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Going to be official Ethereum repo for Swift. There is active progress right now. We will soon get the documentation in order and offer examples of use.


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .branchItem("main"))



Create new account

In order to create a new account you have to use AccountManager. It secures your private key with AES encryption. You can also select a storage, where to hold the encrypted data.

let account = try accountManager.createAccount()

Import account

let storage = UserDefaultsStorage(password: "password")
let accountManager = AccountManager(storage: storage)
let account = try accountManager.importAccount(privateKey: "your_private_key")

All the fields of your account are decoded from your private key by the library, so after importing your account you can just tap to them:

let address = account.address
let publicKey = account.publicKey
let privateKey = account.privateKey

Remove account from manager

try accountManager.removeAccount(account)

Sign data

You can sign any instance of a type that confirms to RLPEncodable with your private key:

let signedData = try account.sign(rlpEncodable)

To confirm your type to RLPEncodable protocol provide how the data should be encoded for your type in encodeRLP() method:

struct SomeType {
    let name: String

extension SomeType: RLPEncodable {
    func encodeRLP() throws -> Data {
        return try RLPEncoder.encode(

Read more about RLP here: RLP Ethereum Wiki


A custom storage can be created by confirming to StorageProtocol:

struct CustomStorage: StorageProtocol {

    func storePrivateKey(_ privateKey: String) throws {
        // store private key in database of your choice

    func getPrivateKey(for address: String) throws -> String {
        // get private key from storage for address

    func removePrivateKey(for address: String) throws {
        // removes private key from storage

To secure private keys in a storage make use of AES

Encrypting private key:

let privateKey = "some_private_key"

let aes = AES()

let iv = aes.initialVector // a vector that is used for encrypting the data

let aesEncryptedPrivateKey = try aes.encrypt(privateKey, password: password, iv: iv)

The encrypt method accepts only the hexidecimal string of bytes representation ex: "0xfce353f6616263" or any Data


let decryptedPrivateKey = try aes.decrypt(aesEncryptedPrivateKey, password: password, iv: iv)

Interacting with Ethereum

The abstraction between you and Ethereum is EthereumService. Before starting to call methods you have to configure provider with a Node:

let node = try Node(url: "")
EthereumService.configureProvider(with: node)

Send a transaction:

let value = "1000000000000000000" // 1 eth in wei
let transaction = try Transaction(from:"0xE92A146f86fEda6D14Ee1dc1BfB620D3F3d1b873",
                                  gasLimit: "210000",
                                  gasPrice: "250000000000",
                                  to: "0xc8DE4C1B4f6F6659944160DaC46B29a330C432B2",
                                  value: BigUInt(value))

let transactionHash = try await EthereumService.sendRawTransaction(account: account, transaction: transaction)

Call a transaction:

let transaction = try Transaction(to: "0xF65FF945f3a6067D0742fD6890f32A6960dD817d", input: "0x")

let response = try await transaction, block: "latest")

Quick note: block is optional for calling this methods and is set to latest by default

Get balance of any address:

let balance = try await EthereumService.getBalance(for: "address")

Get transactions count:

let count = try await EthereumService.getTransactionCount(for: "address")

Get current block number:

let blockNumber = try await EthereumService.blockNumber()

Get current gas price:

let gasPrice = try await EthereumService.gasPrice()

Get block transaction count by block hash:

let blockTransactionCount = try await EthereumService.getBlockTransactionCountByHash(blockHash: "block_hash")

Get block transaction count by block number:

let blockNumber = 2
let blockTransactionCount = try await EthereumService.getBlockTransactionCountByNumber(blockNumber: blockNumber)

Get storage at address:

let address = "0x295a70b2de5e3953354a6a8344e616ed314d7251"
let storageSlot = 3

let storage = try await EthereumService.getStorageAt(address: address, storageSlot: storageSlot, block: "latest")

Get code for address:

let address = "0x2b591e99afE9f32eAA6214f7B7629768c40Eeb39"

let code = try await EthereumService.getCode(address: address, block: "latest")

Get block by hash:

let block = try await EthereumService.getBlockByHash(hash: "block_hash")

Get block by number:

let blockNumber = 12312

let block = try await EthereumService.getBlockByNumber(blockNumber: blockNumber)

Get transaction by hash:

let transactionHash = "transaction_hash"

let transaction = try await EthereumService.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash: transactionHash)

Get uncle by block hash and index:

let blockHash = "block_hash"
let index = 0

let uncleBlock = try await EthereumService.getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(blockHash: blockHash, index: index)

Get uncle by block number and index:

let blockNumber = 668
let index = 0

let uncleBlock = try await EthereumService.getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(blockNumber: blockNumber, index: index)

Get transaction by block hash and index:

let blockHash = "block_hash"
let index = 0

let transaction = try await EthereumService.getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(blockHash: blockHash, index: index)

Get transaction by block number and index:

let blockNumber = 5417326
let index = 0

let transaction = try await EthereumService.getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(blockNumber: blockNumber, index: index)

