Spherical mercator tile and coordinate utilities for C++.
The tools provides ul
function that return the upper left corner longitudes and latitudes, a bounds
function return the bounding longitudes and latitudes, a xy
function that return the spherical mercator x and y coordinates, a tile
function that returns the tile containing a given point. And lots of other usful functions.
You can check out the Utility Functions or examples.
#include "MercatorTile.h"
using namespace mercatortile;
LngLat ul_result = ul(Tile{3425, 1549, 12});
cout<<"lng: "<<ul_result.lng<<" lat:"<<ul_result.lat<<"\n"<<endl;
Tile tile = mercatortile::tile(120.32, 43.5, 10);
Tile ttile = tile(lng, lat, 4);
cout<<ttile.x<<" "<<ttile.y<<" "<<ttile.z<<endl;
struct Tile {x,y,z}
defines an XYZ web mercator tile.x
for column number,y
for row number,z
for zoom level. -
struct LngLat {lng, lat}
defines a longitude and latitude pair. -
struct XY {x, y}
defines a x and y pair of web mercator. -
struct Bbox {west, sourth, east, north}
defines a web mercator bounding box. -
struct LngLatBbox {left, bottom, right, top}
defines a geographic bounding box, value should be longitude and latitude.
ul(const Tile &tile) -> LngLat
: get the upper left longitude and latitude of a tile. -
bounds(const Tile &tile) -> LngLatBbox
: get the lonlat bounding box of a tile. -
xy(const double &lng, const double &lat)->XY
: convert longtitude and latitude to web mercator x, y. -
lonlat(const double &x, const double &y) -> LngLat
: convert web mercator x, y to longtitude and latitude. -
xy_bounds(const Tile &tile) -> Bbox
: get the web mercator bounding box of a tile. -
tile(const double &lng, const double &lat, const int &zoom) -> Tile
: get the tile containing a longitude and latitude. -
parent(const Tile &tile) -> Tile
: get the parent tile of a tile. -
parent(const Tile &tile, const int &zoom) -> TIle
: get the parent tile of a tile. -
children(const Tile &tile) -> std::vector<Tile>
: get the children of a tile. -
children(const Tile &tile, const int &zoom) -> std::vector<Tile>
: get the children of a tile. -
tiles(const LngLatBbox &bbox, const int &zoom) -> std::vector<Tile>
: get the tiles intersecting a geographic bounding box. -
quadkey(const Tile &tile) -> std::string
: get the quadkey of a tile. -
quadkey_to_tile(const std::string &qk) -> Tile
: get the tile corresponding to a quadkey.
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