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I've had many questions over the years about PRESTO. This FAQ is an attempt at getting some of them -- and their answers -- down on digital paper. If you have any additions, please let me know!

Scott Ransom [email protected]

General PRESTO questions

I've read the tutorial, but there seem to be a lot of other programs in $PRESTO/bin. What are some useful ones and what do they do?

Here are a few. Remember that for most PRESTO routines, if you run the command with no additional options, it gives you a brief usage statement.

  • cal2mjd and mjd2cal: These compute a UTC MJD from a calendar date and time, or vise-versa.

  • If you have PSRFITs searchmode data, this routine will quickly compute (and plot if requested) the average and standard deviation of the bandpass of your data. You can ignore the DAT_SCL and DAT_OFFS if you want, as well (i.e. to check bit occupation).

  • Do a kind of integrated statistics on rfifind result files, including creating files that have an ASCII bandpass (".bandpass"), the channels recommended to zap (".zapchans"), and recommended weights (".weights") for each channel.

  • Convert a ".weights" file from into a compact format that can be passed to PRESTO routines using the -ignorechan flag, or to PSRCHIVE's paz routine.

  • If you use the above routines to get multiple ".weights" files per observation (i.e. by running rfifind on subsets of a long observation), this will combine the files (via logical "or") to make a "combined.weights" file.

  • toas2dat: If you have events (e.g. photon arrival times), this simple routine will bin those into a time series (i.e. a ".dat" file) that can be processed by PRESTO.

  • show_pfd: Do various things to a prepfold ".pfd" file, including zap interference as a function of time (-killparts) or freq (-killsubs), partially fixing corrupted $\chi^2$ values due to interference (-fixchi), and make publication-quality phase-vs-time plots (-justprofs).

  • A interactive gaussian fitter that reads in a ".pfd.bestprof" file and outputs text that can be stored in a ".gaussians" file, which can be used as a template to get TOAs with

  • An interactive timing residuals viewer that works with original TEMPO.

  • A routine that will let you correctly sum various ".pfd" files, including rotating them so that they are aligned, to make a high signal-to-noise profile. Can also be used to give radiometer equation estimates of flux density for the same profiles.

  • dat2sdat and sdat2dat: Not used much anymore, but a way to shrink the size of ".dat" files by a factor of 2, by saving them as short integers (and vise-versa).

  • Would need to be modified for your own computer system(s), but a way to much more easily fold accelsearch candidates, even if they are potentially on other nodes (via mpiprepsubband). The -local option is useful if you are just using a single machine.

  • Get an initial orbit fit using the ellipse-fitting technique as described in Freire, Kramer, & Lyne 2001. Note that this does not coherently connect observations via the orbital period.

  • Fit a circular orbit to data using ".bestprof" files (or daily ".par" files) as input, where the orbit is coherently connected between observations. This has helped to solve many binary pulsars!

  • Similar to the above routine, but it can fit eccentric orbits if needed (once again uses ".bestprof" or daily ".par" files as input).

  • Quickly plot a small portion of the f/fdot plane in an ".fft" file (including summing up to 4 harmonics).

  • A quick sifting script for individual accelsearch result files. It is quite good at throwing out non-pulsars.

  • Returns true or false for a ".pfd" file to let you know if it can be used to get TOAs or not (i.e. was it used to search for the best p/pdot or not).

  • makedata: A crude (but effective!) routine that lets you generate a time series with simulated pulsations. This was the very first routine in PRESTO, and my first routine in "C" -- the code is particularly gross. :-)

Does PRESTO use GPUs to speed up any of the routines?

There are currently two different versions of GPU-accelerated accelsearch, although to my knowledge, neither of them do jerk searches.

I believe that they can both be used as drop-in replacements for the regular accelsearch, but with everything else coming from the current, standard PRESTO.

From Jintao Luo:

From Chris Laidler:

And slightly further afield, there is a new GPU implementation of the Fourier Domain Acceleration Search here:

I've read the tutorial, but this is just too complicated. Is there any easier way to run this software and find pulsars?!

Yes! Thanks to Alessandro Ridolfi, there is PULSAR MINER, which uses PRESTO under the hood, but with a mostly automated pipeline that you set up with a simple configure script. It can even use Jintao Luo's GPU-accelerated accelsearch by default.

PULSAR MINER has been used to find many of the newly discovered globular cluster MSPs from MeerKAT.

Many of these routines are really slow, and they don't seem to get faster using the -ncpus option? Why is that?

Most of PRESTO was written before multi-core processing was really much of a thing. And so it was designed to be mostly serial, with parallelism coming via independent searches of different DMs at the same time (which is why mpiprepsubband was written: to speed-up de-dispersion and to distribute the time series among many processors/nodes).

I've added some OpenMP pragmas over the years, and they make some small improvements in, for example, dedispersion loops. But the improvement is not great. For prepdata, prepsubband, and rfifind, I'd recommend not using more than 3-4 CPUs currently with -ncpus. And even then, you won't see anything close to a 3-4x speedup (probably only a couple tens of percent).

accelsearch is the exception, and it does fairly well with -ncpus, although the performance got much worse after the addition of the jerk-search code.

In summary, the OpenMP stuff is very much a work in progress, and I'd love to work with someone on this if there is any interest. I suspect that significant speed-ups could be had without a ton of work. It is on my ToDo list!

