explain docker reg issue
# everything has to be done in the same console
# check proper directory
# delete k8s-workshop-docker-registry
# new terminal
# ensure no reg running with docker ps
minikube stop
minikube delete
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 4096 --insecure-registry localhost:5000 --extra-config=kubelet.CAdvisorPort=4194
eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name k8s-workshop-docker-registry -v $PWD/k8s-workshop-docker-registry:/var/lib/registry registry:2
minikube dashboard
- time constraints for workshop
- CNCF - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cncf/landscape/master/landscape/CloudNativeLandscape_latest.png
- k8s vs kubernetes
- k8s situation: clouds & competitors
- what problem does k8s solve (borg-sized)
- gcloud versus kubectl versus minikube versus helm
- hust no knowledge
- targets no k8s knowledge audience
- discussion if a dev should use kubectl or not
- explain pod, service,...
- show cheatsheet
- declarative vs imperative
- mention that we are not working with pods
- prometheus integration
- 12 factor apps
- brendan burns paper
- show nodes
- ssh into node
- show os
- stuff gets into files into /var/log/containers
- explain daemonset
- explain our fluentd scenario
- show cheatsheet
- explain how the labs work
- mention that the spaces of the TODOS in the yaml files are correct
- intellij TODOS support
- show app
- locally
- ../../gradlew clean build
- run app
- in docker
- docker build -t localhost:5000/hello-k8s .
- docker run -it -p 8080:8080 localhost:5000/hello-k8s
- k8s
- docker push localhost:5000/hello-k8s
- kubectl apply -f hello-k8s-pod.yml
- minikube ssh
- curl localhost:8080
- describe labels
- describe hostnetwork
- describe terminationGracePeriodSeconds
- describe imagepullpolicy
- mention what is shared in a pod: file system, network, secrets
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl logs -f hello-k8s
- kubectl exec -it hello-k8s bash
- show app
- show k8s
- ./build.sh
- kubectl apply -f k8s
- minikube service getting-visible
- explain pod replicationset deployment
- Service selects Deployment via label selector
- Service Types:
- ClusterIP: use a cluster-internal IP only - this is the default and is discussed above. Choosing this value means that you want this service to be reachable only from inside of the cluster.
- NodePort: on top of having a cluster-internal IP, expose the service on a port on each node of the cluster (the same port on each node). You’ll be able to contact the service on any :NodePort address.
- LoadBalancer: on top of having a cluster-internal IP and exposing service on a NodePort also, ask the cloud provider for a load balancer which forwards to the Service exposed as a :NodePort for each Node.
- kubectl get pods => now we have cryptic pod names
- show how to scale
- explain spring config mechanism and hierarchy, paint scenario
- show app
- show k8s
- ./build.sh
- kubectl apply -f k8s
- minikube service configure-stuff
- do change of configmap in ui and restart pod
- show changed file in container
- overriding existing files can get tricky => https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47882403/kubernetes-configmap-directory-permissions
- sidecar container
- shared volumes
- shared network
- shared secrets
- show app
- show k8s
- ./build.sh
- kubectl apply -f k8s
- minikube service share-stuff
- do in app
- app1: /call
- app1: /write?content=ööö
- app2: /read
- show app
- show k8s
- ./build.sh
- kubectl apply -f k8s
- minikube service init-container
- app: /read
- liveness
- readyness
- terminationGracePeriodSeconds
- application shut down: k8s sends SigTerm event which Spring Boot understands
- HTTP status code 503
- show app
- show k8s
- ./build.sh
- kubectl apply -f k8s
- minikube service lifecycle (waiting is OK)
- app: /set_live/false
- explain why readyness does not work with service type NodePort
###07 resources
- show Dockerfile settings
- explain our issue
- mention that topic does not work
- show app
- show k8s
- ./build.sh
- kubectl apply -f k8s
- minikube service resources
- show dashboard - Nodes
- show app
- show k8s
- ./build.sh
- kubectl apply -f k8s
- minikube service dns-app1
- minikube service dns-app2
- app2: /
- app1: /call
- show in application properties that they are running on the same port
- namespace scenario
- show app
- show k8s
- ./build.sh
- kubectl apply -f k8s
- minikube service dns-app1
- minikube service dns-app2 -n hades
- app1: /
- app2: /
- app1: /call
- app2: /call
- volumes & persistentvolumeclaims
- stateful set
- dns & secrets & ingresses
- helm
- googlefonts/fontbakery-dashboard#3
- http://alesnosek.com/blog/2017/02/14/accessing-kubernetes-pods-from-outside-of-the-cluster/
- https://coreos.com/kubernetes/docs/latest/pods.html
- bash completion
- readynessprobes are not working due to service type nodeport in minikube => can i fix this?
- java resources mess
- Dockerfiles of LABs do net grab the jar
- LABs need on jars and own docker containers => otherwise registry messes