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Releases: soto-project/soto

v5.0.0 Beta 2.0

06 Oct 16:29
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v5.0.0 Beta 2.0 Pre-release

Using v5.0.0-beta.2 of soto-core.
Sync service models to v1.35.3 of aws-sdk-go.

New services

  • S3Outposts: Access S3 from AWS Outposts
  • TimestreamQuery and TimestreamWrite: Time series database service for IoT and operational applications

Major version changes

  • Removed Date wrapping struct Timestamp. Dates are now decoded based on service protocol. This can be overidden with a DateFormatCoder property wrapper. PR #386
  • Renamed Coding to CustomCoding, OptionalCoding to OptionalCustomCoding. PR #383
  • Renamed DefaultArrayCoder to StandardArrayCoder, DefaultDictionaryCoder to StandardDictionaryCoder. PR #383

Minor version changes

  • Lambda: ListFunctions uses SotoCore.Region in ListFunctionsRequest.masterRegion. PR #384

Patch version changes

  • Lambda: Fixed issue with errors not being parsed correctly

v5.0.0 Beta 1.0

18 Sep 08:53
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v5.0.0 Beta 1.0 Pre-release

AWS SDK Swift has been renamed to Soto

Using v5.0.0-beta.1 of soto-core.
Sync service models to v1.34.22 of aws-sdk-go.

Major version changes

  • The package name has changed to "soto".
  • All service libraries are prefixed with "Soto".

Minor version changes

  • All services conform to AWSService. PR #355
  • S3 multipart upload now uses streaming payloads in S3.UploadPart calls. PR #356
  • Added S3.resumeMultipartUpload for resuming a failed multipart upload. PR #358
  • Add Paginator functions that need to test a "more results" variable. Fixes issue where some paginators never returned. PR #359
  • Add context parameter to service middlewares.
  • S3.multipartUpload/Download eventLoop parameter is now optional.

Patch version changes

  • S3/Glacier middleware updated to supply ByteBufferAllocator to request.body.asByteBuffer calls. PR #357


13 Sep 17:40
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AWS SDK Swift has been renamed to Soto

Use soto-project/soto-core dependency instead of old swift-aws/aws-sdk-swift-core dependency.
Sync service models to v1.34.22 of aws-sdk-go.
Include new services Appflow, Braket, CodeArtifact, Honeycode, IVS, IdentityStore, Macie2, RedshiftData and SSOAdmin

v5.0.0 Alpha 6.0

20 Aug 17:49
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v5.0.0 Alpha 6.0 Pre-release

Using v5.0.0-alpha.6 of aws-sdk-swift-core.
Sync service models to v1.34.6 of aws-sdk-go.

  • Add new targets for services Braket(Quantum computing), IVS(Interactive video service)

Major version changes

  • Add support for logging. All api calls now have a logger: Logger parameter. PR #339
  • Add HTTP client timeout parameter to AWSServiceConfig. PR #335

Minor version changes

  • Add STS credential providers .stsAssumeRole, .stsSAML, .stsWebIdentity, .stsFederationToken, .stsSessionToken. PR #333, #343
  • Add CognitoIdentity credential provider .cognitoIdentity. PR #333
  • Add Codable support for common DynamoDB operations: putItem, getItem, updateItem, query and scan. Instead of using a DynamoDB.AttributeValue array a Codable object can be supplied. PR #319

Patch version changes

  • Use NIOHTTP1.HTTPMethod instead of String in execute calls. PR #336
  • Use SwiftFormat to format code.
  • Fix S3.GetBucketLocation for when region is us-east-1.


13 Aug 13:53
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Using v4.7.0 of aws-sdk-swift-core.
Sync service models to v1.34.3 of aws-sdk-go.

v5.0.0 Alpha 5.0

06 Jul 07:41
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v5.0.0 Alpha 5.0 Pre-release

Using v5.0.0-alpha.5 of aws-sdk-swift-core.
Sync service models to v1.33.1 of aws-sdk-go.

