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349 lines (235 loc) · 10.2 KB

File metadata and controls

349 lines (235 loc) · 10.2 KB



  • Update .gitignore
  • Update copyright year
  • Update linter
  • update distribution generator
  • Fix broken links to

Bug Fixes

  • Famous/core

    • Fix container memory leak on migration
  • Famous/math

    • Fix Matrix.transpose
    • Fix Random
    • Update Matrix.multiply documentation
    • Fix Quaternion.slerp
  • Famous/views

    • Fix caching in ImageSurface
    • Pass parent opacity through SequentialLayout
    • Add SizeAwareView
  • Famous/physics

    • Fix Curve constraint
  • Famous/transitions

    • Transitionable.delay fix


Bug Fixes

  • Famous/inputs
    • 0.3.3 did not fix changes to inputs. All changes from 0.3.2 and 0.3.3 involving inputs have been reverted


Bug Fixes

  • Famous/inputs
    • bug in TouchSync where NaN's were produced


Bug Fixes

  • Famous/core

    • Fixed issue where would break when it took more than a single frame for the browser to load the body
  • Famous/inputs

    • Made sync velocities average out to stop wild spikes
    • Fixed logic for GenericSync to always run through the syncs to register even if it hits one that wa slaready registered
  • Famous/views

    • Fixed bug where SequentialLayout would not work if you gave children undefined size



  • Added fix for ios8 Safari compositing by setting the famous-root to have an opacity of .999999

Bug Fixes

  • Famous/core

    • Fixed sizing checks that prevented things from being resized
  • Famous/physics

    • Added direction to setOptions for VectorFields


  • Famous/views
    • Added getSize to GridLayout

Performance Increases

  • Famous/core
    • Removed unneeded removeChild call from ElementAllocator's migrate



  • Fixed various spelling and grammar errors
  • Updated
  • Updated the linters
  • Updated
  • Changed to relative pathing
  • Move source to src/ directory

Bug Fixes

  • General

    • Fixed issues that prevented Famous from being loaded in the head
  • Famous/core

    • Fixed opacity issues on setup and cleanup
    • Now resets origin on setup
    • Added guard for precommited size to allow Surface's getSize call to be non nullification
    • Fixed issue that when the size of a Surface changes, the transform matrix is recalculated to account for non [0, 0] origins
    • "true" sized Surfaces now use the offsetWidth and offsetHeight property find their size in order to account for padding and border
  • Famous/inputs

    • Added guard to TouchTracker to avoid collisions with two finger sync
  • Famous/physics

    • PhysicsEngine removeBody now works as intended
  • Famous/surfaces

    • Fixed VideoSurface setOptions
    • Fixed issue with VideoSurface instantiation not respecting src options that were passed
    • Fixed outdated references to this._currTarget
  • Famous/transitions

    • TransitionableTransform no longer reverts to the original state reducing frame flickering
  • Famous/utilities

    • Added checks for the existence of
  • Famous/view

    • ScrollContainer eventing has been fixed
    • Scroller now defaults to the size of it's content if the size of it's content is less that the size of it's parent context
    • Scrollview pagination now working
    • Fixed bug that allows Scrollview to know what index it is on
    • Scrollview goToPreviousPage, goToNextPage now work
    • Added align to Lightbox


  • Famous/core

    • Added the ability for Scene to be passed functions for Modifier properties
    • Added a toggleClass function to Surface for toggling CSS classes
    • Made Surface methods chainable (setAttributes, setProperties, toggleClass, addClass, removeClass, setClasses, setContent, setOptions, setSize)
    • Surfaces now have the ability to set HTML attributes on itself (id, data, etc)
    • Modifier now has the ability to specify size as a proportion of it's parent
    new Modifier({
        proportions: [.5, .25]
    • Made changes to OptionsManager's getOptions to return either the full options hash or particular options based on the existence of a parameter
    • Surface now emits "resize" events
    • ViewSequence now has a trackSize options that tracks the size of it's collection
  • Famous/inputs

    • Added OptionsManager to syncs
    • Added preventDefault to ScrollSync to allow for scrolling navigation in the browser
    • TouchSync now averages out velocity for a smoother, more expected stream of values
  • Famous/physics

    • Particle now has a setForce function
    • PhysicsEngine can now cap the velocity/angular velocity of particles
    • PhysicsEngine now hs a getAgentEnergy function for calculating the energy of an agent
    • PhysicsEngine now sleeps if all particles/bodies are sleeping
    • Particle now has setForce to set a vector force to apply to itself
    • RotationalSpring now has setOptions
    • RotationalSpring now has options, forceFunction and maxLength
    • VectorField has a getEnergy method
    • Methods that can accept bodies and now also accept arrays of bodies
  • Famous/transitions

