All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Extending the adopted spec, each change should have a link to its corresponding pull request appended.
3.2.0 (2024-08-29)
3.1.1 (2024-01-08)
- deps: lint updates for cft/developer-tools v1.18 (#123) (2d57bef)
- upgraded to include minor bumps from tpg v5 (#118) (14fcdf3)
3.1.0 (2022-09-19)
3.0.1 (2022-07-20)
3.0.0 (2022-02-03)
- add Terraform 0.13 constraint and module attribution (#70)
- Add container outputs (#63) (baa02ef)
- add Terraform 0.13 constraint and module attribution (#70) (5e69eaf)
- update TPG version constraints to allow 4.0 (#78) (4b769ec)
- Example for showing advanced container options #55
2.0.0 - 2019-12-13
- Support for named COS images and option to specify cos family. #54
- Breaking: Removed dependency on ruby by using terraform's
instead. See the upgrade guide for details. #57
1.0.4 - 2019-10-16
- Fix default value of
submodule. #48
1.0.3 - 2019-10-12
1.0.2 - 2019-10-11
- Migrated MIG example to TF 0.12 syntax and compatible modules. #41
- MySQL password file permissions and datadir mount. #39
1.0.1 - 2019-08-22
- Terraform 0.12 syntax in submodules. #31
1.0.0 - 2019-08-05
- Supported version of Terraform is v0.12. #27
0.3.0 - 2019-05-15
- Initial import of the CFT Fabric COS modules. #20
- Fix script used for copyright boilerplate verification #21
0.2.0 - 2019-05-10
- added Docker environment variables section example. #19
is properly rendered as a boolean in themetadata_value
output. #17
- This is the initial release of the Container VM module.