I'm interested in using mpiprepsubband to speed-up dedispersion. How exactly is it used?

One of the biggest problems with dedispersion is the I/O bottleneck -- you are taking data in one big raw-data file and producing hundreds or even many thousands of time series. Most computer systems don't do well with many parallel output streams, and so it can take a long time to write all of those dedispersed files.

One way to help the output is to split it over many different machines. That way, each machine gets a fraction of the time series and there is less bottleneck on each machine. This is what mpiprepsubband does. A single CPU reads the raw data, it distributes it over the network to different nodes, and each node (using many cpus on each node) then dedisperses a fraction of the DMs.

In order to translate a dedispersion plan (as generated by using the -s subband option) into a proper call for mpiprepsubband, there are several things to remember:

  • You will probably not see much of an advantage unless you dedisperse using multiple different machines. Many cores on the same machine does not solve the I/O problem.
  • You need one CPU on a machine that can see the raw data. And then N other CPUs on each of M other machines/nodes to do the dedispersion. That means a total of M * N + 1 CPUs. And the bigger M is (i.e. number of dedispersing nodes), the better your I/O performance will be.
  • A single mpiprepsubband call is like a full line of the output: each of the M * N dedispersing CPUs is equivalent to an independent prepsubband call.
  • The total number of DMs from an mpiprepsubband run must be divisible by M * N (i.e. each CPU generates the same number of output DMs).
  • knows about these constraints and will use them if you use the -p numprocs flag.

I have some data in some format XXX. I want to search it with PRESTO. How do I do that?

If your data have multiple frequency channels, you first need to integrate them (with de-dispersion, if necessary) in order create a 1-D time series. A very good way to do that, which will let you use almost all of PRESTO's tools is to convert the data to the relatively simple SIGPROC filterbank format (there are some tools in PRESTO to help with that -- see below).

If your data are events, you need to put them into a binned 1-D time series if you are going to search them with accelsearch. There is a PRESTO utility for that called toas2dat. Note that prepfold can fold events directly using the -events option, if you specify their format and have a ".inf" file that describes the observation.

Finally, your 1-D time series need to be saved in binary form as 32-bit floating point numbers. You should give it a ".dat" suffix. You then need an ASCII ".inf" file to go with it. You can use the PRESTO tutorial and de-disperse one of the test datasets to see what a radio ".inf" file looks like and simply edit it for your data.

Note that you probably need $10^4$ (at least) points in a time series to make it worthwhile to search with accelsearch. And even then, you need to be very careful about the frequency limits -flo and -fhi if they are outside the normal pulsar-search regime!

I have some baseband data (perhaps from a Software-defined Radio or SDR setup), can I get that into a format for PRESTO to process?

I'd recommend that you convert your data to the simple (except for the header...ugh) SIGPROC filterbank format after "detecting" and channelizing.

To get data in SIGPROC format, you will need to write a SIGPROC header, and then simply append the binary-format channelized Stokes I (i.e. total intensity) data right after that.

The DSPSR software suite does have the capability to do some of these things (i.e. channelizing and detecting baseband and writing it to SIGPROC or PSRFITS format), but it might not know about the exact format of data you are using. The routine in DSPSR you would want is called digifil.

Alternatively, there is some python code in PRESTO that you can hack so that you can write a filterbank header and then stream the data into the file from numpy arrays (for instance). The code is called in $PRESTO/python/presto/. And there is some related code in the same directory called

Do the p and pdot (or f and fdot) values returned by PRESTO refer to beginning of the dataset or the middle of the dataset?

Depends on the search tool:

  • For accelsearch, the f, fdot, (and fdotdot, if requested) returned are average values during the observation, so they apply to the midpoint of the dataset.

  • For prepfold, the reference time is always the beginning of the observation.

Can I get the average barycentric velocity of an observatory during an observation in a nicer way than running (e.g.) prepdata on the raw data file?

Yes, there is a python convenience function available in the 2nd-level presto module (i.e. from presto import presto):

get_baryv(ra, dec, mjd, T, obs="PK"):
  Determine the average barycentric velocity towards 'ra', 'dec'
  during an observation from 'obs'. The RA and DEC are in the
  standard string format (i.e. 'hh:mm:ss.ssss' and 'dd:mm:ss.ssss').
  'T' is in sec and 'mjd' is (of course) in MJD. The obs variable
  is the standard two character string from TEMPO:  PK, GB, AO, GM, JB, ...

Note: there is also a general-purpose barycentering code you can run called bary, where you feed it topocentric UTC MJDs in ASCII from STDIN (and give it a single '.' to tell it you are done).

Some of my plot *.ps outputfiles are not being written correctly. The filenames are chopped off! What's up with that?

PGPLOT has a hardcoded limit on the length of a filename of something like 90 characters. So if you are including a long absolute path, or specifying a very long output filename, you might run into this and get a truncated filename!

If an absolute path is the issue, I recommend writing the output files to the current directory, and then moving the files once they are written. This isn't something I can really fix in PRESTO.

RFI-related questions

Are zapping with .birds files and masking using rfifind the only type of RFI removal in PRESTO?

RFI is handled multiple ways in PRESTO, most of which are optional. There is a pretty good discussion about them in Lazarus et al 2015.

