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File metadata and controls

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Plain rules


There are two kind of rules:

  • Esper-based rules, which include the final EPL statement used by the Esper engine inside perseo-core. In order to work with perseo (front-end) properly, the EPL statement must fulfill several conventions for the rule to be able to operate on the incoming events and trigger adequate actions. Example:
    "name": "humidity_rule",
    "text": "select *, humidity? from iotEvent where type?='WheatherStation' AND cast(cast(humidity?, String), double)<20",
    "action": {
        "type": "update",
        "parameters": {
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "dryFloor",
                    "value": "true",
                    "type": "boolean"
  • No signal rules. They are triggered when a given attribute is not updated in a given interval of time. They don't use Esper at persero-core (they are checked and triggered by perseo frontend). Example:
    "name": "check_temp_no_signal",
    "nosignal": {
        "checkInterval": "1",
        "attribute": "temperature",
        "reportInterval": "5",
        "id": null,
        "idRegexp": "^value.*",
        "type": null
    "action": {
        "type": "email",
        "template": "No signal in temperature",
        "parameters": {
            "to": "[email protected]",
            "from": "[email protected]",
            "subject": "temperature no signal"

In both types of rules the following fields are mandatory:

  • name: name of the rule, used as identifier
  • action: action to be performed by perseo if the rule is fired from the core

For EPL-based rules the following field is mandatory:

  • text: EPL statement for the rule engine in perseo-core.

For no signal rules the following field is mandatory:

  • nosignal: a description of the no signal condition.

The rule name must consist of the ASCII characters from A to Z, from a to z, digits (0-9), underscore (_) and dash (-). It can have a maximum length of 50 characters.

The field action can be also an array of "actions", objects with the same structure than the single action described in the rest of the documentation. Each of those actions will be executed when the rule is fired, avoiding to duplicate a rule only for getting several actions executed. For practical purposes, it is the same result that would be obtained with multiple rules with the same condition.

EPL text

The field text of the rule must be a valid EPL statement and additionally must honor several restrictions to match expectations of perseo and perseo-core.

EPL is documented in Esper site, in particular version 8.4.0.

A EPL statement to use with perseo could be:

select *, bloodPressure? as Pressure
from iotEvent
where (cast(cast(bloodPressure?,String),double)>1.5 and type="BloodMeter")]

You should take into consideration the following guidelines:

  • Include *, in EPL select clause
  • The event stream from which take events must be iotEvent
  • A type= condition may be concatenated for avoiding mixing different kinds of entities
  • Entity's attributes must be cast to float in case of being numeric, to String otherwise.
  • All the attributes of the context broker notification are available as dynamic properties of the event object ev.
  • A question mark ? is necessary for EPL to refer to ‘dynamic’ values (duck typing), such as
  • Metadata is also available as explained in the metadata and object values section.
  • The variable ruleName in automatically added to the action, even if it is not present in the EPL text. The ruleName automatically added this way is retrieved as part of the EPL text when the rule is recovered using GET /rules or GET /rules/{name}.

Some hightligths in the Esper 8.x version, that allow to write simpler and cleaner EPL statements:

  • Alias usage, e.g. expression twoPI alias for { Math.PI * 2 }
  • Functions usage, e.g. expression DOUBLE {(v) => cast(cast(v,string), double)}

Backward compatibility note: since perseo-fe version 1.8.0 it is not mandatory to specify the name of the rule as part of the EPL text. In fact, it is not recommendable to do that. However, for backward compatibility, it can be present as ruleName alias (e.g: select *, "blood_rule_update" as ruleName...) in the select clause. If present, it must be equal to the ‘name’ field of the rule object.

The used entity's attributes must be cast to double in case of being numeric (like in the example). Alphanumeric values must be cast to String. Nested cast to string and to double is something we are analyzing, and could be unnecessary in a future version. Use it by now. All the attributes in the notification from Orion are available in the event object, ev, like ev.BlodPressure? and A question mark is necessary for EPL referring ‘dynamic’ values. Metadata is also available as explained in Metadata and object values.

