120L'            # path + image base name
  sdbase         = pathtoimage  + 'skymodel-b_120L'            # path + sd image base name

If you don't need/want to concatenate data, skip thesteps=[0] and give the paremeter vis the path/name of the file or a list of files you want to image. If you leave vis blank, it will use the concatms as input. The sdimage_input links to the input SD image. All image processing results are stored under file names starting with the base names imbase (interferometric and SD-combined) or sdbase (SD alone). If the sdbase-name should not reflect any important information, it can be the same as imbase - an .SD. extension is added to the sdbase-name automatically to differentiate.

Setup of the clean parameters (steps 1, 2, 5, 6, 7)

The parameters in this section define the clean parameters common for all tclean instances used in the combination methods including SDINT and TP2VIS All parameters starting with t_ except for t_maxscale are set in the same way as for the CASA tclean task (with corresponding CASA-native subparameters).

general - data selection and image parameters

   t_spw         = '0' 
   t_field       = '0~68' 
   t_imsize      = [1120] 
   t_cell        = '0.21arcsec'   
   t_phasecenter = 'J2000 12:00:00 -'  

spectral mode - mfs or cube

The parameter mode indicates whether to perform continuum (mfs) or line (cube) imaging.

  mode      = 'mfs'      # 'mfs' or 'cube' offers two ways to define the spectral setup of a cube under the paramter specsetup.

  specsetup =  'INTpar'  # 'SDpar' (use SD cube's spectral setup) or 'INTpar' (user defined cube setup)

Setting it to INTpar requires defining the number of channels, start channel and channel width - the latter being at least as large as the SD image channel width or larger,

   t_start       = 0 
   t_width       = 1 
   t_nchan       = -1 
   t_restfreq    = '' 

whereas setting it to SDpar automatically uses the channel setup of the SD image. In addition, for SDpar one can limit the channel range translated into the combined product by using only the channels between startchan and endchan from the SD image, else they should be set to None.

   startchan = 30  # start-value of the SD image channel range you want to cut out; default: None
   endchan   = 39  # end-value of the SD image channel range you want to cut out; default: None

If specsetup = INTpar, the cut-out-channel inputs are ignored. In mode='mfs' , specsetup is set to nt1 meaning the number of Taylor terms for mtmfs-clean. An mfs-clean corresponds then to a mtmfs-clean with nterms=1. Currently, mfs is the only continuum mode offered and nt1 is only inserted for the name without any effect on the tclean parameters. Any accidental channel setup is ignored in this mode.


The parameter mscale allows to choose multiscale (MS - for extended and complex structures) imaging instead of simple Hogbom (HB - for compact sources) clean.

  mscale    = 'MS'       # 'MS' (multiscale) or 'HB' (hogbom; MTMFS in SDINT by default!)) 
  t_maxscale    = -1 

The t_maxscale-parameter can be used to give the mscale = 'MS'-mode a maximum size scale (expected unit: arcsec), up to which the multiscale-shapes (paraboloids) are generated. For a beam size of e.g. 1 arcsec and a maxscale of e.g. 10 arcsec (t_maxscale=10.), will create shapes of size 0 (point source), 1 arcsec, 3 arcsec, and 9 arcsec. With t_maxscale = -1, the script will determine a maxscale from the largest angular scales covered by the (concatenated) interferometric data.

user interaction, iterations and threshold

With the parameter inter the user can choose between interactive (IA) and non-interactive (nIA) clean. The number of clean iterations to be executed is set under nit. With t_cycleniter the number of minor cycle iterations before a major cycle is triggered can be restricted. For the default value of -1, CASA determines the cycleniter which is usually sufficient. The case of a poor PSF can require cycleniter of e.g. a few 10s (low SNR) to ~ 1000 (high SNR) to avoid the divergence of the clean process. The clean threshold t_threshold steers the depth of the clean, i.e. tclean stops at this peak flux level in the residual image.

  inter       = 'nIA'      # interactive ('IA') or non-interactive ('nIA')
  nit         = 1000000    #      
  t_cycleniter= -1         # number of minor cycle iterations before major cycle is triggered. default: -1 (CASA determined - usually sufficient), poor PSF: few 10s (low SNR) to ~ 1000 (high SNR)
  t_threshold = ''         # e.g. '0.1mJy', can be left blank -> DC_run will estimate from SD-INT-AM mask for all other masking modes, too


