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This is an Android application built using Java. The purpose of the application is to allow children or their parents to read stories.


  • Android API 29
  • Java (roughly equivalent to Java 8)


You can launch the app by copying the APK file /app/release/app-release.apk, or you can install the latest release version from Google Play.

Main functionality

Main screen

From the main screen, you can select:

  • All Stories: browse the list of all stories to select one to read;
  • Categories: browse stories from several categories. A story can be in multiple categories;
  • Favorites: see the list of stories that you marked as favorites;
  • Continue Last: open the last read story at the position where you left it. A story is counted as last read if it was open for at least 5 seconds;
  • Random Unread Story: opens a story at random from among all the stories with the Unread status;
  • Clear data: clears the lists of favorite and read stories.

The Categories screen shows the list of categories available for selection. After selecting the category (or after selecting All Stories from the main screen), you are redirected to the story list.

Story list

Here the read stories are displayed in different color, and favorite stories have a special icon.

After selecting a story, a Story screen is open.

Story screen

Here you can read the actual story. The app supports vertical scrolling and rotations. Buttons on the top allow you to:

  • Mark/unmark the story as a favorite;
  • Mark/unmark the story as read (a story is marked as read automatically after 10 seconds);
  • Move to the next/previous story in the selected category.


Android app for children and their parents that allows reading stories.




