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OpenSearch Bundle Workflow

The bundle workflow builds a complete OpenSearch distribution from source. You can currently build 1.0, 1.1 and 1.1-SNAPSHOT.

How it works

This system performs a top-down build of all components required for a specific OpenSearch bundle release. The input to the system is a manifest that defines the order in which components should be built. All manifests for our current releases are here.

To build components we rely on a common entry-point in the form of a script. See Custom Build Scripts. Within each build script components have the option to place artifacts in a set of directories to be picked up and published on their behalf. These are

name description
/maven Include any publications that should be pushed to maven
/plugins Where a plugin zip should be placed. If included it will be installed during bundle assembly.
/core-plugins Where plugins shipped from should be placed
/bundle Where the min bundle should be placed when built from
/libs Where any additional libs should be placed that are required during bundle assembly

The build order allows us to first publish OpenSearch followed by common-utils and publish these artifacts to maven local so that they are available for each component. In order to ensure that the same versions are used, a -Dopensearch.version flag is passed to each component's build script that defines which version the component should build against.

Build from Source

Each build requires a manifest to be passed as input. We currently have the following input manifests.

name description
opensearch-1.0.0.yml Manifest to reproduce 1.0.0 build.
opensearch-1.0.0-maven.yml One-time manifest to build maven artifacts for 1.0 from tags.
opensearch-1.1.0.yml Manifest for 1.1.0, the next version.
opensearch-1.2.0.yml Manifest for 1.2.0, the following version.
opensearch-2.0.0.yml Manifest for 2.0.0, the next major version of OpenSearch.

The following example builds a shapshot version of OpenSearch 1.1.0.

./bundle-workflow/ manifests/1.1.0/opensearch-1.1.0.yml --snapshot

The OpenSearch repo is built first, followed by common-utils, and all declared plugin repositories. These dependencies are published to maven local under ~/.m2, and subsequent project builds pick those up. All final output is placed into an artifacts folder along with a build output manifest.yml that contains output details.

Artifacts will contain the following folders.

  bundle/ <- contains opensearch min tarball 
  maven/ <- all built maven artifacts
  plugins/ <- all built plugin zips
  core-plugins/ <- all built core plugins zip
  manifest.yml <- build manifest describing all built components and their artifacts

The following options are available in bundle-workflow/

name description
--snapshot Build a snapshot instead of a release artifact, default is false.
--component [name] Rebuild a single component by name, e.g. --component common-utils.
--keep Do not delete the temporary working directory on both success or error.
-v, --verbose Show more verbose output.

Custom Build Scripts

Each component build relies on a script that is used to prepare bundle artifacts for a particular bundle version that takes two arguments: version and target architecture. By default the tool will look for a script in scripts/components, then in the checked-out repository in build/, then default to a Gradle build implemented in scripts/default/

Assemble the Bundle

./bundle-workflow/ artifacts/manifest.yml

The bundling step takes output from the build step, installs plugins, and assembles a full bundle into a bundle folder. The input requires a path to the build manifest and is expected to be inside the artifacts directory that contains bundle, maven, plugins and core-plugins subdirectories from the build step.

Artifacts will be updated as follows.

  <file-name>.tar.gz <- assembled tarball
  manifest.yml <- bundle manifest describing versions for the min bundle and all installed plugins and their locations

Custom Install Scripts

You can perform additional plugin install steps by adding an script. By default the tool will look for a script in scripts/bundle-build/components, then default to a noop version implemented in scripts/default/

Sign Artifacts

The signing step (optional) takes the manifest file created from the build step and signs all its component artifacts using a tool called opensearch-signer-client (in progress of being open-sourced). The input requires a path to the build manifest and is expected to be inside the artifacts directory with the same directories mentioned in the build step.

The following options are available.

name description
--component The component name of the component whose artifacts will be signed.
--type The artifact type to be signed. Currently one of 3 options: [plugins, maven, bundle].
-v, --verbose Show more verbose output.

The signed artifacts (.asc) will be found in the same location as the original artifact.

The following command signs all artifacts.