With the parameter masking the user can define the masking mode, with options being:

  • loading a user defined mask file (UM, CASA-native subparameter t_mask)

  • let tclean iteratively find and add clean mask regions (AM - 'auto-multithreshold' in tclean, CASA-native subparameters t_sidelobethreshold, t_noisethreshold, t_lownoisethreshold, t_minbeamfrac, t_growiterations, t_negativethreshold),

  • use the primary beam as a mask (PB, CASA-native subparameter t_pbmask for fluxlevel).

  • adjust a threshold-based mask from the interferometric and/or the SD-image (SD-INT-AM, subparameters smoothing, RMSfactor, cube_rms, cont_chans, sdmasklev, tclean_SDAMmask, hybrid_SDAMmask, sdint_SDAMmask, TP2VIS_SDAMmask, see section below)

    masking              = 'SD-INT-AM'    # 'UM' (user mask), 'SD-INT-AM' (SD+INT+AM mask), 'AM' ('auto-multithresh') or 'PB' (primary beam)
     t_mask              = '' 
     t_pbmask            = 0.4
     t_sidelobethreshold = 2.0 
     t_noisethreshold    = 4.25 
     t_lownoisethreshold = 1.5               
     t_minbeamfrac       = 0.3 
     t_growiterations    = 75 
     t_negativethreshold = 0.0 

In most cases, masking = 'AM' with its subparameters set to default (as above) is the best choice, but tends to fail for extremely extended emission.

Special feature: The UM- and the SD-INT-AM-mode are designed such that a user-defined fraction of the tclean iterations

   fniteronusermask = 0.3   # valid between 0.0 an 1.0

is spent on the provided mask. Once the stopping-threshold or interation limit fniteronusermask $\times$ nit is reached, tclean is restarted in AM-mode and continues cleaning also on regions outside the providedmask until the threshold or the (1-fniteronusermask) $\times$ nit is reached. With fniteronusermask = 0.0, DC_run loads the provided mask with one iteration and then moves over to the AM-mode. An fniteronusermask = 1.0 makes DC_run work solely on the provided mask for all iterations. Both extremes can give insufficient cleaning results, therefore a flexible mixture of the two modes is introduced by the fniteronusermask-parameter.

SD-INT-AM mask fine-tuning (step 1)

In cases of widespread extended emission (i.e. almost entire image), the cleaning process in PB or AM-mode can diverge and lead to an insufficient image resoration. With the SD-INT-AM mask the bulk of the prominent emission can be extracted so that the cleaning process can be handed over to a auto-multithreshold clean (might need to adjust AM-subparameters) to deal with the residual emission.

Generating a common mask from an interferometric and/or SD image mask at an user defined threshold (masking = 'SD-INT-AM') requires additional input:

   theoreticalRMS = False  # use the theoretical RMS from the template image's 'sumwt', instead of measuring the RMS in a threshregion and cont_chans range of a template image
   smoothing    = 5    # smoothing of the threshold mask (by 'smoothing x beam')
   threshregion = '150,200,150,200'  # emission free region in template continuum or cube image
   RMSfactor    = 0.5  # continuum rms level (if threshregion not defined: noise  is not from emission-free regions but entire image)
   cube_rms     = 3    # cube noise (true noise) x this factor
   cont_chans   = ''   # line free channels for cube rms estimation, e.g. '2~5' 
   sdmasklev    = 0.3  # image peak x this factor = threshold for SD mask

For an interferometric image based mask, a dirty image of the vis with the basic clean parameters defining the image shape is created.