Get transaction receipt:

let transactionHash = "transaction_hash"

let receipt = try await EthereumService.getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash: transactionHash)

Estimate gas for transaction:

let transaction = try Transaction(from: "0xE92A146f86fEda6D14Ee1dc1BfB620D3F3d1b873",
                                  to: "0xc8DE4C1B4f6F6659944160DaC46B29a330C432B2",
                                  value: "100000000000")

let estimatedGas = try await EthereumService.estimateGas(for: transaction)

Getting info about the Node

Initialize a node with your custom rpc url

let node = try Node(url: "your_custom_rpc_url")

Get version:

let version = try await node.version()

Check if listening:

let isListening = try await node.listening()

Get peer count:

let peerCount = try await node.peerCount()

Get client version:

let clientVersion = try await node.clientVersion()


We provide commonly used scenarious under an easy interface

Get public key from private key:

let privateKey = "private_key"

let publicKey = try Utils.KeyUtils.getPublicKey(from: privateKey)

Get address from public key:

let publicKey = "public_key"

let ethereumAddress = try Utils.KeyUtils.getEthereumAddress(from: publicKey)

Convert Ethereum Units:

let wei = "12345678901234567890"
let eth = Utils.Converter.convert(value: wei, from: .wei, to: .eth)

Smart Contracts and ABI Decoding/Encoding

We decided to create a transaction based flow for interacting with smart contracts, because of scalable architecture and lack of strong relations

The flow is super easy, we provide factory for both ERC20 and ERC721 contracts. Factory lets you generate transactions and then you can call or send them via EthereumService


let contractAddress = "erc20_contract_address" 

Get balance:

let address = "address_to_check_balance"

let transaction = try ERC20TransactionFactory.generateBalanceTransaction(address: address, contractAddress: contractAddress)

Transfer tokens:

let value = BigUInt(some_value)
let toAddress = "to_address"
let gasLimit = BigUInt(gas_limit_value)
let gasPrice = BigUInt(gas_price_value)

let transaction = try ERC20TransactionFactory.generateTransferTransaction(value: value, 
                                                                          to: toAddress,
                                                                          gasLimit: gasLimit,
                                                                          gasPrice: gasPrice, 
                                                                          contractAddress: contractAddress)

Get decimals:

let transaction = try ERC20TransactionFactory.generateDecimalsTransaction(contractAddress: contractAddress)

Get symbol:

let transaction = try ERC20TransactionFactory.generateSymbolTransaction(contractAddress: contractAddress)

Get total supply:

let transaction = try ERC20TransactionFactory.generateTotalSupplyTransaction(contractAddress: contractAddress)

Get name:

let transaction = try ERC20TransactionFactory.generateNameTransaction(contractAddress: contractAddress)


let contractAddress = "erc721_contract_address"

Get balance:

let transaction = try ERC721TransactionFactory.generateBalanceTransaction(address: address, contractAddress: contractAddress)

Get owner of:

let tokenId = BigUInt(708)
let transaction = try ERC721TransactionFactory.generateOwnerOfTransaction(tokenId: tokenId, contractAddress: contractAddress)

Get name:

let transaction = try ERC721TransactionFactory.generateNameTransaction(contractAddress: contractAddress)

Get symbol:

let transaction = try ERC721TransactionFactory.generateSymbolTransaction(contractAddress: contractAddress)

Get token URI:

let tokenId = BigUInt(708)

let transaction = try ERC721TransactionFactory.generateTokenURITransaction(tokenId: tokenId, contractAddress: contractAddress)

Get total supply:

let transaction = try ERC721TransactionFactory.generateTotalSupplyTransaction(contractAddress: contractAddress)

Calling Smart Contract transaction and decoding response:

Then just call the transaction with EthereumService, get the abi encoded result and decode it using ABIDecoder:

// transaction is a erc20 balance one
let abiEncodedBalance = try await transaction)

let balance = try ABIDecoder.decode(abiEncodedBalance, to: .uint()) as? BigUInt

If the abi encoded result contains several types, provide them as an array:

let decodedResult = try ABIDecoder.decode(someEncodedValue, to: [.uint(), .string, .address])

Decode method accepts both Data and String values

Sending Smart Contract transaction:

If the transaction is a transfer one, send it via EthereumService:

let transactionHash = try await EthereumService.sendRawTransaction(account: account, transaction: transaction)

Custom Contracts

If you have a custom contract that you want to interact with, the flow is again very intuitive:

  1. Select a method that you want to call from your contract:

For example we want to call this method:

function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint balance);
  1. Check the input and output parameters of the method:

Method accepts address type as an input and returns a uint

  1. Encode parameters:
let params = [SmartContractParam(type: .address,  value: ABIEthereumAddress("some_address"))]
let method = SmartContractMethod(name: "balanceOf", params: params)

guard let data = method.abiData else {
  1. Create a transaction:
let  contractAddress = "contract_address"

let transaction = try Transaction(input: data, to: contractAddress)

That's all, next you can call the transaction and decode the response