Moreover under _ev.stripped are in JSON format all the notification fields (like id, type, attrs, etc.), so you can access to it in an EPL text using:

cast(stripped?, java.util.Map).get("id")

A full example of ev notification processed is avaiable at buttom of JSON and Array fields in attributes

Please, be careful with using non-ASCII characters in the EPL syntax. It will provoke an error. You can find information on how to scape characters at Esper site

Pre-SELECT clauses

There are support for pre select clauses. Specifically we support expression VAR alias for {myexpression}. This allow us to use local VARS in the definition of an EPL rule, i.e:

expression num alias for {34+4}
expression cas alias for {cast("1323", long)}
select num+10 as sum, cas as casting  from iotEvent;

No signal conditions

The no signal condition is specified in the nosignal configuration element, which is an object with the following fields:

  • checkInterval: mandatory, time in minutes for checking the attribute. Min value is 0.5 and max is 35791, other values are truncated to them (a warning log message is generated if such truncation occurs)
  • attribute: mandatory, attribute for watch
  • reportInterval: mandatory, time in seconds to see an entity as silent (in other words, how much time has to pass since last entity update to consider that entity is in "no signal" situation so the rule is triggered)
  • id or idRegexp: mandatory (but not both at the same time), ID or regular expression of the entity to watch
  • type: optional, type of entities to watch

Is recommended to set checkInterval at least double of reportInterval. Howeer, note that a very demanding value of checkInterval could impact on performance.

Non signal actions

Along with all the entity attributes, the following virtual attributes are available to be used in non signal template actions:

  • service: service of rule
  • subservice: subservice of rule
  • ruleName: name of the rule
  • reportInterval: time to see an entity as silent (in other words, how much time has to pass since last entity update to consider that entity is in "no signal" situation so the rule is triggered)
  • id: entity id
  • type: entity type
  • internalCurrentTime: current time
  • lastTime: lastTime rule was executed as well as all entity attributes


When a rule is fired, the "complex event" generated by the select clause is sent to perseo (front-end) which executes the action using the generated event as parameter to the action.

There are a predefined set of actions: sending a SMS, sending a email, updating an attribute of the entity that fired the rule and making a HTTP POST to a provided URL.

The action must be provided in the action field of rule. An example:

      "interval" : "30e3"

The type field is mandatory and must be one of the following

An action can optionally have a field interval for limiting the frequency of the action execution (for the rule and entity which fired it). The value is expressed in milliseconds and is the minimum period between executions. Once the action is executed successfully, it won't be executed again until that period has elapsed. All the request from core to execute it are silently discarded. This way, the rate of executions for an entity and rule can be limited. (Strictly, the minimum time between executions)

String substitution syntax

Some of the fields of an action (see detailed list below) can include a reference to one of the fields of the notification/event. This allows include information as the received "pressure" value, the ID of the device, etc. For example, the actions sms, email, post include a field template used to build the body of message/request. This text can include placeholders for attributes of the generated event. That placeholder has the form ${X} where X may be one of the following posibilities:

  • ${id} for the ID of the entity that triggers the rule.
  • ${type} for the type of the entity that triggers the rule
  • The name of an attribute in the entity which triggers the rule and the placeholder is substituted by the value of that attribute, e.g. ${temperature}
  • Alias defined in the EPL text of the associated rule. Some examples:
    • If we have in the EPL text this select *, bloodPressure? as Pressure then ${Pressure} can be used
    • If we have in the EPL text expression twoPI alias for { Math.PI * 2 } then ${twoPI} can be used
  • Any other field generated by Perseo FE into the event sent to Perseo Core. This includes:

This substitution can be used in the following fields:

  • template, from, to and subject for email action
  • template, url, qs, headers, json for post action
  • template for sms action
  • template for twitter action
  • id, type, name, value, ìsPattern for update action

Attribute value of update action and template of post action are expanded to numerical, boolean or JSON stringyfied values instead of string values when is possible. For example, if we have {"a": "${x}"}:

