###allow ssh login with password rather than keypair
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- set 'PasswordAuthentication' to 'yes'
sudo /etc/init.d/sshd reload
( apply new settings )sudo passwd ec2-user
( then enter a password at prompt )- you can now ssh with
ssh [email protected]
###Logging into Private Servers on VPCs
- StackExchange Question: http://superuser.com/questions/826805/how-do-i-properly-ssh-into-a-server-behind-a-nat-while-maintaining-the-tightest/826897?noredirect=1#comment1085250_826897
- Edit your
file locally on your Mac and add these lines:
Host any_name_for_this_connection
User ec2-user
HostKeyAlias any_name_for_this_connection.www.website.com ( can be anything )
HostName ( host of NAT or server that you can SSH into )
LocalForward 1025 ( local port to enable connection through | internal AWS IP of private server )
IdentityFile ~/.aws/private_key.pem
Host another_connection_name
User ec2-user
HostKeyAlias another_connection_name.ec2.internal
HostName localhost
Port 1025
IdentityFile ~/.aws/private_key.pem
- when connecting via terminal:
- Create the connection on port 1025 through the server you can SSH into:
ssh -C any_name_for_this_connection
- Connect to the private server:
ssh another_connection_name
- Create the connection on port 1025 through the server you can SSH into:
- When connecting via a text editor like Coda or TextWrangler
- Create the connection on port 1025 as above.
- Then set the host in your text editor to localhost on port 1025.