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File metadata and controls

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In-Depth Configuration

This page gives an overview of the various settings you can use to customize a training run.

We use Draccus for configuration. Draccus is yet-another yaml-to-dataclass library that uses both dataclasses to generate yaml and argparse to parse command line arguments.

Typically, your config data class will look something like this:

class TrainLmConfig:
    data: LMDatasetConfig = field(default_factory=LMDatasetConfig)
    trainer: TrainerConfig = field(default_factory=TrainerConfig)
    model: LmConfig = field(default_factory=Gpt2Config)
    optimizer: OptimizerConfig = field(default_factory=AdamConfig)

Your training run will typically be associated with a single config file. For instance, you might have a file my-run.yaml that looks like this:

      - "gs://my_bucket/openwebtext-sharded/openwebtext_train.{1..128}-of-128.jsonl.gz"
      - "gs://my_bucket/openwebtext-sharded/openwebtext_val.{1..8}-of-8.jsonl.gz"
    cache_dir: "gs://my_bucket/tokenized/openwebtext_2/"
  type: gpt2
  hidden_dim: 768
  num_heads: 12
  num_layers: 12
  seq_len: 1024
  gradient_checkpointing: true
  scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx: true
    type: wandb
    project: "levanter"
    tags: [ "openwebtext", "gpt2"]

  mp: p=f32,c=bfloat16
  model_axis_size: 1
  per_device_parallelism: 4

  train_batch_size: 512
  learning_rate: 6E-4
  weight_decay: 0.1
  min_lr_ratio: 0.1

Including Other Config Files

Draccus supports inclusion of config files via the !include special syntax. For instance, this:

# my-run.yaml
data: !include data.yaml
    num_train_steps: 1000000

# data.yaml
    - "gs://my_bucket/openwebtext-sharded/openwebtext_train.{1..128}-of-128.jsonl.gz"
    -  "gs://my_bucket/openwebtext-sharded/openwebtext_val.{1..8}-of-8.jsonl.gz"
cache_dir: "gs://my_bucket/tokenized/openwebtext_2/"

will expand to:

        - "gs://my_bucket/openwebtext-sharded/openwebtext_train.{1..128}-of-128.jsonl.gz"
        - "gs://my_bucket/openwebtext-sharded/openwebtext_val.{1..8}-of-8.jsonl.gz"
    cache_dir: "gs://my_bucket/tokenized/openwebtext_2/"
    num_train_steps: 1000000

The inclusion path is always relative to the config file. Unfortunately, we don't (can't) support inclusion at the top level.

Trainer and TrainerConfig

The [levanter.trainer.Trainer][] class is governed by the [levanter.trainer.TrainerConfig][] dataclass.

Trainer has a lot of stuff in it. We highlight some of them in the following sections.

The following table lists some of the parameters that you might want to change.

Core Training Loop Configuration

Parameter Description Default
seed The random seed 0
num_train_steps The number of training steps to run 400,000
train_batch_size The batch size 32
per_device_train_parallelism Number of examples to process on each device during training train_batch_size / (num_accelerators * model_axis_size)
per_device_eval_parallelism Number of examples to process on each device during eval per_device_train_parallelism
steps_per_eval How often to evaluate the model during training 1,000
max_eval_batches How many batches to evaluate during each evaluation None (meaning all)
mp Mixed Precision policy using jmp f32 (full precision)

Logging and Reporting

Parameter Description Default
log_dir Where to save logs (python logger). $run_id will be appended logs/

Partitioning / FSDP

Sharding in Levanter is done with axis mappings, which specify how to map logical axes (e.g. "batch") to physical axes in the JAX device mesh. (See the Haliax Scaling Tutorial for a more detailed explanation of axis mappings.) Levanter's Trainer uses two axis mappings: parameter_axis_resources and compute_axis_resources. parameter_axis_resources specifies how to shard the model parameters and optimizer state: basically how the model is sharded "at rest", while the compute_axis_resources specifies how to shard the model during computation.

TrainerConfig allows you to specify these axis mappings in two ways, with a "basic" mode that has reasonable defaults and an "advanced" mode that gives you more control.

Basic Mode

Parameter Description Default
batch_axis The axis to shard the batch over, for distributed data parallelism "batch"
fsdp_axis The axis or axes to shard the model over, for Fully Sharded Data Parallelism "embed"
tensor_parallel_axes The axis or axes to shard the model over, for Tensor Parallelism None
model_axis_size How many devices for tensor parallelism 1

Advanced Mode

Parameter Description Default
axis_resources Mapping from logical axis to physical axis shared by both mappings --
parameter_axis_resources Mapping from logical axis to physical axis for the parameter mapping --
compute_axis_resources Mapping from logical axis to physical axis for the compute mapping --
model_axis_size How many devices for tensor parallelism 1

Checkpointing and Initialization

See also Checkpointer.

Parameter Description Default
load_checkpoint Whether to load checkpoint from base_path None: load if possible, but don't error.
load_checkpoint_path Path to load checkpoint from. May be a parent checkpointer.base_path
initialize_from Path to initialize model from. May be a parent None
checkpointer.base_path Base path to save checkpoints to checkpoints/${run_id}
checkpointer.save_interval How often to save checkpoints (time) 15 minutes
checkpointer.keep How often to keep checkpoints (steps). See below. 10000 steps

Checkpointer Save Policy

The checkpointer logic has two kinds of checkpoints:

  • time-based checkpoints: temporary checkpoints that are saved every save_interval minutes. The previous time-based checkpoint is deleted when a new one is saved.
  • step-based checkpoints: permanent checkpoints that are saved according to a policy. These checkpoints are never deleted.