  • If the value of attribute x is 42 then it will expand do {"a": 42} and not to {"a": "42"}
  • If the value of attribute x is {"hello": "world"} then it will expand to {"a": "{\"hello\":\"world\"}"} (expand to native JSON, i.e. {"a": {"hello": "world"}}, is not supported)

SMS action

Sends a SMS to a number set as an action parameter with the body of the message built from the template

 "action": {
        "type": "sms",
        "template": "Meter ${Meter} has pressure ${Pressure}.",
        "parameters": {
            "to": "123456789"

Additionally SMS action could include a sms field to include SMS configuration which overwrites global sms configuration:

 "action": {
        "type": "sms",
        "template": "Meter ${Meter} has pressure ${Pressure}.",
        "parameters": {
            "to": "123456789",
            "sms": {
                 "URL": "http://sms-endpoint/smsoutbound",
                 "API_KEY": "MYAPIKEY",
                 "API_SECRET": "MYSECRET",
                 "from": "tel:22012;phone-context=+34"

or include a smpp field to include SMPP configuration which overwrites global smpp configuration:

 "action": {
        "type": "sms",
        "template": "Meter ${Meter} has pressure ${Pressure}.",
        "parameters": {
            "to": "123456789",
            "smpp": {
                "from": "myfrom",
                "host": "host",
                "port": "port",
                "systemid": "6666666",
                "password": "mypwd"

The field parameters include a field to with the number, or numbers separated by whiestpace charaters, to send the message to.

The template and to fields perform attribute substitution.

email action

Sends an email to the recipient set in the action parameters, with the body mail build from the template field. A field to in parameters sets the recipient and a field fromsets the sender's email address. Also the subject of the email can be set in the field subject in parameters.

 "action": {
        "type": "email",
        "template": "Meter ${Meter} has pressure ${Pressure} (GEN RULE)",
        "parameters": {
            "to": "[email protected]",
            "from": "[email protected]",
            "subject": "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)"

The template, from, to and subject fields perform string substitution.

Additionally, Email action could include a smtp field to include SMTP configuration (see nodemailer transport options for full detail which overwrites global SMTP configuration:

 "action": {
        "type": "email",
        "template": "Meter ${Meter} has pressure ${Pressure} (GEN RULE)",
        "parameters": {
            "to": "[email protected]",
            "from": "[email protected]",
            "subject": "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)",
            "smtp": {
               "port": 25,
               "host": "smtpserver",
               "secure": false,
               "auth": {
                  "user": "abc",
                  "pass": "xyz"
               "tls": {
                  "rejectUnauthorized": false

update attribute action

Updates one or more attributes of a given entity or as a result of filter (in the Context Broker instance specified in the Perseo configuration). The parameters map includes the following fields:

  • id: optional, the ID of the entity which attribute is to be updated (by default the ID of the entity that triggers the rule is used, i.e. ${id})

  • type: optional, the type of the entity which attribute is to be updated (by default the type of the entity that triggers the rule is usedi.e. ${type})

  • isPattern: optional, false by default. (Only for NGSIv1. If version is set to 2, this attribute will be ignored)

  • attributes: mandatory, array of target attributes to update. Each element of the array must contain the fields

    • name: mandatory, attribute name to set
    • value: mandatory, attribute value to set. All JSON types (string, number, bool, object, array and null) are supported.
    • type: optional, type of the attribute to set. By default, not set (in which case, only the attribute value is changed).
  • actionType: optional, type of CB action: APPEND, UPDATE or DELETE. By default is APPEND.

    • APPEND: updated attributes (if previously exist in the entity) or append them to the entity (if previously doesn't exist in the entity)
    • UPDATE: update attributes, asumming they exist (otherwise the update operation fails at CB)
    • DELETE: delete attributes (or the entity itself if the attributes list is empty)
  • trust: optional, trust for getting an access token from Auth Server which can be used to get to a Context Broker behind a PEP. This trust is indexed by id in a configuration file named configTrust.js (full path /opt/perseo-fe/configTrust.js i.e. in a docker image) which has the following format which describe full client credentials including idm endpoint:

    configTrust.trusts = [
           host: 'keystone',
           port: '5001',
           id: 'trust1',
           user: 'user1',
           password: 'password',
           service: 'domain1'
  • service: optional, service that will be used by updateAction rule instead of current event service. In this case, externalCBUrl or configured Orion PEP URL will be used instead of Orion URL, and then no token for auth will be negotiated.