The quick summary is that RFI is handled in at least six different ways:

  1. Any processing of a raw data file (i.e. SIGPROC filterbank or PSRFITS search-mode) by default has clipping turned on, which will zap zero-DM short-duration pulses or data dropouts. It is controlled with the flag -clip which sets the threshold time-domain S/N to clip, or turned off completely with -noclip. I highly recommend that you not turn this off! It is almost always useful and will not harm (the vast majority of) dispersed astrophysical pulses.
  2. rfifind finds and masks short duration and/or narrow band periodicities or time-domain statistical anomalies in the data. There are many options. You can also generate channel zaplists using and, which can used handled by the various prep* routines.
  3. Red-noise suppression in the power spectrum of de-dispersed data (i.e. ".fft" file) using the rednoise command.
  4. ".birds"-file zapping of known periodic signals during Fourier searches via zapbirds,, or accelsearch itself (if searching ".dat" files directly). This is used to zap broad-band periodic signals such as known pulsars, power line modulation, etc, directly in the power spectrum (i.e. ".fft" file).
  5. can remove anomalous candidates during search sifting (user configurable).
  6. You can use -zerodm processing (see Eatough et al, 2009) after running rfifind and using the resulting mask files with the prep* routines. Be careful with this as it definitely removes power from mildly-dedispersed pulsar signals! (But it can also be extremely useful.)

What is the difference between using -ignorechan and explicitly including channels that you want to zap in an rfifind mask using -zapchan? Is one preferred over the other?

-ignorechan is a recent-ish addition to PRESTO, and, in general, gives better performance for most cases if know know for certain what channels you want to zap for the full observation. You pass the list of bad channels to rfifind and all of the other raw-data routines in PRESTO (i.e. prepdata, prepsubband, prepfold, and mpiprepsubband), and those routines then completely ignore those channels. If those channels have bad data (i.e. they are at band edges or something like that), this will allow rfifind to do its job on the channels where there is real signal and real noise.

The difference between using -ignorechan and -zapchan is that the former completely ignores those channels in all processing (as if they were pure zeros), while the latter, when used with an rfifind mask, will effectively replace the channel values with a smooth-ish running median (as determined from the rfifind "stats" file) for that channel over the observation.

If the data are well behaved, then they should both do about the same thing. However, if the input data are badly behaved, for example if the power levels change a lot during the observation, and especially if the statistics of the channels in question are highly variable, then masking the data can end up leaving low-frequency artifacts in the resulting time series or folds. And those often show up in your searches or folds and are not good.

If you don't know what channels might be bad, and which you might want to use -ignorechan on, you could do a quick first pass with rfifind on a portion of the data (for instance) to identify the bad channels, and then make an -ignorechan list from that. That's exactly what rfifind + + does. And if you are lucky, you can simply use the resulting -ignorechan and its values and not even use an rfifind mask.

The way I use -zapchan (which is only rarely) is almost always after I do a search (or after closely looking at my rfifind mask results) where I see that some periodic RFI is leaking through into certain channels. So I change the mask (via rfifind -nocompute) to explicitly add those channels (they may have been partly masked but didn't pass the -intfrac cutoff to have them zapped completely).

I'm seeing strong 60 (or 50!) Hz signals in my accelsearch results which are obviously from the power mains. Why doesn't rfifind filter that out?

If the 50Hz signal is strong enough to show up in individual frequency channels for relatively short periods of time, then rfifind will flag it (and mask away that channel). However, usually power mains signals are weaker and show up across the band (i.e. they are too weak to be detected in a single channel after only integrating for a few seconds). We usually zap those in the FFT searches using a ".birds" file (with the zapbirds or commands). That zeros out portions of the power spectrum where there are known RFI signals (and their harmonics!). Run with no command line options for more information.

This is discussed a little bit in the PRESTO tutorial, and in more detail in Lazarus et al 2015.

My time series has a lot of low-frequency noise in it. Can I remove that in some way?

Yes, at least to get a pretty good removal of the rednoise, try this:

  1. Prepare and de-disperse your data as per usual to get a ".dat"/".inf" file pair.
  2. Run realfft on the ".dat" file to get a ".fft" file.
  3. Run rednoise on the ".fft" file. That will create a "_red.fft" file that will have been de-reddened.
  4. If you simply want to search the data, you can search the "_red.fft" file.
  5. If you want a de-reddened time series, perhaps for folding with prepfold, run realfft on the "_red.fft" file, which will inverse-FFT it and create a new "_red.dat" file that will be the de-reddened time series.

This tends to work quite well!

How are periodic signals searched for in rfifind?

Each small chunk (in time) of data from each frequency channel is FFT'd, converted to powers, and then normalized before being searched by the routine search_fft() which is in minifft.c. The normalization constant is computed from the standard deviation of the time series (and the number of points) for the small chunk of data that is being FFT'd.

rfifind then takes the result of that search and checks if any of the powers in the short FFT (in one interval in one channel) are above the equivalent gaussian significance -freqsig if you search an FFT of that length (including trials factors).

Can I get or change the information in the rfifind masks in Python?

