SeetaFace2 Cropper can crop face from original image according to 5 facial landmarks.
An example for cropping face is shown below. The saved image cropped_face.jpg
is already shown above.
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <seeta/FaceDetector2.h>
#include <seeta/PointDetector2.h>
#include <seeta/FaceCropper2.h>
#include <seeta/Struct_cv.h>
#define FD_MODEL "bindata/SeetaFaceDetector2.0.ats"
#define PD_MODEL "bindata/SeetaPointDetector2.0.pts5.ats"
int main()
seeta::FaceDetector2 FD(FD_MODEL);
seeta::PointDetector2 PD(PD_MODEL);
seeta::FaceCropper2 FC;
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("1.jpg");
seeta::cv::ImageData image = mat;
auto face = FD.Detect(image); // remeber to check if detection succeed
auto points = PD.Detect(image, *face);
seeta::cv::ImageData cropped_face = FC.Crop(image, points); // crop face according to 5 landmarks
cv::Mat cropped_face_mat = cropped_face;
cv::imwrite("cropped_face.jpg", cropped_face_mat);
return 0;
* \brief crop face
* \param image [in] color format
* \param points [in] the detected landmarks of face
* \return cropped face, size 256x256x3
* \note the detected landmarks of must have number of PointDetector2::LandmarkNum
* \note returning pointer was volatile, only accessable before next API called.
* \note return empty image(0x0x0) if failed
(const SeetaImageData &image, const SeetaPointF *points)
* \brief crop face
* \param image [in] color format
* \param points [in] the detected landmarks of face
* \param face [out] color cropped face, size 256x256x3
* \note the detected landmarks of must have number of PointDetector2::LandmarkNum
* \note return false if failed
(const SeetaImageData &image, const SeetaPointF *points, SeetaImageData &face)
SeetaFace2 Cropper is released under the BSD 2-Clause license.