  • subservice: optional, subservice that will be used by updateAction rule instead of current event subservice. In this case, externalCBUrl or confgiured Orion PEP URL will be used instead of Orion URL, and then no token for auth will be negotiated.

  • externalCBUrl: optional, externalCBUrl that will be used by updateAction rule instead of configured Orion PEP URL.

  • filter: optional, a NGSI-v2 filter (see Simple Query Language section at NGSI-v2 specification). If provided then updateAction is done over result of query. This overrides the id field (in other words, if you use filter then id field is ignored, in fact you should not use id and filter in the same rule). Needs version: 2 option (if version is 1 the filter is ignored). The value of this field is an object which keys are the possible options described in ngsijs options, e.g: type, q, georel, geometry, georel, etc. However, note that the options related with pagination (limit, offset and count) are ignored, as Perseo implements its own way of processing large filter results. Moreover if a filter contains a geojsonpolygon dict with the following format:

    "filter": {
      "geojsonpolygon": {
          "features": [
              "geometry": {
                "type": "Polygon",
                "coordinates": [[
                    [ 9.84375, 54.36775852406841 ],
                    [ -4.921875, 42.032974332441405 ],
                    [ 34.80468749999999, 40.713955826286046 ],
                    [ 29.53125, 53.54030739150022 ],
                    [ 9.84375, 54.36775852406841 ]

is translated to equivalent filter replacing geojsonpolygon with georel, geometry and coords :

    "filter": {
      "georel": "coveredBy",
      "geometry": "polygon",
      "coords": "54.36775852406841,9.84375;42.032974332441405,-4.921875;40.713955826286046,34.80468749999999;53.54030739150022,29.53125;54.36775852406841,9.84375"

The name parameter cannot take id or type as a value, as that would refer to the entity's ID and the entity's type (which are not updatable) and not to an attribute with any of those names. Trying to create such action will return an error.

The id, type, name, value, ìsPattern fields perform string substitution.

First time an update action using trust token is triggered, Perseo interacts with Keystone to get the temporal auth token corresponding to that trust token. This auth token is cached and used in every new update associated to the same action. Eventually, Perseo can receive a 401 Not Authorized due to auth token expiration. In that case, Perseo interacts again with Keystone to get a fresh auth token, then retries the update that causes the 401 (and the cache is refreshed with the new auth token for next updates).

It could happen (in theory) that a just got auth token also produce a 401 Not authorized, however this would be an abnormal situation: Perseo logs the problem with the update but doesn't try to get a new one from Keystone. Next time Perseo triggers the action, the process may repeat, i.e. first update attempt fails with 401, Perseo requests a fresh auth token to Keystone, the second update attempt fails with 401, Perseo logs the problem and doesn't retry again.

NGSI-v2 example:

            "version": 2,
            "attributes": [
                    "value": 7
                   "name": "locationCopy",
                   "type": "MyCustomTypo",
                   "value": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[${Lat},${Lon}]}"

When using NGSI-v2 in the update actions, the value field perform string substitution. If value is a String, Perseo will try cast value to number, boolean or null (without paying attention to the attribute type). If the casting fails then String is used. Boolean and None types.

Data Types for NGSI-v2:

With Number type attributes, Perseo can be able to manage a int/double number or a String to parse in value field.

  • Number from variable:
    "name": "numberFromValue",
    "type": "Number",
    "value": "${NumberValue}"

If NumberValue value is for example 32.12, this attribute will take 32.12 as value.

  • Literal Number:
    "name": "numberLiteral",
    "type": "Number",
    "value": 12

This attribute will take 12 as value.

  • Number as String from variable:
    "name": "numberFromStringValue",
    "type": "Number",
    "value": "${NumberValueAsString}"

If NumberValueAsString value is for example "4.67", this attribute will take 4.67 as value.