    • Transitionable's halt is now chainable
    • Transitionable has a register in the same manner as GenericSync
  • Famous/utilities

    • Added clone function for deep cloning of objects
  • Famous/views

    • Scrollview now uses enum for spring states
    • Added a getSize function to ScrollContainer
    • Scroller has a function getCumulativeSize that returns the size of the collection of renderables
    • Scrollview emits "settle", "onEdge" and "offEdge" events
    • Scrollview can now handle "true" sized elements
    • Scrollview has a getCurrentIndex that returns the index of the renderable of it's collection that it is on
    • Scrollview now has a goToPage method
    • Scrollview now has getAbsolutePosition which returns the total progress through the Scrollview in pixels
    • FlexibleLayout now reflows when an element marked as true size changes it's size
    • ViewSequence now has indexOf

Performance Increases

  • Famous/views
    • More performant edge detection for Scrollview

Breaking Changes

  • Famous/core

    • Align defaults to [0, 0] no matter what the origin was set as
  • Famous/views

    • Reimplemented SequentialLayout to reduce the API
  • Famous/physics

    • Constraint no longer has energy
    • Constraint has a default output EventHandler
    • Constraint and Force no longer has setEnergy
    • Snap's and Spring's setAnchor was deprecated
    • Force now has an output EventHandler and emits change events on setOptions changes
    • RotationalSpring's and Spring's getEnergy now takes in an array of targets
    • VectorField methods, RADIAL, LINEAR, POINT_ATTRACTOR, now return vectors instead of numbers
    • VectorField defaults have changed
    • Removed options from SymplecticEuler
  • Famous/views

    • Scroller emits "onEdge" and "offEdge" events instead of "edgeHit" events
    • Scrollview's default options have changed
    • Scrollview getPosition marked for deprecation in favor of getOffset



  • FIX Scene now has support for align.
  • UPDATE requestAnimationFrame scoped to window.


  • FIX ScrollSync position type set on start instead of reset on end.
  • FIX FastClick typo fix.


  • FIX Vector .put can be called from a Vector instead of only a register.


  • FIX Walls .forEach bug.



  • FEATURE Transform now has .skewX and .skewY methods


  • ADD DesktopEmulationMode is a convenience utility to cancel mouse events
  • UPDATE ScaleSync now outputs center for the [x,y] point between two fingers


  • FIX time-stepping bug which caused jittering


  • FIX InputSurface blur event


  • FIX Transitionable callback bug on .reset method
  • FIX Transitionable .delay bug when _engineInstance not defined.


  • FIX Timer bug in debounce for clearing timers


  • UPDATE SequentialView now has itemSpacing
  • FIX FlexibleLayout caching bug
  • FIX Scrollview groupScroll option
  • FIX ContextualView DEFAULT_OPTIONS inheritance



  • FEATURE Modifier now takes align as well as origin for layout
  • FIX Surface {size : [true, true]} now works with origin and alignment
  • FIX can now run before the <body> tag loads
  • FIX Engine resize event when an input field has focus


  • ADD Accumulator can accumulate differentials from various syncs
  • UPDATE GenericSync now acts as a registry for various syncs
  • UPDATE Scroll Rotate and Pinch syncs now emit center for stable zooming
  • UPDATE clientX, clientY, on Mouse and Touch syncs
  • UPDATE offsetX, offsetY on MouseSync


  • UPDATE StateModifier takes align attribute


  • FIX Transitionable can now transition arrays with non-numeric (boolean, undefined) values


  • ADD FlexibleLayout, a layout for defining proportions of a sizing context for responsive and fixed layouts
  • ADD ContextualView is similar to core/View but passes in contextual information (transform, size, etc) for dynamic layouts.
  • FEATURE GridLayout now has a gutterSize attribute
  • FEATURE Flipper now has setAngle method


  • ADD package.json and Gruntfile.js to automate linting with Grunt and eslint
  • ADD .travis.yml for continuous integration with Travis-CI
  • Improved documentation


  • FEATURE Automatic CSS transform-matrix pixel rounding
  • FIX Modifier zero sizing
  • FIX Firefox z-index bug


  • UPDATE FastClick improvements for click events


  • FIX StateModifier opacity 0 bug


  • FIX Walls bug


  • ADD Textarea surface
  • ADD FormContainerSurface surface
  • ADD SubmitInputSurface surface


  • FEATURE Scrollview group piping flag for automatic eventing
  • FIX Scrollview options passing
  • FIX ScrollContainer typo


  • FIX NavigationBar optionsManager typo


  • Initial release