Yes. There is a rfifind module in PRESTO's Python tools. That at least lets you read and play with mask and statistics values from rfifind. It is not currently possible to write "mask" files, but that could change (and would not be difficult). Here is an example of usage:

In [1]: import presto.rfifind as r

In [2]: r = r.rfifind("GBT_Lband_PSR_rfifind.mask")

In [3]: r.nint
Out[3]: 37

In [4]: r.read_mask()

In [5]: shape(r.mask_zap_chans_per_int)
Out[5]: (37,)

In [6]: r.mask_zap_chans_per_int
[array([56, 59, 94], dtype=int32),
 array([18, 32, 53, 94], dtype=int32),
 array([44, 50, 94], dtype=int32),
 array([94], dtype=int32)]

Note that the first r.rfifind() call does a read_mask() automatically. So that is already available in r.mask_zap_chans_per_int as soon as you load the first file.

Does rfifind use the same frequency channel numbering as the original raw data file?

So PRESTO always processes data so that the lowest frequency channel is channel 0. If the bandwidth is reversed in a filterbank or PSRFITS file, it will flip it in memory automatically.

You can tell if this is happening by running readfile on the file. If the BW is lower sideband (i.e. needs flipped) you will see:

       Invert the band? = True

If you see that, you likely will need to change your channel ordering if you want to zap channels using other software (i.e. PSRCHIVE).

You can view the band and channel mask by using the command MYFILE_rfifind.inf

Python modules questions

Do you have any Python code to compute [SOMETHING ABOUT PULSARs]?

Maybe! I highly recommend you browse the code in $PRESTO/python, and especially the highly useful I normally load that with: import presto.psr_utils as pu.

You can also read in rfifind result files using the presto.rfifind module and prepfold files using the presto.prepfold module. The ATNF pulsar database is available in presto.pypsrcat. And there are tools for reading filterbank and PSRFITs files into PRESTO as well (i.e.,, and You can read TEMPO residuals using

Pulsar searching / accelsearch questions

What are reasonable ranges to use for -zmax and/or -wmax if I want to find binary millisecond pulsars?

This was discussed a bit near the end of section 2.2 in Andersen & Ransom 2018. I ran a bunch of simulations on MSPs around stellar-mass-type companions, and the vast majority can be detected with -zmax < 200 or so, and -wmax < 600, if the orbital period is longer than about 10 times observation duration.

Note that all acceleration and jerk effects affect higher harmonics of a pulsar signal more than they do the fundamental. So you can typically drop the number of harmonics you search (-numharm) down to 4 or so if you are looking for really accelerated systems.

If you are looking for massive companions (i.e. big black holes), then the zmax and wmax values can be quite a bit larger (i.e. in the thousands). The problem there lies in the fact that as you go to very large zmax values, it is likely that the acceleration isn't constant during the observation, and so you need to use some jerk searching to compensate. The same thing happens for the constant jerk assumption in jerk searches, but PRESTO doesn't have "snap" searches yet... ;-)

What is a sigma in accelsearch and what does it mean?

In short, sigma is the probability that a given signal might be due to noise, but expressed in terms of equivalent gaussian sigma, despite what the true probability distribution for noise values is. In other words, it is shorthand for a probability.

The way that sigmas are computed in searches is a tricky thing. And even in an individual accelsearch "cands" file, the sigma term means different things depending where you are looking in the file.

The "summary" candidate list at the top of the file is from the search through the full f/fdot plane, where the Fourier powers are normalized by block running medians.

In the bottom, where the harmonics of each candidate are analyzed, each harmonic is individually maximized in the f/fdot plane, and the average local power level is measured using powers around the harmonic but not including the 5 closest Fourier bins on each side.

If the data are statistically very well behaved and if the harmonic is not super strong, so that the sinc-function sidelobes don't mess up the local power computation, then the normalized powers measured in both ways should be quite similar.

But if there is a lot of RFI or red noise or some other reason why the power spectrum isn't "nice" (as you would get from pure and unchanging gaussian noise in the time domain), then the two different normalizations might be quite different.

The normalization used in the search is faster, while the normalization used for optimization is "more correct" (since it doesn't at all use the frequency in question, but only nearby frequencies).

But that is just the power. The sigmas as calculated from the powers have another important difference:

  • The significance at the top of the files in the summary candidate list includes a correction for the number of independent frequencies/fdots searched (for that single run of accelsearch, i.e. not including others DM trials, for instance). That is the so-called "look-elsewhere" effect.
  • The significances at the bottom of the candidates file (where you get detailed information about each harmonic of each candidate), assume that you are searching only a single Fourier frequency (i.e. single trial, so there is no trials correction). That means that for a single-harmonic search, even with pure gaussian data, you would see different significances top and bottom.

Note, however, that is made for comparing results between different searches (i.e. over DMs, for instance), and so the sigmas that it returns are all single-trial, so that they can be compared!

Finally, as to what the sigmas mean, in general, they are the equivalent gaussian significance (i.e. meaning as if the powers were gaussian distributed, which they are not, they are $\chi^2$ distributed) that you would see that power sum (with or without the trials factor corrections as mentioned above). In other words, PRESTO computes the CDF of the appropriate $\chi^2$ distribution (the numbers of degrees of freedom are 2 times the numbers of harmonics summed) and then converts that to a probability. That probability is then quoted in sigma as if the PDF were gaussian and not $\chi^2$. That's because most people are used to thinking about "sigma" as being from a gaussian distribution.

