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  • Router v2_1 address validation has been added. It will throw an error if Router v2_1 is initialized with the v1 address. This is needed to prevent users from fund loss caused by the operation execution on an invalid router version
  • All test snapshots were updated with values from actual v2_1 contracts



  • dex v2 was deprecated and removed from the SDK. A new version, v2_1, was introduced instead. v2 contracts were only deployed in the testnet and will never be deployed in the main net. v2_1 has a few changes in comparison to the previous version:
    • some operation codes were changed
    • The optional parameter deadline was added to the swap & liquidity provide operations. This parameter is motivated by blockchain issues with TX processing that happen occasionally at a high load. If the transaction execution takes more time than defined by the deadline (15 min by default), the transaction will bounce.

The migration from v2 to v2_1 is pretty simple:

const router =
--  DEX.v2.Router.create(
++  DEX.v2_1.Router.create(
--    "kQCas2p939ESyXM_BzFJzcIe3GD5S0tbjJDj6EBVn-SPsEkN" // CPI Router v2.0.0
++    "kQALh-JBBIKK7gr0o4AVf9JZnEsFndqO0qTCyT-D-yBsWk0v" // CPI Router v2.1.0
  • pTON v2 was deprecated and removed from the SDK. A new version, v2_1, was introduced instead. v2 contracts were only deployed in the testnet and will never be deployed in the main net.

The migration from v2 to v2_1 is pretty simple:

-- const proxyTon = pTON.v2.create(
++ const proxyTon = pTON.v2_1.create(
--  "kQDwpyxrmYQlGDViPk-oqP4XK6J11I-bx7fJAlQCWmJB4m74" // pTON v2.0.0
++  "kQACS30DNoUQ7NfApPvzh7eBmSZ9L4ygJ-lkNWtba8TQT-Px" // pTON v2.1.0


  • Because of the recent appearance of the Mintless Jettons ability to pass custom_payload to jetton transfer message became a necessity, optional jettonCustomPayload parameter was added to all dex operations that are jettonTransfer's
    • swap
      • RouterV1.getSwapJettonToJettonTxParams
      • RouterV1.getSwapJettonToTonTxParams
      • RouterV2_1.getSwapJettonToJettonTxParams
      • RouterV2_1.getSwapJettonToTonTxParams
    • liquidity provision
      • RouterV1.getProvideLiquidityJettonTxParams
      • RouterV2_1.getProvideLiquidityJettonTxParams
      • RouterV2_1.getSingleSideProvideLiquidityJettonTxParams

Here is an example of how swap with non yet minted Points jetton could be achieved

  import { WalletContractV4, TonClient, Cell, internal, toNano } from "@ton/ton";
  import { mnemonicToPrivateKey } from "@ton/crypto";
  import { DEX } from "@ston-fi/sdk";

  const client = new TonClient({
    endpoint: '',
    apiKey: '', // specify API key to avoid rate limits

  const keyPair = await mnemonicToPrivateKey([]);

  const offerJettonAddress = 'EQD6Z9DHc5Mx-8PI8I4BjGX0d2NhapaRAK12CgstweNoMint'; // Mintless Points
  const askJettonAddress = 'EQCM3B12QK1e4yZSf8GtBRT0aLMNyEsBc_DhVfRRtOEffLez'; // pTON v1

  const wallet ={ workchain: 0, publicKey: keyPair.publicKey }));

  // 1. request jetton data, to verify should claim be preformed or not

  const offerJettonData = await (fetch(`${wallet.address.toString()}/jettons/${offerJettonAddress}?supported_extensions=custom_payload`).then((res) => res.json()));

  console.log('offerJettonData', offerJettonData);

  let customPayload: Cell | undefined;
  let stateInit: { code: Cell, data: Cell } | undefined;

