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How to install

##Overview You have two methods to install the project: using a pre-configured bundle or your own custom install.

With the Symfony Ready to code a symfony-standard based project

Configured with admingenerator and propel

With the AdmingeneratorIpsum fully configured base project

The AdmingeneratorIpsum project is a "Kitchen Sink" version that is complete and will allow you:

  • to have a Fast Start: with all the dependencies carefully configured with multiple templates - including Propel, Doctrine ORM, ODM.
  • to try out all the features: with working examples of generator configuration, models and documentation.
  • to contribute to the generator project using a known starting configuration, and
  • to see how site access control is configured . It comes preconfigured with the FOS_UserBundle.

{% highlight bash %}

git clone git:// cd AdmingeneratorIpsum cp app/config/parameters.yml.sample app/config/parameters.yml ./bin/vendors install ./ {% endhighlight %}

You work on Windows :(

Ok, Windows need also his AdmingeneratorIpsum usable project. So for you I downloaded and packaged the admingenerator ipsum and all his deps nightly. [Click here to go to downloads](/download.html)

Your own Symfony2 project

Configure your own project in the standard Symfony2 way.

##Full Custom Installation

First add the AdminGenerator submodule to your project:

{% highlight bash %} git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Admingenerator/GeneratorBundle {% endhighlight %}

Or, if you use deps file:

{% highlight bash %} [AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle] git=git:// target=/bundles/Admingenerator/GeneratorBundle {% endhighlight %}

Register it in the autoload.php file:

{% highlight php %}

registerNamespaces(array( 'Admingenerator' => array(__DIR__.'/../src', __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles'), )); {% endhighlight %} Add it to the `AppKernel` class: {% highlight php %} registerNamespaces(array( 'Sensio\Bundle' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', )); {% endhighlight %} Add it to the `AppKernel` class: {% highlight php %} $bundles[] = new Sensio\Bundle\GeneratorBundle\SensioGeneratorBundle(); {% endhighlight %} ### Install KnpMenuBundle Adding Git submodules: {% highlight bash %} git submodule add vendor/bundles/Knp/Bundle/MenuBundle git submodule add vendor/KnpMenu {% endhighlight %} Or with `deps` file: {% highlight bash %} [KnpMenuBundle] git= target=/bundles/Knp/Bundle/MenuBundle [KnpMenu] git= target=/KnpMenu {% endhighlight %} Register it in the `autoload.php` file: {% highlight php %} registerNamespaces(array( 'Knp' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', 'Knp\\Menu' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/KnpMenu/src', )); {% endhighlight %} Add it to the `AppKernel` class: {% highlight php %} $bundles[] = new Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle(); {% endhighlight %} Don't forget to configure it to use twig in `config.yml`: {% highlight yaml %} knp_menu: twig: true {% endhighlight %} ### Now two ways to continue the setup : First of all, do not forget to install above vendors: {% highlight bash %} php bin/vendors install {% endhighlight %} Manually, follow the end of readme, or automatically ([](, {% highlight bash %} php app/console admin:setup {% endhighlight %} ### Install TwigGenerator {% highlight bash %} git submodule add vendor/twig-generator {% endhighlight %} Register it in the `autoload.php` file: {% highlight php %} registerNamespaces(array( 'TwigGenerator' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/twig-generator/src', )); {% endhighlight %} ### Install Pagerfanta {% highlight bash %} git submodule add vendor/pagerfanta git submodule add vendor/bundles/WhiteOctober/PagerfantaBundle {% endhighlight %} Register it in the `autoload.php` file: {% highlight php %} registerNamespaces(array( 'WhiteOctober\PagerfantaBundle' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', 'Pagerfanta' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/pagerfanta/src', )); {% endhighlight %} Add it to the `AppKernel` class: {% highlight php %} $bundles[] = new WhiteOctober\PagerfantaBundle\WhiteOctoberPagerfantaBundle(); {% endhighlight %} ### Configure JMS Security In `config.yml`: {% highlight yaml %} jms_security_extra: expressions: true {% endhighlight %} ### Setup the Model Manager you want At this step, you'll have to install the Model Manager you want (Doctrine ORM, Doctrine ODM and/or Propel). E.g. with Doctrine, you'll have to setup the Doctrine2FixtureBundle bundle. #### Install Doctrine2FixtureBundle & create the database {% highlight bash %} php app/console doctrine:database:create php app/console doctrine:schema:create php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load {% endhighlight %} ### Install Assetic (Optional see without assetic part) {% highlight bash %} git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Symfony/Bundle/AsseticBundle git submodule add git:// vendor/assetic {% endhighlight %} Register it in the `autoload.php` file: {% highlight php %} registerNamespaces(array( 'Assetic' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/assetic/src', )); {% endhighlight %} Add it to the `AppKernel` class: {% highlight php %} $bundles[] = new Symfony\Bundle\AsseticBundle\AsseticBundle(); {% endhighlight %} Configure the routing in `app/config/routing.yml`: {% highlight yaml %} _assetic: resource: . type: assetic {% endhighlight %} To run assets you also need to install `sass` & `compass`: {% highlight bash %} sudo gem install compass # sudo gem install sass {% endhighlight %} Configure Assetic: {% highlight yaml %} assetic: filters: cssrewrite: ~ sass: bin: /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/sass-3.1.7/bin/sass compass: /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/compass-0.11.5/bin/compass {% endhighlight %} ### Without Assetic Configure your config.yml to use the assetic less template {% highlight yaml %} admingenerator_generator: base_admin_template: AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_admin_assetic_less.html.twig {% endhighlight %} ### With or without assetic Publish assets: {% highlight bash %} php app/console assets:install web/ {% endhighlight %} ### Choose the ORM/ODM you want to use In app/config.yml
{% highlight yaml %} admingenerator_generator: use_propel: true {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight yaml %} admingenerator_generator: use_doctrine_orm: true {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight yaml %} admingenerator_generator: use_doctrine_odm: true {% endhighlight %}
## Want to connect to FOSUserBundle ? Just setup the [AdmingeneratorUserBundle]( Without assetic set in config.yml : {% highlight yaml %} admingenerator_user: login_template: AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_login_assetic_less.html.twig {% endhighlight %}