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File metadata and controls

85 lines (69 loc) · 3.83 KB

Setup Sphinx Search Server

sphinx is the search server we first used on manual:

install sphinx

  • install required linux utilities
    • sudo yum install gcc-c++ ( install c++ compiler )
    • sudo yum install make ( installs some more compiler stuff )
    • sudo yum install mysql-devel ( installs sphinx mysql dependencies )
  • download .tar file from site
  • unzip tar ( tar xzvf sphinx-2.0.1-beta.tar.gz )
  • cd to folder everything just unzipped into ( cd sphinx )
  • configure the install utility ( sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sphinx )
    • rerun this after you fix any errors it encounters on the first try
  • make sphinx ( sudo make )
    • execute this in the directory files just unzipped to ( should be in this directory already )
    • this must be run before make -j4 install
    • this outputs lots of gobbledygook, then runs with no output for a few minutes, then finishes.
  • sudo make -j4 install
    • execute this in the directory files just unzipped to ( should be in this directory already )
    • this outputs lots of gobbledygook, then runs with no output for a few minutes, then finishes.
  • everything should be working in /usr/local/sphinx

only launch sphinx as ec2-user ( don't sudo launches )

  • change permissions so ec2-user can launch sphinx ( sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /data/sphinx )
  • launch sphinx ( /data/sphinx/bin/searchd )

setup persistence on an ec2 server

  • move sphinx to /data where we typically attach EBS drives - sudo mv /usr/local/sphinx /data ( move /usr/local/sphinx to /data/sphinx ) - sudo ln -s /data/sphinx /usr/local/sphinx ( create a symlink to the new location )
  • move sphinx config data to www ( code must be checked out to /data/www for symlink to work )
    • create a symlink from /usr/local/sphinx/etc to /data/www/directory/configs/sphinx/etc/

troubleshooting sphinx

we've had lots of problems with the sphinx server running in production on TBJ has been unable to solve these issues

###server keeps crashing with message 'FATAL: accept() failed: Too many open files' in searchd.log

###increase linux ulimits

###increase max open files allowed

  • sysctl -w fs.file-max=10000000
  • sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
    • add the line - fs.file-max = 10000000
  • sudo sysctl -p ( to reload the new configurations )
  • sudo vim /etc/security/limits.conf
ec2-user soft nofile 65536
ec2-user hard nofile 65536

main problem was never resolved

  • TBJ was unable to resolve the sphinx / linux issue that was causing sphinx to crash *
  • so ... i setup a cron job to try and start sphinx every few minutes
    • edit cron jobs for ec2-user ( crontab -e )
    • add this line: */2 * * * * /data/sphinx/bin/searchd &>> /tmp/cron_output.txt
    • make sure crond is running ( sudo /etc/init.d/crond restart )
    • crond does not need to be restarted when changes are made using crontab -e
    • the output from this cronjob is currently written to /tmp/cron_output.txt
      • this should be removed if this works
      • this should be replaced with >/dev/null 2>&1 to discard the output