In order to setup the parameters above it is best to execute step 1 once - SD_INT_AM parameters are irrelevant at this moment. This step regrids the SD and creates a dirty image of the vis with the basic clean parameters defining the image shape. Inspect dirty image and SD image

  imnameth      = imbase + '.'+mode +'_'+ specsetup +'_template.image'
  sdreordered_cut = sdbase +potential-channel-cut-out+'.SD_ro.image' # SDpar case 
  sdroregrid      = sdbase +'.SD_ro-rg_'+specsetup+'.image'          # INTpar case

and find a suitable emission free region (continuum) or channel range (cube) in e.g. the CASA viewer (setting a box/region in the image in the CASA viewer gives you the rms therein in the region panel of the viewer). Define these in the threshregion and cont_chans, respectively. Sometimes, there are no fully emission-free channels on a cube, so that one needs to select a range of the weakest emission channels and a region that is emission-free for all these selected channels. For fully emission-free channels, set threshregion = ''. Then, play with the image contours and their flux levels to find a good cut-off threshold for creating the clean mask. This flux value of the interferometric image is parametrised in as RMSfactor * RMS measured in the user defined threshregion in the continuum image or as cube_rms * RMS measured in the user defined cont_chans (and threshregion, if needed) in the cube image. If the image contains no reliably emission-free region, you can either use the entire image threshregion = '' and note that the measured RMS is not the true RMS of the image, or use the theoretical RMS defined by the uv-coverage by setting theoreticalRMS = True. This RMS is derived from the '*.sumwt'-image generated during imaging and can be understood as a lower limit of the RMS. The RMS in the actual image is often higher due to e.g. an imperfect calibration.

The resulting threshold-clipped mask is smoothed by the smoothing-factor times the interferometric beam.

The flux threshold for a single dish image based mask is given by the sdmasklevel times the SD image peak flux.

NEW: Having the parameters set, a second execution of step 1 is not necessary, because the threshold and masks are recalculated for any changes in the mask fine-tuning parameters at the beginning of each DC_run execution. In fact, when step 2 (ordinary tclean) has been executed, the tclean-product will be used as a templete for threshold and mask generation instead - under the assumption that the strongest sidelobes have been removed by cleaning and therefore yielding a more accurate representation of the actual brightness distribution. If the clean in step 2 diverged, delete the corresponding image product so that DC_run will use the dirty image from step 1 as a template.

Nevertheless, the updated pars-file needs to be executed before DC_run, else your new SD_INT_AM parameter are not implemented.

Whenever the interferometric masks is created, DC_run gives feedback in the terminal about the measured RMS and the applied threshold that is used for the mask - and for cleaning if specified t_threshold is not specified.

If the user does not specify a clean threshold t_threshold steering the depth of the clean, DC_run will take the threshold derived from the interferometric SD-INT-AM mask - independent from the masking-mode that has been specified. This implies that the the parameters above are not only relevant for creating the SD-INT-AM mask, but also for auto-determining a reasonable clean threshold for DC_run in general.

Nonetheless, you can set up a t_threshold that is different from the threshold the interferometric mask is based on, e.g. clean deeper that the level of the mask has been defined for.

SD-INT-AM masks for all methods using tclean etc (steps 2, 5 - 7)

For masking = 'SD-INT-AM' a mask is made from the threshold-clipped interferometric, from the sdmasklev- clipped SD image and from the combination of both masks. The user can choose which one to use, i.e. the options are: 'SD', 'INT', 'combined'

   tclean_SDAMmask = 'INT'  
   hybrid_SDAMmask = 'INT'     
   sdint_SDAMmask  = 'INT'     
   TP2VIS_SDAMmask = 'INT'

Setup of the base name extension describing the basic clean properties

We can generate a meaningful base name extension to attach to the imbase, reflecting the relevant clean properties. Currently, the extension name is defined by mode, mscale, masking, inter, nit, and specsetup, e.g.:

  mode      = 'mfs'      # 'mfs' or 'cube'
  mscale    = 'MS'       # 'MS' (multiscale) or 'HB' (hogbom; MTMFS in SDINT by default!)) 
  masking   = 'SD-INT-AM'    # 'UM' (user mask), 'SD-INT-AM' (SD+AM mask)), 'AM' ('auto-multithresh') or 'PB' (primary beam)
  inter     = 'nIA'      # interactive ('IA') or non-interactive ('nIA')
  nit       = 1000000    #      
  specsetup =  'INTpar'  # 'SDpar' (use SD cube's spectral setup) or 'INTpar' (user defined cube setup)

