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Notes on

File metadata and controls

180 lines (143 loc) · 3.52 KB

Notes from ASIC-World


  • Verilog is a hardware description language.
  • Hardware Description Language is used to describle digital hardware at any level(from flip-flop to a network switch).
// A simple D flip-flop
module d_ff(d, clk, q, q_bar);
input d, clk
output q, q_bar
wire d, clk
reg q, q_bar

always @ (posedge clk)
	q <= d;
	q_bar <= !d;

  • Verilog allows one to design hardware at different levels of abstraction.
    • Behavoiral Level
    • Register Transfer Language(RTL)
    • Gate level
    • Switch level

Design Styles

Bottom-up Design

  • Traditional Method.
  • Gate-level Design.
  • Not scalable.

Top-Down Design

  • Functional method.
  • Perfered by most engineers.
  • It also allows testing, easy change of different technologies, a structured system design.
  • But not practical, so most of the design is hybrid of the the two.

Verilog Abstraction Levels

Behavorial Level

  • Design is expressed by concurrent algorithms.
  • Each algorithm is sequential
  • Functions, tasks and blocks are the main elements
  • No regard to structural relization of the design

Regsiter Transfter Language

  • Specify circuits by operation and transfer of data between registers
  • clock used
  • Any code that is synthesizable is called RTL code

Gate Level

  • Logical links between components and timing characteristics
  • Signals are discrete
  • They take only one of the following level (1, 0, X, Z)
  • They are programmed using gates
  • It is not a scalable method so mostly it is generated by synthesis tools

Life Before Verilog

  • Before verilog chip design was done using schematics.
  • They are harder to verify and error-prone with long tedious developement cycles

Verilog Design Cycle

  1. Specification
  2. High Level design
  3. Low level(micro) design
  4. RTL coding
  5. Verification
  6. Synthesis

Case Study: Building an arbiter

Arbiter: A device that selects among two agents competing for mastership.

  1. Specification
    • Two agent arbiter.
    • Active high asynchronous reset.
    • Fixed Priority, with agen 0 having priority over agent 1.
    • Grant will be asserted as long as request is asserted.
  2. High Level Design

  1. Low Level Design

  1. RTL coding
  • It is automatically generated via verilog.


	module arbiter(
	input clock;
	input reset;
	input req_0;
	input req_1;

	output gnt_0;
	output gnt_1;

Types of Signal

  1. input
  2. output
  3. inout

Vector Signals

  • set of signal
  • inout [7:0] address represens an 8 bit bidirectional port

Data Type

  • driver is a data type that drives the load to the circuit
    • It can store data(flip-flop) - reg
    • It can connect end-points(wire) - wire


Control Statements

  • "{}" braces are replace by begin and end
  1. if-else statement
if(enable ==  1'b1) begin
	data = 10;
	address = 16'hDEAD;
	wr_enable = 1'b1;
end else begin
	data = 32'b0;
	wr_enable = 1'b0;
	address = address + 1;
  1. case statement
	0: $display ("case 1");
	1: $display ("case 2");
	default: $display ("case 3");
  1. while statement
while (free_time) begin
	$display("While loop");
  1. for loop
for(i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin
	$display("for loop %d", i);
  1. Repeat
repeat (16) begin
	$display("repeat loop %d", i);