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348 lines (277 loc) · 15 KB


ShentuShield is a decentralized pool of CTK that uses Shentu Chain on-chain governance system to reimburse lost, stolen, or inaccessible assets from any blockchain network. There are two members of the ShentuShield system: Collateral Providers and Shield Purchasers. Providers contribute cryptocurrency as collateral to fill the ShentuShield Pool. In return, they receive a portion of the fees paid by Purchasers, in addition to the usual staking rewards. Purchasers pay a recurring fee, based on their riskiness as determined by their Shentu Security Oracle score, that entitles them to submit a Claim Proposal to be reimbursed from the pool for stolen assets.

See the whitepaper for more information on ShentuShield.



Admin represents the Shield admin account address.

  • Admin: 0x0 -> sdk.AccAddress


Every project that wants to buy a Shield needs to have a Pool created. Then, a project can purchase Shields (a.k.a. Purchases) up to their ShieldLimit.

  • Pool: 0x7 | LittleEndian(Id) -> amino(pool)
  • GetNextPoolId: 0x8 -> LittleEndian(Id)
// Pool contains a shield project pool's data.
type Pool struct {
    Id          uint64  `json:"id" yaml:"id"`
    Description string  `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
    Sponsor     string  `json:"sponsor" yaml:"sponsor"`
    SponsorAddr string  `json:"sponsor_addr" yaml:"sponsor_addr"`
    ShieldLimit math.Int `json:"shield_limit" yaml:"shield_limit"`
    Active      bool    `json:"active" yaml:"active"`
    Shield      math.Int `json:"shield" yaml:"shield"`

Relevant states that are tracked along with the pool are wrapped in sdk.IntProto objects.

  • TotalCollateral: 0x1 -> amino(totalCollateral)
  • TotalWithdrawing: 0x2 -> amino(totalWithdrawing)
  • TotalShield: 0x3 -> amino(totalShield)
  • TotalClaimed: 0x4 -> amino(totalClaimed)

ServiceFees are small fees charged for each purchase, and are stored as MixDecCoins objects. MixedDecCoins keeps track of native and foreign decimal tokens together.

  • ServiceFees: 0x5 -> amino(serviceFees)
  • RemainingServiceFees: 0x6 -> amino(serviceFees)
  • BlockServiceFees: 0x13 -> amino(serviceFees)
// MixedDecCoins defines the struct for mixed coins in decimal with native and foreign decimal coins.
type MixedDecCoins struct {
    Native  sdk.DecCoins    `json:"native"`
    Foreign sdk.DecCoins    `json:"foreign"`


Provider tracks total delegation, total collateral, and rewards of a provider. A collateral provider contributes their assets as the collateral, which is used to pay out approved reimbursement requests from Shield purchasers. The provider earns staking rewards for their staked assets as well as a portion of the fees paid by purchasers.

  • Provider: 0xC | Address -> amino(provider)
// Provider tracks total delegation, total collateral, and rewards of a provider.
type Provider struct {
    // Address is the address of the provider.
    Address             string          `json:"address" yaml:"address"`
    // DelegationBonded is the amount of bonded delegation.
    DelegationBonded    math.Int         `json:"delegation_bonded" yaml:"provider"`
    // Collateral is amount of all collaterals for the provider, including
    // those in withdraw queue but excluding those currently locked, in all
    // pools.
    Collateral          math.Int         `json:"collateral" yaml:"collateral"`
    // TotalLocked is the amount locked for pending claims.
    TotalLocked         math.Int         `json:"total_locked" yaml:"total_locked"`
    // Withdrawing is the amount of collateral in withdraw queues.
    Withdrawing         math.Int         `json:"withdrawing" yaml:"withdrawing"`
    // Rewards is the pooling rewards to be collected.
    Rewards             MixedDecCoins   `json:"rewards" yaml:"rewards"`


Purchase records an individual purchase. Purchases are stored in the store as PurchaseList objects.

  • PurchaseList: 0xA | LittleEndian(Id) | Purchaser -> amino(purchaseList)
  • NextPurchaseId: 0x9 -> LittleEndian(Id)
// Purchase record an individual purchase.
type Purchase struct {
    // PurchaseID is the purchase_id.
    PurchaseId          uint64          `json:"purchase_id" yaml:"purchase_id"`
    // ProtectionEndTime is the time when the protection of the shield ends.
    ProtectionEndTime   time.Time       `json:"protection_end_time" yaml:"protection_end_time"`
    // DeletionTime is the time when the purchase should be deleted.
    DeletionTime        time.Time       `json:"deletion_time" yaml:"deletion_time"`
    // Description is the information about the protected asset.
    Description         string          `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
    // Shield is the unused amount of shield purchased.
    Shield              math.Int         `json:"shield" yaml:"shield"`
    // ServiceFees is the service fees paid by this purchase.
    ServiceFees         MixedDecCoins   `json:"service_fees" yaml:"service_fees"`
// PurchaseList is a collection of purchase.
type PurchaseList struct {
    // PoolID is the id of the shield of the purchase.
    PoolId      uint64      `json:"pool_id,omitempty" yaml:"pool_id"`
    // Purchaser is the address making the purchase.
    Purchaser   string      `json:"purchaser,omitempty" yaml:"purchaser"`
    // Entries stores all purchases by the purchaser in the pool.
    Entries     []Purchase  `json:"entries" yaml:"entries"`

Purchases are queued as (PoolId, Purchaser) pairs according to their expiration timestamps. Shield purchasers have their assets protected upon purchase of Shields until the expiration timestamp.

