An example I use for creating an Ansible (and Rundeck) base box.
After it’s all said and done with 'vagrant up' you should be able to get to rundeck here:
This relies on a very good galaxy plugin called (using this uses Oracle JDK 8, which in turn means using this implies you’ve accepted Oracle’s license. Buyer beware).
It also relies on a fork of a galaxy plugin called neel.rundeck which does the rundeck heavy lifting. It’s worth using for no other reason that it handles the hateful JAAS realm security users and groups.
I’m also really happy with the geerlingguy/centos7 box. I’m using it for lots. He has done a good job of keeping it up-to-date. So thank you for that.
Neither here nor there, but geerlingguy also just updated his book "Ansible for Devops" on leanpub a couple of days ago. It’s worth what he’s asking for in my opinion.