Step-based checkpoint configuration looks like this:

    - every: 1000  # steps
      until: 10000 # step
    - every: 5000  # steps
      until: 40000 # step
    - every: 10000

This policy will save permanent checkpoints every 1,000 steps until 10,000 steps, then every 5,000 steps until 40,000 steps, then every 10,000 steps. The default step-based checkpoint policy is to save a checkpoint every 10,000 steps.

Trackers and Logging

We mostly use W&B for tracking values and other metadata about a run. However, we also support Tensorboard and a few other trackers. You can also use multiple trackers at once, or even write your own. See Trackers for more information.


Wandb is the default tracker and is installed by default. To use it, you can configure it in your config file:

        type: wandb
        project: my-project
        entity: my-entity

Because wandb is the default, you can also just do:

      project: my-project
      entity: my-entity
Parameter Description Default
entity The wandb entity to use. your default entity
project The wandb project to use. wandb's default
tags Tags to add to the run. []
id Unique run id wandb's autogenerated id
name The name of the run. wandb's autogenerated name
save_code Whether to save the code to wandb. True
save_xla_dumps Whether to save XLA compiler outputs to wandb. False


  • WandB's code saving logic isn't very good for our use case, so we have our own. We automatically sniff out the git repo of your main script.
  • save_xla_dumps is useful for debugging XLA compilation issues. It tends to dump a lot of stuff, so we don't save it by default. To use it, you must also set the right environment variables. Something like XLA_FLAGS="--xla_dump_to=/tmp/output_folder/xla_dumps --xla_dump_hlo_pass_re=.*. We will automatically parse out the env variable.


Tensorboard is also supported. To use it, you can configure it in your config file:

        type: tensorboard
        logdir: logs

Multiple Trackers

In some cases, you may want to use multiple trackers at once. For example, you may want to use both W&B and Tensorboard.

To do this, you can use the [levanter.tracker.tracker.CompositeTracker][] class, or, if using a config file, you can specify multiple trackers:

    - type: wandb
      project: my-project
      entity: my-entity
    - type: tensorboard
      logdir: logs

Ray Config

Levanter will by default automatically start a Ray cluster with all the machines being used for training. This is useful for distributed preprocessing. You can disable this behavior using auto_start_cluster: false.

Parameter Description Default
address The address of the Ray cluster to connect to. None
start_workers Whether to start Ray workers. If False, you must start them yourself. True
auto_start_cluster Whether to start a Ray cluster automatically. True

Distributed Config

JAX can automatically sniff out clusters in SLURM and TPU environments. If you're not using SLURM or TPUs, you can specify the cluster manually using this config.

Don't use this on TPU, and possibly not on SLURM either.

Parameter Description Default
coordinator_address The address of the coordinator. If None, we'll use the default address. None
num_processes The number of processes in the cluster. None
process_id The process id of this process. None
local_device_ids The local device ids of this process. ${CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES}


[levanter.optim.OptimizerConfig][] is a dataclass that specifies the optimizer configuration. It has the following fields:

Parameter Description Default
learning_rate The learning rate. 1e-4
weight_decay The weight decay. 0.0
beta1 The beta1 parameter for Adam. 0.9
beta2 The beta2 parameter for Adam. 0.999
epsilon The epsilon parameter for Adam. 1e-8
max_grad_norm The maximum gradient norm (for clipping). 1.0
min_lr_ratio The minimum learning rate ratio. 0.0
warmup_ratio The warmup ratio. Fraction of total steps to warmup 0.01
lr_schedule The learning rate schedule. One of constant, cosine, linear cosine

LM Model Config

[levanter.models.lm_model.LmConfig][] is a Draccus "choice class" that acts as a base class for all autoregressive language models in Levanter. You typically will specify a kind of model by using the type field, which is a string that specifies the kind of model. For instance, type: gpt2 will use the [levanter.models.gpt2.Gpt2Config][] class, while type: llama will use the [levanter.models.llama.LlamaConfig][] class.

We won't go into detail here. You can see the auto-generated docs below.

Auto-generated Documentation


::: levanter.trainer.TrainerConfig

::: levanter.trainer.Trainer


::: levanter.checkpoint.CheckpointerConfig

::: levanter.checkpoint.Checkpointer

Trackers and Metrics

See also Trackers for more information. Basic configuration is shown below.

Single Tracker

    type: wandb
    project: my-project
    entity: my-entity

::: levanter.tracker.wandb.WandbConfig

::: levanter.tracker.tensorboard.TensorboardConfig

Distributed and Ray

::: levanter.distributed.DistributedConfig

::: levanter.distributed.RayConfig


::: levanter.optim.OptimizerConfig

LM Model

::: levanter.models.lm_model.LmConfig

::: levanter.models.gpt2.Gpt2Config

::: levanter.models.llama.LlamaConfig

::: levanter.models.mpt.MptConfig