Sparkly Fleece Mammoth
return values of function getSupplyCollateralCalldata, function invokeSupplyCollateral,function getBorrowCalldata function invokeBorrow, function getWithdrawCollateralCalldata, function invokeWithdrawCollateral function invokeRepay
have their shares/asset hard coded zero. while one of the input of either the borrowed asset/shares shout be zero, it is more flexible to allow a uint256 variable as a place holder and a require statement to ensure zero being passed
No response
No response
No response
No response
-where the user passes in a non zero borrowed asset, the function would run but fail, leading to unexpected behaviour from the codes because the revert is not well handled. -user may not understand reason for failed transaction -gas is also spent on a transaction that fails.
No response
-since borrowed assets input by user has to be zero, require statements at the beginning of the function to validate that one of these values is indeed zero before further logic, along with a clear revert message.
- proper documentation on the open source code as well as the user interface