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Angular Data Grid

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Since I wanted to learn Angular.js, but still needed to focus on the requirements of my job’s project, I decided to build my own simple data grid directive mainly based on the features provided by ng-grid ( If you are interested in a directive with way more features, you can check out ng-grid.

One commun mistake is to forget to specify [heigh] and [width] parameters to this directive who can lead to layout issue.

*If you plan to mix fixed (px) and variable width (%), make sure variable summation is lower than 100%.


<div ng-data-grid="gridOptions" height="gridDimension.gridHeight" width="gridDimension.gridWidth"></div>


headerClass (default: ''): Appends a css class for the column header.

headerRowHeight (default: 25): The height of the header row in pixels.

rowHeight (default: 25): Row height of rows in grid.

showFooter (default: false): Show or hide the footer the footer is disabled by default.

headerTemplate (default: ~/app/src/scripts/directives/ng-data-grid/templates/ng-data-grid-default-header.html'): Define a header template for customization.

bodyTemplate (default: ~/app/src/scripts/directives/ng-data-grid/templates/ng-data-grid-default-body.html): Define a body template for customization.

footerTemplate (default: ''): Define a footer template for customization.

footerRowHeight (default: 32): Defining the height of the footer in pixels.

enableSorting (default: true): Enables or disables sorting in grid.

enablePaging (default: false): Enables the client-side paging feature

multiSelect (default: true): Set this to false if you only want one item selected at a time

keepLastSelected (default: true): Prevent unselections when in single selection mode

enableColumnResize (default: false): Enable or disable resizing of columns

primaryKey(default: undefined): Primary Key field name used for tracking selector [required]

columnDefs (default: undefined): Definitions of columns as an array [], if not defined columns are auto-generated.

headerCellTemplate : Sets the template for the column header cell.

(default: <span ng-show="!isSortable(column)">{{ column.displayName }}</span> <a ng-show="isSortable(column)" ng-click="sortBy(column)">{{ column.displayName }} <span class="ng-data-grid-sort-icon"></span></a><span ng-show="isResizable(column)" ng-style="{height:headerRowHeight-10}" class="ng-data-grid-column-resizer" ng-mousedown="onMousedown($event, $index)"></span>)

gridOptions.columnDefs Options:

cellClass (default: ''): Appends a css class for the column cells.

cellStyle (default: undefined): Allow to apply style to a cell using a function of object.

Usage sample:

cellStyle: { color: '#FF00FF', backgroundColor: '#00FF00'}
cellStyle: alarmColumnCustomStyle
function alarmColumnCustomStyle(row) {
  return { color: '#FF00FF', backgroundColor: '#00FF00'};

field (default: ''): The string name of the property in your data model you want that column to represent.

displayName (default: ''): Sets the pretty display name of the column.

visible (default: true): Whether or not the column is visible by default.

sortable (default: true): Whether or not column is sortable.

resizable (default: true): Whether or not column is resizable.

excludeFromSelection(default: false): Whether or not column is exlude from selection.

cellTemplate (default: {{row[column.field]}}): Sets the cell template for the column.

sortFunction (default: undefined): Sets a custom sort function for the column. ex downtimeComparator(timespan1, timespan2) { return timespanInSeconds(timespan1) <= timespanInSeconds(timespan2); }

width (default: "*"): Sets the width of the column. Can be a fixed width in pixels ('42px'), percentage string ('42%'), weighted asterisks (width divided by total number of star 's is all column definition widths).

dataSource Options:

local (default: undefined): Data being provided localy by the controller.

remote(default: undefined): Date being provided remotly by ajax call.

dataSource.remote Options:

url (default: undefined): Url used to retrieve remote data.

parameters (default: undefined): Parameters used to retrieve remote data.

dataProperty (default: data): Parameters used to specify path to retrieve data. ex: "viewModel.Customers"

pooling (default: false): Whether or not the pooling is active.

poolingRate (default: 30000): Polling rate used to retrieve remote data when pooling is active.

autoStart (default: false): Start poolling automatically.

gridOptions.pagingOptions Options:

pageSizes (default: [250, 500, 1000]): List of available page sizes.

*Page size selector is visible when there is multiple size defined into [pageSizes] parameter.

pageSize (default: 250): List of available page sizes.

currentPage (default: 1): Current page.

autoPage (default: false): Automatic page size calculation base on available space for rows. This will override pageSize value.

gridOptions.sortOptions Options:

direction (default: ''): Sort directions ['asc', 'desc'], directions are case-insensitive

field (default: ''): Sort field, there is no support for multiple field yet!

gridOptions.filterOptions Options:

dataFilter (default: undefined): Filter records based on field specific data.

searchFilter (default: undefined): Filter records based on text keyword.

gridOptions.filterOptions.searchFilter Options:

searchFields (default: [ ]): Fields used when searching records. When * is used all visible fields are added.

Usage sample:

searchFields : ['name', 'age'] searchFields : ['*']

searchText (default: []): Text used when searching records.


exportToCsv(): Export the content of the grid to csv.

deselectAll(): Deselect all rows.

selectAll(): Select all rows.

forceRefresh(): Force data source refresh.

startPooling(): Start data source pooling.

stopPooling(): Stop data source pooling.

getTotalItemsCount(): Return total items count.

getSelectedItems(): Return selected items.

clearSelection(): Clear selected items.

selectByKey(['key1', 'key2']): Select rows by key

showWaitIndicator(): Show wait indicator (mainly used for local data source)

hideWaitIndicator(): Hide wait indicator (mainly used for local data source)


onBeforeSelectionChange(row, isSelected) : Current row, selected state.
If the function return false this will prevent row selection.

onAfterSelectionChange(row, isSelected): Current row, selected state.

onRowFiltering(row): If the function return false this will prevent row insertion

onPageRendered(rows): Current page rows...

onGridDatabound(rows): Grid databound event

onGridInitialized(): Grid initialized event

onCellDatabind(row, column, value): Grid cell binding event, allow user to decorate or transform value before display

onCellStyling(row, column, value, style): Grid cell styling event, allow user to decorate cell before display