How can one obtain the spectral signal-to-noise (S/N) from a given sigma value for an accelsearch candidate?

I actually recommend that you don't do that. I think that S/N in the Fourier domain (and especially in powers) is not a really useful quantity. You can't directly compare the S/Ns of different numbers of harmonics, for example. But you can compare their equivalent gaussian significances. That is precisely why I use sigma (i.e. probabilities) and not S/N.

However, if you need to do it for some reason, basically, the power spectrum is normalized so that the mean noise values have a level of one. But these are powers. S/N should be in amplitude. So you would take the normalized power level of a harmonic, take the sqrt of it (to convert it to an amplitude), and subtract 1 from the result (since the mean is 1). You can sum the S/N of each harmonic together to get a rough idea of the S/N of the signal as a whole. But once again, beware that you cannot properly compare the S/N of a sum of 16 harmonic powers with the S/N of a sum of 8 harmonics, for instance. They have very different probability distributions ($\chi^2$ with 32 and 16 degrees of freedom, respectively).

How do I change the candidate threshold in accelsearch? And how is it defined?

If you simply run accelsearch you will see all of the default options. One of those is -sigma, with a default value of 2. That number is the equivalent gaussian significance of a candidate, using the initial median-block normalization (or normalization via number of photons if using -photon), and including the number of independent trials searched for that time series.

Given that that is already quite low, you probably don't want to go much below 1.5-sigma or so, or you'll start getting a lot of false positives.

I've restricted the frequency range of my search using -flo/-fhi or -rlo/-rhi, but accelsearch is still returning candidates outside of that range! Why is that?

Those options definitely work, however, they correspond to the frequencies of the highest harmonic searched. The subharmonics of those frequencies will also get searched, and those subharmonics might be below the frequency of -flo. If you are searching only with a single harmonic (-numharm 1), then the frequency ranges work exactly as you would expect.

The reason accelsearch does this is that harmonic summing is done based on the highest harmonic in order to save operations and memory. If we search a region around frequency N, that corresponds to a single-harmonic search. If we add to that the frequencies around N/2, then it is a two-harmonic search. To get a four harmonic search, we only need to then add the frequencies around N/4 and 3N/4. And all of these subharmonics are smaller "chunks" of the f/fdot plane that can be interpolated to exactly correspond to the full-resolution search around frequency N.

Note that the frequency ranges also change the number of independent trials searched, and so they will affect the sigmas returned by accelsearch.

Is there any documentation on how to do sideband modulation analyses?

No. Very simply, you run search_bin on ".fft" files, and manually examine the resulting candidate files. If there are good candidates, you can try to get a phase-coherent model of the signal using the bincand command (which is quite time-consuming). But both of these codes are really stale. I don't think I've run them in 8+ years, so there could easily be bugs. It has been on my to-do list to update for a long time...

For reference, the details as to what is going on in these codes is described in Ransom, Cordes, & Eikenberry, 2003.

prepfold questions

How does prepfold decide on the step sizes and ranges of DM, period, and p-dot to search?

Since prepfold is based on folding data, which by definition needs to account for pulse phase correctly, the search ranges are based on a accounting for error in phase drift over the duration of the observation for p and p-dot and over the bandwidth of the observation for DM. In general, we allow for 1 or 2 full phase wraps of error (meaning one or two pulse periods, which we have divided into the number of bins that are in the pulse profile, $N$).

For period and p-dot, it is easier to think in terms of spin frequency $f$ and frequency-derivative $\dot f$. If the observation duration is $T$, then the phase drift $\Delta \phi$ you will get from a frequency error $\Delta f$ or f-dot error $\Delta \dot f$ is:

$\Delta \phi = \Delta f T + \Delta \dot f T^2 /2 + \dots$

So prepfold allows usually +/-2 full phase wraps of error, which is quantized for each pulse period by the number of bins in the profile, $N$. Usually stepping every individual bin is overkill, so the default stepsize is 2 bins in the period direction and 4 bins in the p-dot direction. You can control the stepsizes using -pstep and -pdstep and the number of rotations we allow using -npfact.

It works very similarly with DM in that we quantize the DM delays as a function of observing frequency in the $N$ bins of the pulse profile and look at the total delays across the full observing band. Typically we allow +/-3 full rotations across the band due to DM error, and can control the stepsize using -dmstep and the number of rotations using -ndmfact. This is one of the main reasons why if you are folding a slow pulsar (which means you don't have good resolution in DM) that you want to use a larger number of bins (100 or more) in your pulse profile in order to better resolve the DM curve. Note that we don't plot or search negative DMs, so DM=0 is always a hard minimum.

There are -fine and -coarse options that give you finer or coarser resolution in these dimensions, as well as a -slow option that helps you out for folding slow pulsars.

What is all of this chi-square and reduced chi-squared stuff and what does it mean?

prepfold uses the reduced chi-squared (or $\chi^2_{red}$) as a way of determining how significant pulsations are in your "folded" data (meaning when you take data and co-add it modulo an assumed pulsation period). The technique has been around for quite a while and is often known as "epoch folding" (See section IIIb in Leahy et. al 1983 for details).