DC_run uses an extension-definition of

  cleansetup = '.'+ mode +'_'+ specsetup +'_'+ mscale +'_'+ masking +'_'+ inter +'_n'+ str(nit)

which gives us

   cleansetup = '.mfs_INTpar_HB_SD-INT-AM_nIA_n0'

SDINT options (step 6)

For SDINT, the user can specify the parameters sdpsf and dishdia (as in sdintimaging-task) in addition.

   sdpsf   = ''
   dishdia = 12.0

SD factors for all methods (steps (3 - 7)

The SD data can be scaled/weighted by a factor (default: 1.0 for all). Here, we can list multiple scaling factors per scaling parameter (e.g sdfac=[0.8, 1.0, 1.2] for feather) for the corresponding combination method to iterate over.

   sdfac   = [1.0]          # feather parameter
   SSCfac  = [1.0]          # Faridani parameter
   sdfac_h = [1.0]          # Hybrid feather paramteter
   sdg     = [1.0]          # SDINT parameter
   TPfac   = [1.0]          # TP2VIS parameter

TP2VIS related setup (step 7)

TPpointingTemplate is an ALMA 12m dataset, e.g. used in the combination, that covers the region of interest in the sky. It is used as a template for the 12m artificial SD pointings for which TP2VIS generates mock-interferometric data. The meta-data including the antenna pointings is stored in the file listobsOutput by the listobs-task. TPpointinglist contains solely the antenna pointings read out from the listobsOutput.

  TPpointingTemplate        = a12m[0]        
  listobsOutput             = imbase+'.12m.log'
  TPpointinglist            = imbase+'.12m.ptg'
  TPpointinglistAlternative = 'user-defined.ptg' 

If a TPpointingTemplate cannot be provided the user can load his own pointing list under TPpointinglistAlternative with the content formatted like, e.g.

  J2000 11:59:53.753070 -
  J2000 11:59:53.753610 -
  J2000 11:59:53.754150 -

An alternative pointing list can be derived from e.g. a simulation (simobserve) or a setup (ALMA OT) of 12m observation with the same/similar map size and position. For transforming the SD image into visibilities, TP2VIS needs the rms in the SD images for setting the weights. Therefore, one has to specify a range of emission-free pixels in a continuum SD image, or a range of emission-free channels in the SD cube.

  TPnoiseRegion   = '10,30,10,30'  # emission free box in unregridded continuum SD image!
  TPnoiseChannels = '2~5'          # emission free channels in unregridded and un-cut SD cube!

These values can be determined from the step 1 - product sdreordered or sdreordered_cut.

Assessment related (step 8)

In the case of an image cube, specify the line-emission channels that should be considered for moment maps as well as which channel to pick to run the single channel assessment on,

   momchans = ''      # channels to compute moment maps (integrated intensity, etc., e.g. '2~5') 
   mapchan = None     # cube channel (integer) of interest to use for assessment in step 8

If present, we can specify a skymodel-image to compare our results to. In our examples of simulated data, we use the skymodel located in the same folder as one of the simulated data sets in pathtoconcat.

  skymodel = a12m[0].replace('.ms','.skymodel')    # model path/name used for simulating the observation, else set to ''

The skymodel image is expected to be CASA-imported! To exclude low flux values from the assessment, you can set a threshold below which the data is masked. Option 'None' will use the rms derived by the CLEAN threshold and masking routine, 'clean-thresh' the CLEANing threshold used, and a number(float) will be the cut-off threshold in Jy/beam

  assessment_thresh = 0.01        # default: None, option: None, 'clean-thresh', or flux value(float, translated units: Jy/bm), 
                                   # threshold mask to exclude low SNR pixels, if None, use rms measurement from threshold_mask for tclean (see SD-INT-AM)
                                   # also used as lower flux limit for moment 0 map creation


This workflow is created to demonstrate an entire combination and analysis process, and specific parameters are given for the example datasets (M100, Skymodel) that our working group has validated. Pending additions/modifications include:

  • Separate those steps that are critical for running the scripts, from those that are for tweaking specific parameters of the imaging process.
  • Indicate what you need to run YOUR data through DC_script