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Sean Kross edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 6 revisions

Hello! !আসসালামু আলাইকুম Olá! Γειά σου!

Thanks for being interested in our translation efforts for swirl. The purpose of this page is to help you get started translating.

What to translate?

The swirl content that needs to be translated falls into two main categories:

  1. Menus
  2. Courses


Translations of swirl menus can be found in translations/menus. Click the link and if you see the language that you want to translate listed there, then skip to reading about how to translate swirl courses, otherwise keep reading!

The swirl menu translations are written in a markup language called yaml, but as the translator you don't have to worry about that too much. What you need to know is the general structure: a quoted phrase in English followed my a colon, then a quoted phrase in the language you (as the translator) are writing. It looks something like this:

"Phrase in English":
 "[Phrase in another laguage]"

Here's an example for the Spanish translation:

"That's not the expression I expected but it works.":
 "Esa no es la expresión que esperaba, pero funciona."

If you know how to use Git and GitHub, then fork the translations repository, add your new [your language].yaml file in the menus directory, and make your translation! If you're unfamiliar with Git and GitHub, go the translations repository and click "Download ZIP." Unzip the file you downloaded and create [your language].yaml so you can make your translation. When you're finished with your translation you can email it to [email protected] and we will ensure it gets incorperated into the next version of swirl.


A collection of courses made by Team swirl can be found in our swirl_courses repository on GitHub. If you know how to use Git and GitHub you should follow these steps to translate a course:

  1. Download the zip file of the swirl_courses repository.
  2. Select one of the courses to translate and start a brand new Git repository for this course.
  3. Translate the lesson.yaml files in each lesson of the course.
  4. Push your new repository to GitHub.
  5. Fork our translations repository and send a pull request with a link to your newly tranlsated course in the file under the courses directory.

If you would like translate a course but you don't know how to use Git and GitHub then follow steps 1, 2, and 3 above (ignoring the Git parts) and then send us an email at [email protected]. We recommend translating the courses from the repository in the following order:

  1. R Programming
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis
  3. Statistical Inference
  4. Regression Models
  5. Getting and Cleaning_Data


If you need help or have questions you should check out the swirl-translators Google group or you can email [email protected].

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