  • Number as String:
    "name": "numberStringLiteral",
    "type": "Number",
    "value": "67.8"

This attribute will take 67.8 as value.

With Text type attributes, Perseo will put the value field parsed as string.

  • Text as variable:
    "name": "textFromValue",
    "type": "Text",
    "value": "${varValue}"

If varValue value is for example "Good morning", this attribute will take "Good morning" as value.

If varValue value is for example 1234, this attribute will take "1234" as value.

  • Literal Text:
    "name": "textLiteral",
    "type": "Text",
    "value": "Hello world"

This attribute will take "Hello world" as value.

  • Literal Number:
    "name": "textNumberLiteral",
    "type": "Text",
    "value": 67.8

This attribute will take "67.8" as value.

  • Literal Boolean:
    "name": "textBoolLiteral",
    "type": "Text",
    "value": true

This attribute will take "true" as value.

With DateTime type attributes, Perseo will try to parse the value to DateTime format.

Date as String:

    "name": "dateString",
    "type": "DateTime",
    "value": "2018-12-05T11:31:39.00Z"

This attribute will take "2018-12-05T11:31:39.000Z" as value.

Date as Number in milliseconds:

    "name": "dateString",
    "type": "DateTime",
    "value": 1548843229832

This attribute will take "2019-01-30T10:13:49.832Z" as value.

Date from variable.

    "name": "dateString",
    "type": "DateTime",
    "value": "${dateVar}"

If dateVar value is for example 1548843229832 (as Number or String), this attribute will take "2019-01-30T10:13:49.832Z" as value.

You can use the __ts field of a Perseo DateTime attribute to fill a DateTime attribute value without using any cast(). For example, if the var are defined as follow in the rule text, ev.timestamp__ts? as dateVar, dateVar will be a String with the Date in milliseconds, for example "1548843060657" and Perseo will parse this String with to a valid DateTime as 2019-01-30T10:11:00.657Z.

With None type attributes, Perseo will set the value to null in all cases.

None Attribute:

    "name": "nullAttribute",
    "type": "None",
    "value": "It does not matter what you put here"

This attribute will take null as value.

    "name": "nullAttribute2",
    "type": "None",
    "value": null

This attribute will take null as value.

Complete example using NGSv2 update action in a rule:

    "name": "blood_rule_update",
    "text": "select *,\"blood_rule_update\" as ruleName, bloodPressure? as Pressure from iotEvent where bloodPressure? > 1.5 and type=\"BloodMeter\"",
    "action": {
        "type": "update",
        "parameters": {
            "id": "${id}_example",
            "version": 2,
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "pressure",
                    "type": "Number",
                    "value": "${Pressure}"

Note that using NGSI-v2 the BloodPressure attribute is a Number and therefore it is not necessary to use cast().

Complete example using NGSv2 update action with filter in a rule:

    "name": "blood_rule_update",
    "text": "select *,\"blood_rule_update\" as ruleName, bloodPressure? as Pressure from iotEvent where bloodPressure? > 1.5 and type=\"BloodMeter\"",
    "action": {
        "type": "update",
        "parameters": {
            "filter": {
                "type": "SensorMetter",
                "q": "status:on;level:ok"
            "version": 2,
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "pressure",
                    "type": "Number",
                    "value": "${Pressure}"
    "name": "myrule",
    "text": "select *,'myrule' as ruleName from iotEvent(type='SensorMetter')",
    "action": {
        "type": "update",
        "parameters": {
            "filter": {
                "type": "SensorMetter"
            "version": 2,
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "power",
                    "type": "Text",
                    "value": "on"

HTTP request action

Makes an HTTP request to a URL specified in url inside parameters, sending a body built from template. The parameters field can specify