  // 2. if jetton is not minted, request the `custom_payload` and `state_init` for it

  if (offerJettonData.extensions?.includes('custom_payload')) {
    const offerJettonCustomPayload = await (fetch(`${offerJettonData.jetton.custom_payload_api_uri}/wallet/${wallet.address.toString()}`).then((res) => res.json()));

    const customPayload = Cell.fromBoc(Buffer.from(offerJettonCustomPayload.custom_payload, 'base64'))[0];
    const stateInitCell = Cell.fromBoc(Buffer.from(offerJettonCustomPayload.state_init, 'base64'))[0].beginParse();

    stateInit = {
      code: stateInitCell.loadRef(),
      data: stateInitCell.loadRef(),

  // 3. build swap tx params with custom payload if needed

  const router =;
  const txParams = await router.getSwapJettonToJettonTxParams({
    userWalletAddress: wallet.address,
    offerAmount: toNano(0.1),
    minAskAmount: 1,
    jettonCustomPayload: customPayload,
    // slightly increase gas amount to avoid out of gas error in case if init is required
    gasAmount: stateInit ? DEX.v1.Router.gasConstants.swapJettonToJetton.gasAmount + toNano(0.1) : undefined,

  // 4. send swap tx to the network with state init if needed

  await wallet.sendTransfer({
    seqno: await wallet.getSeqno(),
    secretKey: keyPair.secretKey,
    messages: [internal({
      init: stateInit,


  • RouterV2_1.createCrossProvideLiquidityBody removed. Cross provide liquidity will not be implemented in this contract version



  • methods for deploy pTON wallet (pTON.createDeployWalletBody, pTON.getDeployWalletTxParams, pTON.sendDeployWallet)



  • add validation for optional referralValue argument in BaseRouterV2.createCrossSwapBody method


  • correct range (in basis point) for custom referralValue argument in BaseRouterV2



  • new Router v2 createCrossSwapBody method
  • new Router v2 createCrossProvideLiquidityBody method
  • add validation for optional referralValue argument in createSwapBody
  • DEX v2 contracts fully covered with tests


  • token parameter of the Router v2 getVault method was renamed to tokenMinter



  • DEX v2 contracts (Router, Pool, LpAccount, Vault); You can find a full list of DEX v2 features in our DOCS

  • pTON v2 contract



  • New major release version of the @ton/ton package was allowed as allowed dependency


  • Correct parsing for a null dictionary value in the FarmNftItemV3.getFarmingData.claimedPerUnit filed
  • Correct parsing for a null dictionary value in the FarmNftMinterV3.getFarmingMinterData.farmDataAccrued filed
  • Correct parsing for a null dictionary value in the FarmNftMinterV3.getFarmingMinterData.farmDataParameters filed



  • Correct parsing for a 0 accruedPerUnitNanorewards value in the FarmNftItemV3.getFarmingData.claimedPerUnit field.


Breaking changes Please look at the Changed section or at the step-by-step migration guide

During the development of the DEX v2 contracts, we identified several feature gaps in the tonweb package, which our SDK relied on. Additionally, a survey within the DEV community revealed that most developers use the ton-org packages in their projects. Consequently, we have decided to migrate from tonweb to ton-org packages as our core dependency.

We understand that this change may be unexpected and require additional work for some of you. However, we believe this move is necessary and beneficial in the long run. Our team has already completed this migration in our product, and it was a smooth transition. Moreover, projects already using the ton-center package will benefit from a significant reduction in dependencies.

This release is functionally fully equivalent to the previous stable release, 0.5.3


  • The contract constructor interface signature was changed

Address now is the first parameter for the contract constructor instead of the named field in the configuration object

const router = new DEX.v1.Router(
- {
-   address: "EQB3ncyBUTjZUA5EnFKR5_EnOMI9V1tTEAAPaiU71gc4TiUt",
- }
+ "EQB3ncyBUTjZUA5EnFKR5_EnOMI9V1tTEAAPaiU71gc4TiUt"

SDK contracts no longer require tonApiClient to be passed in each contract constructor. By design of the ton-core library, contracts should be opened with a provider to make on-chain requests.

