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Sevstels edited this page Nov 16, 2021 · 2 revisions
"Ubertooth-one" IAR & Visual Studio port for Windows.


Port of original code for the Bluetooth communication protocol debugging to Windows OS. Porting and many bugs were fixed here. Using "Ubertooth-one" RF debugger made coding of applications faster and simpler. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) solution can be used for GPIO, UART, I2C, SPI interface 'cable replacement' emulation for the remote control of the laboratory equipment over 2.4GHz RF link.

• Ubertooth One:
• RF Front End:
• RF Transceiver:
• Main ARM MCU:
• Device hardware:
• JTAG connection:
• J-LINK V8 adapter:
Project page
TI CC2591
TI CC2400

Development kit

1. Ubertooth-one RF transceiver board.
2. J-Link v8 ARM debugger with adapter or similar.

Software development

1. Download and install MS Visual Studio.
2. For PC application, open the main 'uberwin' folder, select MSVS solution file *.sln and compile all.
3. Connect ARM debugger and download firmware to the RF transceiver board.
4. Download Libusb device driver installer. Install WinUSB, then launch PC application.

Firmware development

Attention: Currently possible load firmware only by JTAG debugger.
Because project is not completely ported. Suppoted only RAM-run mode in linker file.

1. Download and install IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM.
2. Open the IAR project file *.eww and compile it.
3. Prepare debugger flat cable (2) with two headers: for J-link adapter side (1) & PCB side (3).
4. Soldering JTAG connector (4) to device PCB.
5. Assemble the kit and attach Ubertooth to PC.
6. Try launch debugging sesson from IAR IDE.

If it impossible and debug failed:
a) check flat cable wires correct connection to target pins
b) if J-Link don`t runnable, install old SEGGER J-Link debugger driver v5.12f, for example from Nordic nRFgo-Studio v1.21

Files download:

Last update: 18 April 2017

IAR Ubertooth-one
Win applications Release

ps: Please contact 'sevstels' for bug reports and patches.

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