  • PurchaseExpirationTime: 0xB | Timestamp -> amino(poolPurchaserPairs)
// PoolPurchase is a pair of pool id and purchaser.
type PoolPurchaser struct {
    // PoolID is the id of the shield pool.
    PoolId      uint64  `json:"pool_id" yaml:"pool_id"`
    // Purchaser is the chain address of the purchaser.
    Purchaser   string  `json:"purchaser" yaml:"purchaser"`

LastUpdateTime is set when the purchase is made or service fees are distributed.

  • LastUpdateTime: 0xE -> amino(time)


Withdraw stores an ongoing withdraw of pool collateral. Withdraws are queued according to their completion timestamps.

  • WithdrawQueue: 0xD -> amino([]withdraw)
// Withdraw stores an ongoing withdraw of pool collateral.
type Withdraw struct {
    // Address is the chain address of the provider withdrawing.
    Address         string      `json:"address" yaml:"address"`
    // Amount is the amount of withdraw.
    Amount          math.Int     `json:"amount" yaml:"amount"`
    // CompletionTime is the scheduled withdraw completion time.
    CompletionTime  time.Time   `json:"completion_time" yaml:"completion_time"`

Staking Purchases

Collateral providers can stake on Shield pool, which is a higher-risk, higher-reward staking alternative to Shentu Node staking. Providers can stake assets as collaterals on GlobalShieldStakingPool, from which purchases are then stored as StakeForShield and OriginalStaking, which keep track of purchases and staking amounts, respectively. Shield staking purchases are stored as ShieldStaking objects.

  • GlobalStakeForShieldPool: 0xF -> amino(pool)
  • StakeForShield: 0x11 | LittleEndian(PoolId) | Purchaser -> amino(purchase)
  • OriginalStaking: 0x13 | LittleEndian(PurchaseId) -> amino(stakingAmt)
type ShieldStaking struct {
    PoolId              uint64  `json:"pool_id" yaml:"pool_id"`
    Purchaser           string  `json:"purchaser" yaml:"purchaser"`
    Amount              math.Int `json:"amount" yaml:"amount"`
    WithdrawRequested   math.Int `json:"withdraw_requested" yaml:"withdraw_requested"`


Reimbursement tracks relevant information for the payout granted upon approval of ShieldClaimProposal, which is a proposal Shield purchasers submit when they lose protected assets.

  • Reimbursement: 0x14 | LittleEndian(ProposalId) -> amino(reimbursement)
type ShieldClaimProposal struct {
    ProposalId  uint64      `json:"proposal_id" yaml:"proposal_id"`
    PoolId      uint64      `json:"pool_id" yaml:"pool_id"`
    PurchaseId  uint64      `json:"purchase_id" yaml:"purchase_id"`
    Loss        sdk.Coins   `json:"loss" yaml:"loss"`
    Evidence    string      `json:"evidence" yaml:"evidence"`
    Description string      `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
    Proposer    string      `json:"proposer" yaml:"proposer"`

type Reimbursement struct {
    Amount      sdk.Coins   `json:"amount"`
    Beneficiary string      `json:"beneficiary" yaml:"beneficiary"`
    PayoutTime  time.Time   `json:"payout_time" yaml:"payout_time"`



MsgCreatePool creates a new pool for a project. Once created, the project can purchase Shields via MsgPurchaseShield. The pool can be updated with MsgUpdatePool--for example, a project's ShieldLimit could be increased.

// MsgCreatePool defines the attributes of a create-pool transaction.
type MsgCreatePool struct {
    From        string      `json:"from" yaml:"from"`
    Shield      sdk.Coins   `json:"shield"`
    Deposit     MixedCoins  `json:"deposit" yaml:"deposit"`
    Sponsor     string      `json:"sponsor" yaml:"sponsor"`
    SponsorAddr string      `json:"sponsor_addr" yaml:"sponsor_addr"`
    Description string      `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
    ShieldLimit math.Int     `json:"shield_limit"`

// MsgUpdatePool defines the attributes of a shield pool update transaction.
type MsgUpdatePool struct {
    From        string      `json:"from" yaml:"from"`
    Shield      sdk.Coins   `json:"shield"`
    ServiceFees MixedCoins  `json:"service_fees" yaml:"service_fees"`
    PoolId      uint64      `json:"pool_id" yaml:"pool_id"`
    Description string      `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
    ShieldLimit math.Int     `json:"shield_limit"`

MsgPausePool sets the pool's Active to false; MsgResumePool sets it to true. While inactive, new Shields cannot be purchased.