  • method: optional, HTTP method to use, POST by default
  • URL: mandatory, URL target of the HTTP method
  • headers: optional, an object with fields and values for the HTTP header
  • qs: optional, an object with fields and values to build the query string of the URL
  • json: optional, an object that will be sent as JSON. String substitution will be performed in the keys and values of the object's fields. If present, it overrides template from action
      "template":"BloodPressure is ${BloodPressure}",
         "url": "http://localhost:9182/${type}/${id}",
         "method": "PUT",
         "headers": {
            "Content-type": "text/plain",
            "X-${type}-pressure": "${BloodPressure}"
         "qs": {
            "${id}": "${BloodPressure}"

Note that you can encode a JSON in the template field:

 "action": {
        "type": "post",
        "template": "{\"meter\":\"${Meter}\", \"pressure\": ${Pressure}}",
        "parameters": {
            "url": "http://${target_host}:${target_port}/myapp/${id}",
            "headers": {
                        "Content-type": "application/json",
                        "X-${type}-pressure": "${BloodPressure}"
            "qs": {
                        "${id}": "${BloodPressure}"

or use the json parameter

 "action": {
        "type": "post",
        "parameters": {
            "url": "http://${target_host}:${target_port}/myapp/${id}",
            "headers": {
                        "Content-type": "application/json",
                        "X-${type}-pressure": "${BloodPressure}"
            "qs": {
                        "${id}": "${BloodPressure}"
            "json": {
               "meter": "${meter}",
               "${id}": "${type}",
               "pressure": "${pressure}"

The template and url fields and both the field names and the field values of qs and headers and json perform string substitution.

twitter action

Updates the status of a twitter account, with the text build from the template field. The field parameters must contain the values for the consumer key and secret and the access token key and access token secret of the pre-provisioned application associated to the twitter user.

 "action": {
        "type": "twitter",
        "template": "Meter ${Meter} has pressure ${Pressure} (GEN RULE)",
        "parameters": {
          "consumer_key": "xvz1evFS4wEEPTGEFPHBog",
          "consumer_secret": "L8qq9PZyRg6ieKGEKhZolGC0vJWLw8iEJ88DRdyOg",
          "access_token_key": "xvz1evFS4wEEPTGEFPHBog",
          "access_token_secret": "L8qq9PZyRg6ieKGEKhZolGC0vJWLw8iEJ88DRdyOg"

The template field performs string substitution.

Metadata values

Metadata values can be accessed by adding the suffix __metadata__x to the attribute name, being x the name of the metadata attribute. This name can be used in the EPL text of the rule and in the parameters of the action which accept string substitution. If the value of the metadata item is an object itself, nested fields can be referred by additional suffixes beginning with double underscore and the hierarchy can be walked down by adding more suffixes, like __metadata__x__subf1__subf12.

For example: The metadata in an event/notice like

    "subscriptionId": "51c04a21d714fb3b37d7d5a7",
    "originator": "localhost",
    "contextResponses": [
            "contextElement": {
                "attributes": [
                        "name": "BloodPressure",
                        "type": "centigrade",
                        "value": "2",
                        "metadatas": [
                                "crs": {
                                    "value": { "system": "WGS84" }
                        "name": "TimeInstant",
                        "type": "urn:x-ogc:def:trs:IDAS:1.0:ISO8601",
                        "value": "2014-04-29T13:18:05Z"
                "type": "BloodMeter",
                "isPattern": "false",
                "id": "bloodm1"
            "statusCode": {
                "code": "200",
                "reasonPhrase": "OK"

could be used by a rule so

    "name": "blood_rule_email_md",
    "text": "select *, bloodPressure? as Pression, id? as Meter from iotEvent where cast(bloodPressure__metadata__crs__system?,String)=\"WGS84\" and type=\"BloodMeter\"",
    "action": {
        "type": "email",
        "template": "Meter ${Meter} has pression ${Pression} (GEN RULE) and system is ${BloodPressure__metadata__crs__system}",
        "parameters": {
            "to": "[email protected]",
            "from": "[email protected]",
            "subject": "MD VALUE: ${BloodPressure__metadata__crs__system}"

Note: be aware of the difference between the key metadatas used in the context broker notificacions (v1), ending in s and the infix metadata, without the final s, used to access fields from EPL and actions.