Basically, this is like a normal $\chi^2$ goodness-of-fit statistic, but in this case, the model that we are fitting to the data is a constant one, i.e. no pulsations. We compute the $\chi^2$ of the folded profile compared to the average value of the folded profile. The resulting statistic (assuming gaussian random data in the time series) is $\chi^2$ distributed with Nbins-1 Degrees of Freedom, where Nbins is the number of bins in the pulse profile.

Because of the exact way that prepfold folds binned data, the statistics are slightly more complicated than that, in reality (see below), but the bottom line is that the larger the $\chi^2_{red}$ is, the more likely it was that noise fluctuations didn't cause it (i.e. it is due to real pulsations). There are better and alternate statistics we could use, but $\chi^2$ is quick and simple and quite sensitive to narrow pulse profiles, which we often have in radio pulsar searches.

Note that for the statistics to be reasonably correct (in the face of strong RFI, for instance), the off-pulse (i.e. away from the periodicity in question) $\chi^2_{red}$ noise floor should be approximately 1. That makes sense because in that part of parameter space there should be no pulsations, and so the no-pulsations model should fit the data well and give a $\chi^2_{red} \sim 1$.

In a prepfold plot of a search candidate, there is a significance provided by the chi-square. Does that include the number of trials searched?

No, the $\chi^2$ from prepfold is single-trial significance. And it is only valid if the mean of the off-pulse (i.e. away from the periodicity in question) $\chi^2_{red}$ noise floor is approximately 1.

What is a sigma in prepfold and what does it mean?

Just as for sigma in accelsearch, sigma in prepfold is the probability that a given pulsed signal might be due to noise, but expressed in terms of equivalent gaussian sigma, despite that the true probability distribution for prepfold trials is $\chi^2$. In other words, it is shorthand for a probability.

As described above and below, prepfold uses reduced chi-squared to determine pulsation significance (which, if all due to noise, would be distributed as a $\chi^2$ distribution with Nbins-1 degrees of freedom), and so the probability is based on that number.

For real pulsar signals, that probability can be a tiny number, so I convert it to the equivalent gaussian significance in sigma (i.e. meaning as if the significance distribution was gaussian distributed rather than $\chi^2$) since that is nicer numerically and we are often used to thinking of things in terms of gaussian significance.

Why is the number of degrees of freedom a fraction and why does it have a subscript "EFF"?

The folding algorithm in prepfold is different than in many other pulsar folding codes. Instead of assuming that each datapoint is a delta function in time, and therefore corresponding to an infinitely short portion of a pulsar's rotation (which can be put all in one pulse profile bin), prepfold assumes that the data point is finite in duration (i.e. integrated in time), which most data actually are, especially search-mode data which PRESTO is focused on.

prepfold knows the instantaneous start and end phases of each input data bin, and it effectively "drizzles" the content of that data bin uniformly over as many pulse profile bins as are needed to contain it in phase. If the duration of the data bins are similar to or longer than the duration of the pulse profile bins, the "drizzling" causes significant correlations between neighboring pulse profile bins. And that leads to effectively smoother profiles (i.e. less RMS from the noise) and fewer effective degrees of freedom if you use $\chi^2$ for significance, as prepfold does.

There is a semi-analytic correction for this effect that has been tested using large numbers of simulations with fake data. You can see it in the DOF_corr function/method in src/fold.c or python/presto/, respectfully. That correction can also be used to correct for the noise level in the pulse profile, for more accurate flux densities estimates via the radiometer equation, for example ( uses the correction; newrms = oldrms / sqrt(DOF_corr)).

The effect and the correction are described in detail in Appendix E of the recent paper Bachetti et al., 2021.

What are all of these options in prepfold for? How do I know what I should be using?

  • In general, if you are folding candidates from an accelsearch run:

    • Use the -accelcand # and -accelfile FILE options to specify the basic p/pdot/pdotdot values of the fold, directly from the search.
    • If you are folding raw data, make sure you also specify the -dm!
    • If you find that your candidate is actually a harmonic (or if you want to check), you can adjust the folding parameters automatically to account for that using -pfact or -ffact, which are multiplicative factors on the period or spin frequency.
  • If you are folding topocentric time series data in order to get quick-and-dirty TOAs for solving a timing solution, for example, make sure that you fold with -nosearch and -n which is a power-of-two so that you will be able to get TOAs using

  • For folding raw data, in general, I recommend setting -nsub to be between 50-250, with good values for most pulsar instruments being 64 or 128 (since most have powers-of-two channels). That is high enough frequency resolution to remove narrow band interference, if needed, but coarse enough frequency resolution so that you are integrating enough signal to see your pulsar in each subband! The default -nsub tries to combine roughly 8-10 frequency channels into each subband.

  • Also for folding raw data, remember that you can use an rfifind mask file using -mask or specify channels to ignore via an -ignorechan option. Those can really help with bad RFI. You can also use -zerodm to fold with zero-DM subtraction.

  • If you have a particularly faint pulsar candidate, the -fine option can help make sure that you latch on to it, rather than any other nearby noise peaks, since it searches a smaller region of p/pd/pdd/DM volume.

  • The -coarse option doubles the normal size of each dimension of the p/pd/pdd/DM volume, and so is useful for searching for brighter pulsars where you don't have an exact ephemeris and so need to search a bit more.