./bundle_workflow/ artifacts/manifest.yml

Test the Bundle

Tests the OpenSearch bundle.

This workflow contains integration, backwards compatibility and performance tests.


export AWS_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::<AWS_JENKINS_ACCOUNT>:role/opensearch-test
export AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME=dummy-session

export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<value>
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<value>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<value>
./bundle-workflow/ <test-type>

The following options are available.

name description
test-type Run tests of a test suite. [integ-test, bwc-test]
--test-run-id Unique identifier for a test run
--s3-bucket Artifact S3 bucket to pull manifests and dependencies
--opensearch-version OpenSearch version
--build-id Unique identifier for a build
--architecture CPU architecture for all components
--component Test a specific component in a manifest
--keep Do not delete the temporary working directory on both success or error.
-v, --verbose Show more verbose output.

Integration Tests

This step runs integration tests invoking in each component from bundle manifest.

To run integration tests locally, use below command. It pulls down the built bundle and its manifest file from S3, reads all components of the bundle and runs integration tests against each component.


cd bundle-workflow
./ integ-test --test-run-id <execution-id> --s3-bucket <bucket_name> --opensearch-version <version> --build-id <id> --architecture <arch>

Backwards Compatibility Tests

This step run backward compatibility invoking in each component from bundle manifest.


cd bundle-workflow
./ bwc-test --test-run-id <execution-id> --s3-bucket <bucket_name> --opensearch-version <version> --build-id <id> --architecture <arch>

Performance Tests


Sanity Check the Bundle

This workflow runs sanity checks on every component present in the bundle, executed as part of the manifests workflow in this repostiory. It ensures that the component GitHub repositories are correct and versions in those components match the OpenSearch version.

To use checks, nest them under checks in the manifest.

- name: common-utils
  ref: main
    - gradle:publish
    - gradle:properties:version
    - gradle:dependencies:opensearch.version
    - gradle:dependencies:opensearch.version: alerting

The following checks are available.

name description
gradle:properties:version Check version of the component.
gradle:dependencies:opensearch.version Check dependency on the correct version of OpenSearch.
gradle:publish Check that publishing to Maven local works, and publish.

The following example sanity-checks components in the the OpenSearch 1.1.0 manifest.

./bundle-workflow/ manifests/1.1.0/opensearch-1.1.0.yml --snapshot

The following options are available.

name description
--component [name] Test a single component by name, e.g. --component common-utils.
--keep Do not delete the temporary working directory on both success or error.
-v, --verbose Show more verbose output.

Auto-Generate Manifests

The manifests workflow reacts to version increments in OpenSearch and its components by extracting Gradle properties from project branches. Currently OpenSearch main, and x.y branches are checked out one-by-one, published to local maven, and their versions extracted using ./gradlew properties. When a new version is found, a new input manifest is added to manifests, and a pull request is opened (e.g. opensearch-build#491).

Show information about existing manifests.

./bundle-workflow/ list

Check for updates and create any new manifests.

./bundle-workflow/ update

The following options are available.

name description
--keep Do not delete the temporary working directory on both success or error.
-v, --verbose Show more verbose output.

Component Onboarding

  1. Update a manifest for a particular release to include your plugin. For example to be included in the 1.1.0 release, you would update opensearch-1.1.0.yml. We require your plugin name, repository url, and git ref that should be used. For unreleased versions this should be a branch in your repository. Once a release is cut, these refs will be updated to build from a tag or specific commit hash.

  2. Create a scripts/ if you have specific requirements that are not covered by the default script and commit it to your repository.

  3. Ensure your reads and passes along both -Dbuild.snapshot= and -Dopensearch.version= flags. Snapshot builds should produce a -SNAPSHOT tagged artifact for example where a release build of the same component would produce

  4. Execute ./bundle-workflow/ to ensure your component builds and all artifacts are correctly placed into ./artifacts/ with correct output names.

  5. Execute ./bundle-workflow/ to ensure the full bundle is assembled and placed in to /bundles/*.tar.gz. Unpack the tarball to ensure all your components are placed in their correct locations.

  6. Publish a PR to this repo including the updated manifest and the names of the artifacts being added.