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262 lines (230 loc) · 8.76 KB

File metadata and controls

262 lines (230 loc) · 8.76 KB


The whole changelog is described below, here you can see the main steps that could be required for a successful migration.

  • breadcrumps.dark.php renamed into breadcrumbs.dark.php. So if you extend it or common.dark.php please be aware.
  • @Controller annotation now don't use name attribute for prefixing, use prefix attribute explicitly.
  • KeeperCore now doesn't protect actions by namespace.controller.method, use @GuardNamespace and Guarded annotations.
  • For sitemaps permissions are taken from @GuardNamespace and @Guarded annotation. Note that keeper namespace isn't used here automatically because these annotations come from external module, so you need to specify the namespace in the @GuardNamespace explicitly. As a fallback to @GuardNamespace controller's is used, method's name is a fallback to a missing @Guarded annotation.
  • @action directive is deprecated, use @keeper one. It has a new 1st parameter - namespace.
  • RouteRegistry::uri() helper is deprecated, use RouteBuilder::uri() one. It has a new 1st parameter - namespace.
  • For better and understandable sitemap sorting use position attribute in annotations or position option in Sitemap element declaring (via code).


View template views/layout/breadcrumps.dark.php renamed into views/layout/breadcrumbs.dark.php (typo fixed). Referenced in views/layout/common.dark.php and views/bundle.dark.php.


Previously, KeeperCore protected actions using namespace.controller.method permission, now it will be used as a fallback only if a method doesn't have @Guarded annotation. Please add GuardNamespace(namespace="...") if missing.



  • @Action annotation now is fully compatible with a global @Route annotation. name property is optional, by default controller.action name will be assigned.

For now router ignores provided group.

  • @Controller annotation now will not fall back to controller's name if prefix is empty, please define prefix attribute explicitly if needed.
  • @Controller annotation now can have a defaultAction property, see below for more details.

As a fallback route annotations with name attribute will be duplicated by a legacy name like controller.method. So, for the keeper namespace the next code

/** @var \Spiral\Keeper\Module\RouteRegistry $_router_ */

is equivalent to a new one:

/** @var \Spiral\Keeper\Module\RouteRegistry $_router_ */

Route defaults

To enable default controller routing it should be added explicitly to the config. Either via KeeperBootloader::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER value or via config file:

return [
     'routeDefaults' => ['controller' => '\App\Controller\DefaultController'],

Default controller action should be either defined in the config:

return [
     'routeDefaults' => ['controller' => '\App\Controller\DefaultController', 'action' => 'action'],

or via defaultAction property in @Controller annotation.

index method will be used as a fallback.


RouteRegistry::uri() is deprecated, @action directive as well. Use RouteBuilder::uri() and @keeper instead.

New uri builders now require the namespace explicitly.

It is highly recommended avoiding using @action directive with functions or expressions as 2nd argument:

<a href="@action('profile', injected('anything') ? inject('something') : [])">[[Profile]]</a>


$rb = $this->container->get(\Spiral\Keeper\Helper\RouteBuilder::class);
$rb->uri('profile', 'subscriptions:list');


<a href="@keeper('profile', 'subscriptions:list')">[[Subscriptions]]</a>


Custom sitemap declaration

In order to sync sitemap annotations and custom sitemap generation you need to extend \Spiral\Keeper\Bootloader\SitemapBootloader::declareSitemap and declare required nodes inside:



use Spiral\Keeper\Module\Sitemap;

class SitemapBootloader extends \Spiral\Keeper\Bootloader\SitemapBootloader
    protected function declareSitemap(Sitemap $sitemap): void
        $group = $sitemap->group('group', 'Group Name');
        $group->link('group.index', 'Index page');

This will allow referring to that links in the annotations via parent attribute:

 * @\Spiral\Keeper\Annotation\Sitemap\Link(title="Sub-link", parent="group.index")
 * @\Spiral\Keeper\Annotation\Action(route="/")


Introduced position annotation property for all kind of sitemap annotations.

 * @\Spiral\Keeper\Annotation\Sitemap\Link(title="System", position=1.0)

Note that annotations wait for float position values

You can use a position option in a direct sitemap declaration syntax:

/** @var \Spiral\Keeper\Module\Sitemap $sitemap */
$sitemap->group('dashboard', 'Dashboard', ['icon' => 'home', 'position' => -1.2]);

Sitemap module will now provide a sorted list of nested nodes. It uses either defined position value, or an auto-incremented default one.

Using ascending order.

Note that existed position will cause skipping default's auto-increment for that element. For example having such 3 items with only one with defined position:

use Spiral\Keeper\Module\Sitemap;

class SitemapBootloader extends \Spiral\Keeper\Bootloader\SitemapBootloader
    protected function declareSitemap(Sitemap $sitemap): void
        $sitemap->group('positioned', 'Positioned', ['position' => 0.5]);
        $sitemap->group('first', 'First');
        $sitemap->group('second', 'Second');

will have the next sorting result:

first: 0,
positioned: 0.5,
second: 1


By default, all nodes are available for the user, withVisibleNodes() allows hiding forbidden nodes. If any node is forbidden, it will be removed from the tree with all its children. Also, passing a $targeNode will mark all active nodes if match found, so it will allow you to use breadcrumbs.

Permissions are taken from @GuardNamespace, @Guarded and @Link annotations: <guard Namespace (or controller name)>.<link permission (or guarded permission (or method name))>. Use @Link permission in cases when method is protected by a context-based permission rule - for rendering links in the sidebar and breadcrumbs the context can't be passed, so you have to use additional permission for navigation (and register it with allow rule). In other cases you can rely on standard @Guarded permission (or method name) flow.

Note that keeper namespace isn't used here automatically because these annotations come from external module.

Example with @GuardNamespace annotation:

 * @Controller(name="with", prefix="/with", namespace="first")
 * @GuardNamespace(namespace="withNamespace")
class WithNamespaceController
     * @Link(title="A")
     * ...
    public function a(): void
        // permission is "withNamespace.a"

     * @Link(title="B")
     * @Guarded(permission="permission")
     * ...
    public function b(): void
        // permission is "withNamespace.permission"

     * @Link(title="C", permission="methodC")
     * @Guarded(permission="permission")
     * ...
    public function с(): void
        // permission is "withNamespace.methodC"

Example without @GuardNamespace annotation:

 * @Controller(name="without", prefix="/without", namespace="second")
class WithoutNamespaceController
     * @Link(title="A")
     * ...
    public function a(): void
        // permission is "without.a"

     * @Link(title="B")
     * @Guarded(permission="permission")
     * ...
    public function b(): void
        // permission is "without.permission"

     * @Link(title="C", permission="methodC")
     * @Guarded(permission="permission")
     * ...
    public function с(): void
        // permission is "without.methodC"

View templates

sidebar and breadcrumbs view files updated to explicitly use sitemap namespace and node route (using new \Spiral\Keeper\Helper\RouteBuilder helper).

 * @var \Spiral\Keeper\Helper\RouteBuilder $_router_ 
 * @var \Spiral\Keeper\Module\Sitemap      $_sitemap_ 
 * @var \Spiral\Keeper\Module\Sitemap\Node $_node_ 
$_router_->uri($_sitemap_->getNamespace(), $_node_->getOption('route') ?? $_node_->getName());

If you have extended the basic view templates please update the code.

for the keeper namespace old syntax will still be valid:

 * @var \Spiral\Keeper\Module\RouteRegistry $_router_ 
 * @var \Spiral\Keeper\Module\Sitemap\Node  $_node_ 



  • grid helper