  • If you fold a slow pulsar (for most pulsar searches, that would be probably periods greater than 100 ms, or so), I recommend that you use the -slow option. That specifies the -fine option, which helps prevent you from latching on to nearby RFI, and it also gives you 100 profile bins (i.e. -n 100). Since most slow pulsars don't show much acceleration, you should also probably use -nopdsearch, which will also help avoid latching on to interference. If you don't have a lot of dispersion, I also recommend using -nodmsearch, or you can easily latch onto DM=0 interference.

  • If you have a good timing-based parfile (i.e. ephemeris) for your pulsar, you should probably fold with -timing. That provides multiple advantages:

    • It folds with polycos and doesn't do any searching. That allows you to get TOAs from the .pfd file using PRESTO's or PSRCHIVE's pat.
    • It automatically sets -dm based on the parfile value.
    • It makes sure that the number of profile bins is a power of two (needed for PRESTO's implementation of FFTFIT to get TOAs).
    • It sets the number of intervals to 60 by default, which is highly factorable (and allows you to generate a variety of different numbers of TOAs using
    • It uses -fine, which makes (IMO) the final plots look nicer.
    • Note that if you want to use the absolute phase information in a parfile (which might be able to keep all of your pulse profiles aligned over many days), you can use the -absphase option. You can't currently get good TOAs using data folded that way, though. If you need this functionality, please let me know.
    • Folding with -par only uses polycos to fold, and doesn't do any of the other things. So you probably don't want to use that ever.
  • If you are just doing a very rough and non-scientific fold of some data (i.e. a test pulsar), you can use the -psr option and specify a pulsar name. prepfold will grab the best information for the pulsar from the ATNF Pulsar Database and fold with that (allowing searching). You cannot use .pfd files folded in that way for TOAs.

  • For some PSRFITs data, if you fold with -noscales and -nooffsets you effectively get a bandpass-flattened fold. That can often be useful.

  • Folding with binary parameters specified is almost never needed. If you have a binary, you should be folding with accelsearch-determined parameters from a search, or with -timing if you have a good ephemeris.

  • You should only use -searchpdd if you are not also searching in DM!

  • You normally do not need to specify -psrfits or -filterbank unless your filename is bizarre.

  • If you notice after the fold that interference or some other issue has made the off-candidate $\chi^2$ values far from 1 (meaning you get bad statistics and pulse significance, and sometimes see drops in the accumulated $\chi^2$ curve), you can attempt a post-facto fix of that using show_pfd -fixchi MYFILE.pfd

There is some RFI in my prepfold plot, can I get rid of that post-facto?

You can use the show_pfd routine to re-generate the prepfold plots and statistics. That routine has -killparts and -killsubs options for zapping individual, or ranges, of intervals in time, or subbands in frequency.

In the prepfold plots, the numbering of the intervals and subbands is shown on the right side of the phase-vs-time and phase-vs-frequency greyscale plots.

As an example, if you want to zap channels 10, 13-17, 20-30, and 94 from you plot, the command would be:

> show_pfd -killsubs 10,13:17,20:30,94 MYFILE.pfd

Note that ":" replaces "-" for the range, and there are no spaces! And also remember that the 1st channel/subband is 0 and not 1!

How reliable are the uncertainties in the best period and period-derivative(s) as determined by prepfold?

The answer is that they can be pretty good if your data is well-behaved (i.e. gaussian noise, constant background levels, no interference, etc). But that isn't like most radio data, obviously.

In general, those errors come from combining the uncertainties for each fourier harmonic of the signal (via equations derived by John Middleditch, and available in Ransom, Eikenberry, & Middleditch). But they seem to underestimate the uncertainty for real signals a bit -- especially really bright ones. It helps if your stepsize in the P/Pdot plane is very fine (use the -fine option, for instance, and use more bins in the pulse profile).

De-reddening the time series data also helps as that makes the noise more like gaussian white noise (which the error derivations assumed).

Bottom line: they are likely underestimated by between 20-100% for real data, although very recently (June 2021) I pushed up a commit related to the correlation of prepfold's profile bins that likely fixes most of this issue. I'm planning to test it with fake data in the future.

Can I work with the folding data cube from prepfold (i.e. the .pfd file) with Python?

Yes! The module has a bunch of methods to let you do many interesting things with your ".pfd" files. Here is an example usage:

In [1]: import presto.prepfold as pp

In [2]: a = pp.pfd("GBT_Lband_PSR_4.62ms_Cand.pfd")

In [3]: a.use_for_timing()  # can we use this pfd file for TOAs?
Out[3]: False

In [4]: a.dedisperse(16)  # dedisperse at a DM of 16 pc/cm^3

In [5]: a.sumprof  # return the summed profile of the dedispersed data
array([5656790.31402834, 5652502.51116502, 5654345.94100014,
       5656388.48898718, 5656145.69576171, 5655103.75782315,
       5656093.92149403, 5654931.8004717 , 5654154.6155577 ,
       5655499.99197552, 5658468.12322909, 5658051.62727781, ...

There are lots of plotting and analysis options. Just take a read through the python/presto/ file, especially all the docstrings for the pfd class methods and attributes.

Also, note that PSRCHIVE can load in and work with some ".pfd" files!

In the "Optimizing" portion of a prepfold fold/search, it says "Warning!: This is 6535218305 trials! This will take forever!", and it is! How should I do this?

