- Gonçalo Castilho, ist426022, 27731486
- Pedro Marques, ist1100581, 73947188
- Guilherme Silva, ist190747, 50378726
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is:
- Teacher Can create a new open answer question
- Teacher view question with button
- Teacher view question with right click
- Teacher can update content with button
- Teacher can update title with right click
- Teacher can duplicate question with button
- Teacber can delete question with button
- createOpenAnswerQuestion
- viewOpenAnswerQuestionButton
- viewOpenAnswerQuestionClick
- updateOpenAnswerQuestionButton
- updateOpenAnswerQuestionClick
- duplicateOpenAnswerQuestion
- Manuel Carneiro, 193733, 48018532
- Rafael Candeias, 193748, 47814234
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is: