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Dilshat edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 12 revisions


Allows to create snapshots of container partitions and rollback them.

usage: subutai snapshot <command> [<args> ...]


  snapshot create --container=CONTAINER --partition=PARTITION --label=LABEL [<flags>]
    Create snapshot

  snapshot remove --container=CONTAINER --partition=PARTITION --label=LABEL
    Remove snapshot

  snapshot list [<flags>]
    List snapshots

  snapshot rollback --container=CONTAINER --partition=PARTITION --label=LABEL [<flags>]
    Rollback to snapshot


subutai snapshot create --container foo --partition home --label snap-01012019

subutai snapshot list 
subutai snapshot list --container foo
subutai snapshot list --container foo --partition rootfs

subutai snapshot remove --container foo --partition home --label snap-01012019

subutai snapshot rollback --container foo --partition home --label snap-01012019


  • Parameter --container specifies a name of target container

  • Parameter --partition specifies a target partition of container (home|rootfs|var|opt|config|all). config means parent dataset of container e.g. for container foo it is /var/lib/subutai/lxc/foo, for partition home it is /var/lib/subutai/lxc/foo/home. all is applicable only for create command and means all home, rootfs, var, opt and config.

  • Parameter --label specifies a unique name of snapshot