const router = new DEX.v1.Router(
- {
-   tonApiClient: new TonWeb.HttpProvider(''),
- }

Custom gasConstants could be specified in the contract configuration object that could be passed as the second argument to the constructor.

const router = new DEX.v1.Router(
- {
-   address: "EQB3ncyBUTjZUA5EnFKR5_EnOMI9V1tTEAAPaiU71gc4TiUt",
-   gasConstants: { /** */ }
- }
+ "EQB3ncyBUTjZUA5EnFKR5_EnOMI9V1tTEAAPaiU71gc4TiUt",
+ { gasConstants: { /** */ } }
  • build*TxParams methods was renamed to get*TxParams
- const txParams = await router.buildSwapTonToJettonTxParams({ /** */ });

+ const txParams = await router.getSwapTonToJettonTxParams({ /** */ });
  • Amount is now represented in native js BigInt instead of BN from bn.js

You can replace BN usage with BigInt OR use strings, and SDK will wrap them in BigInt under the hood.

const txParams = await router.getSwapTonToJettonTxParams({
-  offerAmount: new TonWeb.utils.BN("1000000000"),
+  offerAmount: BigInt("1000000000"),
  // ...
  • Operations with proxyTon now require an instance of pTON contract instead of just an address.
const txParams = await router.getSwapTonToJettonTxParams({
-  proxyTonAddress: pTON.v1.address,
+  proxyTon: new pTON.v1(),
  // ...
  • The get*TxParams methods now return objects with the type SenderArguments instead of MessageData. The purpose and shape of those objects almost identical, but these changes allow us to fit ton-core notation better and implement send* methods


const txParams = await router.getSwapTonToJettonTxParams({ /** */ }); // { to, payload, gasAmount }


const txParams = await router.getSwapTonToJettonTxParams({ /** */ }); // { to, body, value }
  • RouterV1.getData method was renamed to RouterV1.getRouterData to match contract API
  • PoolV1.getData method was renamed to PoolV1.getPoolData to match contract API
  • LpAccountV1.getData method was renamed to LpAccountV1.getLpAccountData to match contract API
  • gasConstants for swap using Router v1 has been decreased


  • Contracts now have static create method to simplify instance creation.
import { FARM } from '@ston-fi/sdk/farm/v3';

const nft = FARM.NftItem.create('EQ...');
  • Contracts now have send* methods to simplify transaction sending with the @ton-core package
const wallet ={ workchain, publicKey: keyPair.publicKey }));
const router = DEX.v1.Router());

await router.sendSwapTonToJetton(
    // tx arguments for `getSwapTonToJettonTxParams` method to build tx params
  • RouterV1.getPoolAddressByJettonMinters method was added to simplify pool address determination by jetton minter addresses. Not router jetton wallet addresses as required in RouterV1.getPoolAddress method.
const pool = openedRouter.getPoolAddressByJettonMinters({
  token0: 'EQA2kCVNwVsil2EM2mB0SkXytxCqQjS4mttjDpnXmwG9T6bO', // STON minter
  token1: 'EQBX6K9aXVl3nXINCyPPL86C4ONVmQ8vK360u6dykFKXpHCa', // GEMSTON minter


  • MessageData has been replaced with SenderArguments type
  • *_OP_CODES enum exports was removed
  • parse* util functions exports was removed



  • Direct exports of DEX & FARM contracts of a specific version were added. If you are only interested in using, for example Farm v3 contracts specifically, now you can import only this version instead of an object with all versions.
- import { FARM } from "@ston-fi/sdk";
+ import { FARM } from "@ston-fi/sdk/farm/v3";

- const farm = new FARM.v3.NftMinter(/** */);
+ const farm = new FARM.NftMinter(/** */);



  • contracts create*Body methods is public now
  • jetton wallet address request in the PoolV1.getJettonWallet and RouterV1.getPool methods was changed from TonAPI to StonAPI


  • Correct type for FarmNftMinterV3.getVersion major and minor fields. It was typed as a number but, in fact, was BN.