  • Add new targets for services CodeArtifact, Honeycode

Major version changes:

  • Split AWSClient away from services. Instead of services owning an AWSClient they are provided one in their init. This means you can have one AWSClient being used by many services. Ideally your application would have one AWSClient constructed at initialisation which is used by all the AWS services you create. PR #328 from @Ro-M, PR #330
  • Added CredentialProvider protocol which defines a method of acquiring AWS credentials. AWSClient is initialised with a CredentialProviderFactory which creates a CredentialProvider once the AWSClient is initialised. Possible credential provider factories are static: provide credentials directly, environment: from environment variables, ec2: from EC2 metadata, ecs: from ECS metadata, configFile: from ~/.aws/credentials file, empty: no credentials or selector: choose from a list of credential providers. If you don't provide a CredentialProvider the default is .selector(.environment, .ecs, .ec2, .configFile()).
  • Remove AWSMemberEncoding.encoding. Raw payload flag is now OptionSet entry PayloadOptions.raw. PR #318

Minor version changes:

  • Generate streaming versions of commands that can stream the response payload eg S3.getObjectStreaming. PR #268

Patch version changes:

  • Use Localstack single service for tests. PR #300
  • Use new AWSXML library
  • Use -enable-test-discovery for tests. PR #320
  • Don't output partition endpoint for "regionalized services". Affects only S3. If S3 service is created without region defined it finds the region from AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable if it exists. Previously would be set to .useast1. PR #323
  • Replace all Node.js scripts with swift scripts. Version 2.0 of swift-sh is required to run these scripts. PR #324

Service specific changes:

  • CloudTrail: Patch request timestamps to use epoch time
  • DynamoDB: AttributeValue is now an enum with associated values. PR #309
  • S3: Cleanup path when using an endpoint. rg Remove double "//", "/" prefix. PR #307
  • S3: Fix CopyObjectRequest validation to allow copySource of format "bucket/key". PR #312
  • S3: Add support for SelectObjectContent event streams. PR #268
  • S3: Add usEast1 to enum BucketLocationConstraint

Code Generator:

  • Add PatchKeyPath1, PatchKeyPath2, PatchKeyPath3, PatchKeyPath4 to generalise the patching operations. PR #313
  • Add comment with documentationUrl whenever it exists in models. PR #321


02 Jun 15:24
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Using v4.6.0 of aws-sdk-swift-core.
Sync service models to v1.31.8 of aws-sdk-go.

  • Add new targets for services Synthetics and IoTSitewise
  • S3: Response metadata fixup is now case insensitive. PR #305

v5.0.0 Alpha 4.0

21 May 10:07
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v5.0.0 Alpha 4.0 Pre-release

Using v5.0.0-alpha.4 of aws-sdk-swift-core.
Sync service models to v1.31.2 of aws-sdk-go.

Major version changes:

  • Payloads in response shapes are represented using AWSPayload instead of Data. PR #281
  • Use propertyWrappers to define how collections are encoded in XML and queries. PR #255
  • Added access to china and government regions and partitions of AWS. Added partition parameter to service initialiser for when a service does not require a region but still needs to define which partition is being used. PR #276
  • Add retryPolicy parameter to service initialisation, to control how the AWSClient attempts retries on failed requests. PR #296
  • Add flags to indicate when streaming request payloads is available. PR #288

Minor version changes:

  • Add new services Synthetics and IoTSiteWise.
  • Add TimeStampCoders to TimeStamps where a specific format is specified in the json model file. PR #289

Patch changes:

  • Added swift nightly build checks for Ubuntu 20.04, CentOS and AmazonLinux2. PR #287

Service specific changes:

  • CloudSearchDomain: fixed issue where Content-Type header was being overwritten
  • EC2: fixed issue where query parameters were not getting serialised correctly.
  • S3: use on: EventLoop parameter in multipart upload/download.
  • SQS: remove optional array patch from SQS.SendMessageBatch now the empty XML arrays decode correctly. PR #290

v5.0.0 Alpha 3.0

01 May 16:35
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v5.0.0 Alpha 3.0 Pre-release

Using v5.0.0-alpha.3.2 of aws-sdk-swift-core.
Sync service models to v1.30.18 of aws-sdk-go.

Major version changes:

  • Allow user to set the HTTP client for AWSClient. This has replaced setting the EventLoopGroup. This means you can provide a HTTP client with your own setup. If you are using AsyncHTTPClient this includes proxy settings, response decompression and timeouts. The EventLoopGroup AWSClient uses will be the same one the HTTP client uses. PR #250
  • Add on: EventLoop parameter to all the commands to force the EventLoop AWSClient will use. This has one restriction in that the EventLoop has to come from the EventLoopGroup being used by the client. PR #273
  • Remove region parameter from services that don't require a region eg IAM. PR #278

Minor version changes:

  • Added regions eu-south-1 and af-south-1.
  • Simplified the service protocol, reducing it to an enum. PR #274
  • S3: Use NIO NonBlockingFileIO in multipart upload/download.


01 May 14:57
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Using v4.5.0 of aws-sdk-swift-core

  • Sync service model files to v1.30.18 of aws-sdk-go.
  • Added regions af-south-1 and eu-south-1