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drbloom edited this page Feb 23, 2016 · 3 revisions

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###Blog Post Submission Workflow

  1. clone to a new project
  2. in the new project, create branch#1
  3. in branch#1, re-format the new blog post into Kramdown
  4. check image licensing and attribution (Creative Commons, MIT, etc.)
  5. host images (ie., at
  6. add YAML front matter
  7. rename the file to _posts/(date)-Synereo-Update.markdown
  8. create branch#2 from branch#1
  9. modify branch#2 CNAME and _config.yml
  10. publish branch#2 on GitHub as a website
  11. visit newly published website to test formatting, links, pagination, etc.
  12. submit a pull request on branch#1 referencing the link to newly published (dummy) site.
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