  • poolCount in FarmNftMinterV3.buildStakeTxParams is now optional


Breaking changes Please look at the Changed section or at the step-by-step migration guide


  • Farm v1 contract
  • Farm v3 contract
  • pTON v1 contract
  • If excess gas was defined in DEX operation, it will now be returned to the user's wallet address
  • All SDK transactions now use bounceable addresses for to tx parameter
  • SDK package now tree shakable


  • Contract revisions have been dropped

The original idea of having revision classes was to have the Contract class unchanged and only make a new revision each time we introduce a new contract version. In reality, each new version of the contract drastically varies from the previous one so it became impossible to maintain a single abstracted interface on top of the revisions

Revision as a term was removed from the SDK, and now each contract has a static version field to help identify the version of the contract.

Version enum keys was also changed from V* to v* to match with the StonFi API responses


import { Router, ROUTER_REVISION } from '@ston-fi/sdk';

const router = new Router(/** */, {
  revision: ROUTER_REVISION.V1
  // ...


import { DEX } from "@ston-fi/sdk";

const router = new DEX.v1.Router(/** */)
  • Contract constructor now accepts a single object with named parameters

Every SDK contract extends the contract from the TonWeb package. We are faced with the necessity of passing custom fields along with those that are required by the TonWeb constructors. With a new constructor parameters will now be able to pass comfortably any parameters to the contracts and process them before passing them down to the TonWeb constructors

Now it became possible to partially or completely override default operations gas constants in the constructor parameters. Previously it was required to create a custom revision with overridden gas constants and pass it to the contract constructor to do so.


import TonWeb from 'tonweb';
import { Router, ROUTER_REVISION, ROUTER_REVISION_ADDRESS } from '@ston-fi/sdk';

const router = new Router(new TonWeb.HttpProvider(), {
  revision: ROUTER_REVISION.V1,


import TonWeb from 'tonweb';
import { DEX } from "@ston-fi/sdk";

const router = new DEX.v1.Router({
  tonApiClient: new TonWeb.HttpProvider()
  • DEX swap methods were renamed

We received a lot of questions about how to swap jetton to TON because it uses the buildSwapJettonTxParams. method with changed askJettonAddress parameter. So, we did eliminate this unclearness by splitting buildSwapJettonTxParams method to buildSwapJettonToJettonTxParams and buildSwapTonToJettonTxParams methods. buildSwapProxyTonTxParams was renamed to buildSwapTonToJettonTxParams to unify the naming convention.

Also, because there are now three independent methods, we were able to adjust gas constants for each operation type, reducing the cost of the swap.


const swapJettonToJettonParams = await router.buildSwapJettonTxParams(/** */);
const swapJettonToTonParams = await router.buildSwapJettonTxParams({
  /** */
  askJettonAddress: PROXY_TON_ADDRESS,
const swapTonToJettonParams = await router.buildSwapProxyTonTxParams(/** */);


const swapJettonToJettonParams = await router.buildSwapJettonToJettonTxParams(/** */);
const swapJettonToTonParams = await router.buildSwapJettonToTonTxParams(/** */);
const swapTonToJettonParams = await router.buildSwapTonToJettonTxParams(/** */);
  • Interface of the Router v1 getPoolAddress method was unified with the getPoolAddress


const pool = await router.getPool({
  jettonAddresses: ["EQ...ABC", "EQ...CBA"],


const pool = await router.getPool({
  token0: "EQ...ABC",
  token1: "EQ...CBA"


  • parseAddressFromCell util removed



  • ston Farm contracts (FarmNftMinter, FarmNftItem)


  • DEX contracts moved to the contracts/dex directory
  • DEX contracts usage examples in /examples directory was prefixed with "dex-"
  • utils/parseAddressFromCell util renamed to parseAddress


  • parseAddressFromCell util use deprecated