// MsgPausePool defines the attributes of a pausing a shield pool.
type MsgPausePool struct {
    From    string  `json:"from" yaml:"from"`
    PoolId  uint64  `json:"pool_id" yaml:"pool_id"`

// MsgResumePool defines the attributes of a resuming a shield pool.
type MsgResumePool struct {
    From    string  `json:"from" yaml:"from"`
    PoolId  uint64  `json:"pool_id" yaml:"pool_id"`

Projects with a Pool can use MsgPurchaseShield to purchase a new Shield.

// MsgPurchaseShield defines the attributes of purchase shield transaction.
type MsgPurchaseShield struct {
    PoolId      uint64      `json:"pool_id" yaml:"pool_id"`
    Shield      sdk.Coins   `json:"shield"`
    Description string      `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
    From        string      `json:"from" yaml:"from"`


MsgDepositCollateral creates a new provider with the given Collateral, or it adds Collateral to an existing provider's collateral. There's no MsgCreateProvider because this message has that functionality.

// MsgDepositCollateral defines the attributes of a depositing collaterals.
type MsgDepositCollateral struct {
    From       string       `json:"from" yaml:"from"`
    Collateral sdk.Coins    `json:"collateral"`


MsgWithdrawCollateral inserts a collateral withdraw to the withdraw queue.

// MsgWithdrawCollateral defines the attributes of a withdrawing collaterals.
type MsgWithdrawCollateral struct {
    From       string       `json:"from" yaml:"from"`
    Collateral sdk.Coins    `json:"collateral"`

MsgWithdrawRewards pays out pending CTK rewards. Currently, MsgWithdrawForeignRewards and MsgClearPayouts are not callable or implemented.

// MsgWithdrawRewards defines attribute of withdraw rewards transaction.
type MsgWithdrawRewards struct {
    From    string  `json:"from" yaml:"from"`

// MsgWithdrawForeignRewards defines attributes of withdraw foreign rewards transaction.
type MsgWithdrawForeignRewards struct {
    From    string  `json:"from" yaml:"from"`
    Denom   string  `json:"denom" yaml:"denom"`
    ToAddr  string  `json:"to_addr" yaml:"to_addr"`

`MsgWithdrawReimbursement` withdraws a reimbursement made for a beneficiary.

// MsgWithdrawReimbursement defines the attributes of withdraw reimbursement transaction.
type MsgWithdrawReimbursement struct {
    ProposalId  uint64  `json:"proposal_id" yaml:"proposal_id"`
    From        string  `json:"from" yaml:"from"`

MsgStakeForShield purchases a Shield and pays for the fees using staking.

// MsgStakeForShield defines the attributes of staking for purchase transaction.
type MsgStakeForShield struct {
    PoolId      uint64      `json:"pool_id" yaml:"pool_id"`
    Shield      sdk.Coins   `json:"shield"`
    Description string      `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
    From        string      `json:"from" yaml:"from"`

// MsgUnstakeFromShield defines the attributes of staking for purchase transaction.
type MsgUnstakeFromShield struct {
    PoolId  uint64      `json:"pool_id,omitempty" yaml:"pool_id"`
    Shield  sdk.Coins   `json:"shield"`
    From    string      `json:"from" yaml:"from"`

MsgUpdateSponsor updates the sponsor information of a given pool specified by PoolID.

// MsgUpdateSponsor defines the attributes of a update-sponsor transaction.
type MsgUpdateSponsor struct {
    PoolId      uint64  `json:"pool_id" yaml:"pool_id"`
    Sponsor     string  `json:"sponsor" yaml:"from"`
    SponsorAddr string  `json:"sponsor_addr" yaml:"sponsor_addr"`
    From        string  `json:"from" yaml:"from"`


Parameter Info Default
ProtectionPeriod how long a Shield lasts 21 days
ShieldFeesRate percentage of protected assets to be paid as fee 0.769%
WithdrawPeriod how long a pending withdraw sits in the queue 21 days
PoolShieldLimit percentage of total collateral that a single Shield can protect 50%
MinShieldPurchase smallest allowed Shield purchase amount 50 CTK
ClaimPeriod (currently unused) 21 days
PayoutPeriod (currently unused) 56 days
MinDeposit (currently unused) 100 CTK
DepositRate (currently unused) 10%
FeesRate (currently unused) 1%
StakingShieldRate multiple of Shield's protected assets that purchaser can stake in lieu of fee 2