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t3kit_docker helps you developing t3kit based TYPO3 CMS projects.

It uses DockerT3kit which creates the necessary Docker containers to run your t3kit based TYPO3 CMS project on your local development environment.

To initiate new project:

git clone ~/path_to_your_project
cd ~/path_to_your_project

Init script will ask you for the site folder name which will be also used as the domain name for your site. For example, if you name your site local.your-site-name Your TYPO3 installation will be located in ~/path_to_your_project/shared/local.your-site-name and can be accessed from http://local.your-site-name/ domain.

Good to know (known problems):

DockerT3kit uses port 80 for web access so you need to make sure that your host machine does not have any software using that port. Usually this happens if you have apache or nginx installed in your host machine, so you can stop it with:

sudo service apache2 stop
sudo service nginx stop

If the Apache runs locally it binds the port and Docker will be blocked. If you need to run the Apache at the same time there is a need to fork the dockert3kit repo and add another port to docker-compose file to expose web container.

Starting Docker containers

To get Docker container up and running:

cd ~/path_to_your_project/shared/local.your-site-name
composer require --dev lauri/dockert3kit '~3.0.1'
vendor/bin/dockert3kit up -d

The parameter -d will keep it running in the background as process.

On the first run the DockerT3kit creates the database and creates sample data to it.

Make your website work with style

As t3kit use website layout style form them_t3kit and theme_t3kit_bluemountain

cd ~/path_to_your_project/shared/local.your-site-name/typo3conf/ext/theme_t3kit
git submodule init
git submodule update

Go to theme_t3kit_bluemountain

cd ~/path_to_your_project/shared/local.your-site-name/typo3conf/ext/theme_t3kit_bluemountain
git submodule init
git submodule update

Enable Install Tool

After you finish styling you can go to enable install tool to clear cache and others stuff


After that you will be able to create file call ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in your typo3conf/ folder Go to refresh your url it will tell you to login. If you do not know the password, you can follow this solution below: It will generate the hash code. Example $P$CFf7L8v6NduZTuMRfvPZVHdDqeJDTG1

cd ~/path_to_your_project/shared/local.your-site-name/typo3conf
vim LocalConfiguration.php
'installToolPassword' => 'put your hash code generate by install tool',
  • Go to refresh the page again and login by default password 123456789
  • Go to compare database to execute the update scripts.
  • Go to fix folder structure
  • Go to clear cache. Then refresh your website.

Access project url when inside app container

As of current docker doesn't support bi-directional link, you cannot access web container from app container. But in some case you will need this connection. For example in behat tests without selenium, you need the url of your site in Testing context while running the tests has to be done inside the app container.

DockerT3kit adds additional script after starting all containers to fetch the IP address of web container and append it to /etc/hosts inside app container as below:    local.your-site-name    test.local.your-site-name

Stopping Docker containers

cd ~/path_to_your_project/shared/local.your-site-name
vendor/bin/dockert3kit stop

Removing Docker containers

cd ~/path_to_your_project/shared/local.your-site-name
vendor/bin/dockert3kit kill
vendor/bin/dockert3kit rm

Note: Removing Docker container will also remove database and all changes will be lost

Check the status

cd ~/path_to_your_project/shared/local.your-site-name
vendor/bin/dockert3kit ps

This will show the running containers.

Running a shell in one of the service containers

vendor/bin/dockert3kit run SERVICE /bin/bash

SERVICE can currently be app, web, data, db or solr.

User Acceptance Test

First start selenium server on your host machine (just run selenium in another tab of your terminal)

Running tests manually inside docker

Make sure that you ssh into the docker app container

cd ~/path_to_your_project/shared/local.your-site-name
vendor/bin/dockert3kit run app /bin/bash

Run the tests:

bin/behat -c test/behaviour/behat.yml --strict --suite=default

Run test with specific name

bin/behat -c test/behaviour/behat.yml --strict --suite=default --name="Homepage"

You need to make sure that your local setup is working which means that you can access the site http://local.your-site-name/ in your browser.


To use the t3kit with docker you need to have following installed on your local machine:

  • Docker
  • Docker compose
  • Composer

More info about DockerT3kit

For more details about DockerT3kit, please read about it here