When you fold raw data for a search candidate, by default it searches over nearby DMs, periods, and p-dots ("pd"). That is a 3-dimensional search space, where each dimension is a few times the number of bins in the pulse profile. That is a lot of trials. If you then add searching over period second derivatives ("pdd", i.e. -searchpdd) that makes things orders of magnitudes worse since it is now a much bigger 4-D search.

What you should do if you get a good search candidate is to find the DM where the search signal was maximized and do a search over p, pd, and (if needed) pdd on the time series. Once that is optimized, and the candidate looks good in the time series fold, then fold the raw data using -nopsearch and -nodsearch and only allow it to search over DM. You can specify the best -pdd on the command line if it was needed, but don't specify -searchpdd.

Note that you can read the ASCII .pfd.bestprof file from the time series fold to get the optimized best values for -p, -pd, and -pdd instead of reading them off the prepfold plot.

With pat in PSRCHIVE, the left edge of the template is always phase=0, what does use for phase=0?

By default, uses the old "Princeton" method of rotating the template, so that the phase of the fundamental harmonic of the template is set to be at zero phase. So if you have a perfectly Gaussian template, then TOAs will be referenced at its peak, which would be phase zero (since the fundamental harmonic peaks at phase zero). This method lets you automatically do "pretty-good" alignment of similar templates even if you don't manually rotate/align them yourself.

You can get the same "don't rotate my template" behavior of pat if you use the --norotate (or -r) option to And the TOAs generated by pat and, in that case, should be nearly identical.

I'm getting bogus TOAs from this observation. Why is that?

It is likely that you folded allowing searching, and doesn't have enough information to properly determine the correct spin parameters and timing.

Try running on your ".pfd" file. If it returns True, you should be able to get good TOAs. If not, you probably need to re-fold using -nosearch.

De-dispersion or prepdata/prepsubband questions

For de-dispersion, where in a frequency channel does PRESTO assume that the frequency for that channel corresponds? Bottom, center, or top of the channel?

PRESTO does the same as SIGPROC and most other pulsar software and assumes that the frequency corresponds to the center of the channel. In addition, PRESTO never shifts the highest frequency channel during de-dispersion, but only brings the lower frequency channels "forward" in time.

Note that this also means that the MJD Epoch mentioned in a .inf file corresponds to the UTC time of the start of the first sample of the center of the highest frequency channel.

How does PRESTO decide what block-size or chunk-size to process raw data?

This has changed several times in the past. Since PRESTO processes things in terms of blocks (i.e. number of samples in time), it is useful to have that number be a big enough chunk of data that you can do useful work with it. But you also want it to be small enough to give you useful granularity in rfifind or in the prepfold subints in time.

For PSRFITS data, the minimum block size is the duration of each PSRFITS SUBINT row. But for SIGPROC filterbank files, it is hardcoded in PRESTO. If you have a need (and there are some special reasons why you might), it is possible to change that size. It is in $PRESTO/src/sigproc_fb.c in the line:

s->spectra_per_subint = 2400;        // use this as the blocksize

You then need to re-run "make".

I'm trying to downsample my data using prepdata or prepsubband and it is not letting me use certain downsampling factors. Why is that?

Your downsampling factor must be evenly divisible into the Spectra per subint for your data, which can be seen using the readfile command.

That number is the duration of each PSRFITS row, or for SIGPROC filterbank data, is hard-coded (see above question) at 2400 (which is highly factorable):

❯ factor 2400
2400: 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 5

So you can use -downsamp of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25, ... etc, which is pretty good.

If you use to plan your de-dispersion by pointing it at your raw data file, it will only give you downsample factors that your data supports.

I'd like to read the ".dat" and/or ".fft" files into Python. What is the easiest way to do that?

PRESTO's ".dat" files are straight 32-bit floats (i.e. numpy.float32, or typecode "f"), and the ".fft" files are straight 2x32-bit floats treated as complex numbers (i.e. numpy.complex64, or typecode "F"). This means that you can easily read them using numpy.fromfile:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: dat = np.fromfile("myfile.dat", dtype=np.float32)

In [3]: fft = np.fromfile("myfile.fft", dtype=np.complex64)

For the FFT data, the zeroth frequency bin (i.e. fft[0]) has the real-valued DC component in the real portion, and the real-valued Nyquist frequency stored as the imaginary portion! That is a common trick for packing FFT results so that the number of complex data points is N/2, where N was the length of the input time series, rather than N/2+1. The FFT amplitudes are also completely unnormalized (equivalent to using the "raw" normalization mode with explorefft).

Note that you can read in the information in the related ".inf" files using either:

In [4]: from presto import presto

In [5]: inf1 = presto.read_inffile("myfile.inf")
Reading information from "myfile.inf"

In [6]: inf1
Out[6]: <presto.presto.prestoswig.infodata; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'INFODATA *' at 0x7f8061d1ac00> 

which uses PRESTO's C-code and structures, as wrapped by swig, or:

In [7]: from presto import infodata

In [8]: inf2 = infodata.infodata("myfile.inf")

In [9]: inf2
Out[9]: <presto.infodata.infodata at 0x7f80c9d2d400>

which is pure Python (and therefore much easier to modify, if needed).

Please let me know if you have other things that you think should go in this file!

Scott Ransom [email protected]